International Marketing and Export Management (4th Edition)

Gerald Albaum, Jesper Strandskov, Edwin Duerr

  International Marketing and Export Management (4th Edition)  Gerald Albaum, Jesper Strandskov, Edwin Duerr  This fourth edition has been written in response to the rapid changes occurring in international marketing and the growth in importance of international markets to companies of all sizes. The key factors driving change, including major technological advances and lowered costs in communications, the emergence of e-commerce, improvements in transportation and logistics, continued lowering of barriers to trade and investment, the growth of international alliances and the increasing globalization of businessare examined. This book is focused on primarily on the marketing decisions and management processes involved in developing export and other international marketing operations. While the exporting focus remains for this fourth edition, more extensivematerial on other forms of entry and methods for evaluating market entry strategy and provided. This text is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in International Marketing or Export Marketing/International Trade. It can...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This fourth edition has been written in response to the rapid changes occurring in international marketing and the growth in importance of international markets to companies of all sizes. The key factors driving change, including major technological advances and lowered costs in communications, the emergence of e-commerce, improvements in transportation and logistics, continued lowering of barriers to trade and investment, the growth of international alliances and the increasing globalization of businessare examined. This book is focused on primarily on the marketing decisions and management processes involved in developing export and other international marketing operations. While the exporting focus remains for this fourth edition, more extensivematerial on other forms of entry and methods for evaluating market entry strategy and provided. This text is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate courses in International Marketing or Export Marketing/International Trade. It can......

Dictionary of Marketing Terms (Dictionary of Marketing Terms, 3rd Ed)

Betsy-Ann Toffler, Jane Imber

  Dictionary of Marketing Terms (Dictionary of Marketing Terms, 3rd Ed)  Betsy-Ann Toffler, Jane Imber  Books in Barron's pocket-sized Business Dictionaries series list thousands of specialized terms alphabetically, with concise definitions. The authors of books in this series are recognized authorities in their fields. Newly updated editions reflect new technologies and their business applications, as well as recent business trends. The new edition of this book presents more than 4,000 A-to-Z terms and definitions covering media analysis, target marketing, e-commerce, advertising art, copy, and production, radio and TV advertising and promotion, retailing, direct mail marketing, business-to- business promotion, and virtually all facets of sales and marketing operations. This new, expanded edition contains approximately 300 additional new and updated terms.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Books in Barron's pocket-sized Business Dictionaries series list thousands of specialized terms alphabetically, with concise definitions. The authors of books in this series are recognized authorities in their fields. Newly updated editions reflect new technologies and their business applications, as well as recent business trends. The new edition of this book presents more than 4,000 A-to-Z terms and definitions covering media analysis, target marketing, e-commerce, advertising art, copy, and production, radio and TV advertising and promotion, retailing, direct mail marketing, business-to- business promotion, and virtually all facets of sales and marketing operations. This new, expanded edition contains approximately 300 additional new and updated terms....

Search Engine Optimization with WebPosition Gold

Brad S. Konia

  Search Engine Optimization with WebPosition Gold  Brad S. Konia  Setting up a web site is only half the job; making sure people can find the site is the other. The higher your site ranks in the search engines, the greater the likelihood that the site will attract qualified traffic, resulting in increased sales. Searchengine optimization expert Brad Konia outlines the process of maximizing search engine positioning using WebPosition Gold 2, one of the most popular search engine software tools on the market.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Setting up a web site is only half the job; making sure people can find the site is the other. The higher your site ranks in the search engines, the greater the likelihood that the site will attract qualified traffic, resulting in increased sales. Searchengine optimization expert Brad Konia outlines the process of maximizing search engine positioning using WebPosition Gold 2, one of the most popular search engine software tools on the market....

The Web Collection: Macromedia Flash MX, Dreamweaver MX, and Fireworks MX

Sherry Bishop

  The Web Collection: Macromedia Flash MX, Dreamweaver MX, and Fireworks MX  Sherry Bishop  Learn basic to intermediate skills of Macromedia Flash, Fireworks and Dreamweaver, helping you to create dynamic Web sites while integrating the tools of each application.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Learn basic to intermediate skills of Macromedia Flash, Fireworks and Dreamweaver, helping you to create dynamic Web sites while integrating the tools of each application....

Me++ : The Cyborg Self and the Networked City

William J. Mitchell

  Me++ : The Cyborg Self and the Networked City  William J. Mitchell  With Me++ the author of City of Bits and e-topia completes an informal trilogy examining the ramifications of information technology in everyday life. William Mitchell describes the transformation of wireless technology in the hundred years since Marconi--the scaling up of networks and the scaling down of the apparatus for transmission and reception. It is, he says, as if With Me++ the author of City of Bits and e-topia completes an informal trilogy examining the ramifications of information technology in everyday life. William Mitchell describes the transformation of wireless technology in the hundred years since Marconi--the scaling up of networks and the scaling down of the apparatus for transmission and reception. It is, he says, as if "Brobdingnag had been rebooted as Lilliput"; Marconi's massive mechanism of tower and kerosene engine has been replaced by a palm-size cellphone. If the operators of Marconi's invention can be seen as human appendages to an immobile machine, today's hand-held devices can be seen as extensions of the human body. This transformation has, in turn, changed our relationship with our surroundings and with each other. The cellphone calls from the collapsing World Trade Center towers and the hijacked jets on September 11 were testimony to the intensity of this new state of continuous electronic......

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International Marketing and Export Management (4th Edition). Gerald Albaum, Jesper Strandskov, Edwin Duerr . Книги.

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