The Shape Shifters: Continuous Change for Competitive Advantage

John Mariotti

  The Shape Shifters: Continuous Change for Competitive Advantage  John Mariotti  The Shape Shifters Continuous Change For Competitive Advantage John L. Mariotti Only by developing a core that shifts constantly to deliver best value to customers will your company survive and succeed in the coming era of breathtaking change. In the pages of this revolutionary approach to building a The Shape Shifters Continuous Change For Competitive Advantage John L. Mariotti Only by developing a core that shifts constantly to deliver best value to customers will your company survive and succeed in the coming era of breathtaking change. In the pages of this revolutionary approach to building a "shape-shifting" company from the ground up, you?ll learn to: Get closer to your customers and develop a clear understanding of their mental picture of "value." Institute company-wide, integrated improvements ? not just piecemeal patches. Understand the difference between shape-shifting and popular trends such as reengineering. Develop "new partnerships" by combining teamwork, human insight, and new technologies. And much more! The day of the rigid, bureaucratic organization is waning, and a new day of learning and adapting is dawning. With the help of T## exciting new era! Mariotti?s new book focuses us on what matters most in business. growth......

Promoting and Sustaining Economic Reform in Zambia (Harvard Studies in International Development)

Catharine B. Hill, Malcolm F. McPherson

  Promoting and Sustaining Economic Reform in Zambia (Harvard Studies in International Development)  Catharine B. Hill, Malcolm F. McPherson  This collection of essays examines Zambia's efforts to promote economic reform during the 1990s. Following the restoration of democratic rule, the Government of Zambia adopted an ambitious program designed to stabilize the economy and lay the foundation for sustained growth and development. These essays describe the adjustment program, highlighting the attempts to reform the budget, the tax system, the financial system, agriculture and mining, and to create the human capacity to sustain the reforms. Major improvements in economic performance occurred from 1992 to 1995. After that, however, economic performance deteriorated as a result of the Government's selective abandonment of key elements of the reform program and the emergence of major governance problems. In response to international pressure, by 2001 the Government completed the sale of the copper mines and qualified for large-scale debt relief. The long delays involved seriously undermined economic performance. The volume...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This collection of essays examines Zambia's efforts to promote economic reform during the 1990s. Following the restoration of democratic rule, the Government of Zambia adopted an ambitious program designed to stabilize the economy and lay the foundation for sustained growth and development. These essays describe the adjustment program, highlighting the attempts to reform the budget, the tax system, the financial system, agriculture and mining, and to create the human capacity to sustain the reforms. Major improvements in economic performance occurred from 1992 to 1995. After that, however, economic performance deteriorated as a result of the Government's selective abandonment of key elements of the reform program and the emergence of major governance problems. In response to international pressure, by 2001 the Government completed the sale of the copper mines and qualified for large-scale debt relief. The long delays involved seriously undermined economic performance. The volume......

Guerrilla Saving: Secrets for Keeping Profits in Your Home-based Business

Conrad Levinson, Kathryn Tyler

  Guerrilla Saving: Secrets for Keeping Profits in Your Home-based Business  Conrad Levinson, Kathryn Tyler  Guerrilla Saving Tactics Help you Seize More of the Profits You?ve Earned Guerrilla Saving Tactics Help you Seize More of the Profits You?ve Earned "If Ben Franklin were around today, he?d be saying, ?Because of the current tax laws, a penny saved is twice as valuable as a penny earned.? And Ben would be combing Guerrilla Saving for the fortune in good advice it contains. "From paper clips to publicity tips, Guerrilla Saving is the resource guide that home-based business owners have long needed but didn?t know was possible. "Home-based entrepreneurs are a motivated and creative group. Jay Levinson and Kathryn Tyler have taken the best tips from some of the best guerrillas and laid them at our feet. If your future income is home-based, Guerrilla Saving: Secrets for Keeping Profits in Your Home-Based Business is the book you should devour tonight!" ?Marc Eisenson, author of The Banker?s Secret...

The Murphy-Kirk-Beresford Correspondence, 1982-1996

  The Murphy-Kirk-Beresford Correspondence, 1982-1996  This volume faithfully reproduces the public correspondence between Mr. Thomas A. Murphy, former Board Chairman of General Motors Corporation, and two accounting leaders, during the latter two's term of service as Chair of the Financial Accounting Standards Board [FASB]. The volume provides evidence of Murphy's importance as a thoughtful and influential accounting theorist, whose ideas are shared in the context of the open standard setting process adopted by the FASB. The chronological sequence of these letters provides the reader with a sense of momentum around a variety of important technical topics from consolidations through stock compensation. It also addresses a variety of other matters such as the importance of the Board's role as an independent standard setting agency. Also included are references to materials supplied in support of the correspondence and speech materials which relate to points of discussion in the correspondence. This volume represents a...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume faithfully reproduces the public correspondence between Mr. Thomas A. Murphy, former Board Chairman of General Motors Corporation, and two accounting leaders, during the latter two's term of service as Chair of the Financial Accounting Standards Board [FASB]. The volume provides evidence of Murphy's importance as a thoughtful and influential accounting theorist, whose ideas are shared in the context of the open standard setting process adopted by the FASB. The chronological sequence of these letters provides the reader with a sense of momentum around a variety of important technical topics from consolidations through stock compensation. It also addresses a variety of other matters such as the importance of the Board's role as an independent standard setting agency. Also included are references to materials supplied in support of the correspondence and speech materials which relate to points of discussion in the correspondence. This volume represents a......

Moderating Focus Groups: A Practical Guide for Group Facilitation

Thomas L. Greenbaum

  Moderating Focus Groups: A Practical Guide for Group Facilitation  Thomas L. Greenbaum  Designed specifically for the needs of the focus group moderator, this comprehensive guide covers everything from pre-session participant recruitment to post-session reporting. In addition, the author includes a wealth of advanced and new techniques, such as those for managing group dynamics, energizing a tired group, projective techniques, personality association and position fixing. Extremely practical and well-written, the book includes chapter summaries and a helpful glossary.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Designed specifically for the needs of the focus group moderator, this comprehensive guide covers everything from pre-session participant recruitment to post-session reporting. In addition, the author includes a wealth of advanced and new techniques, such as those for managing group dynamics, energizing a tired group, projective techniques, personality association and position fixing. Extremely practical and well-written, the book includes chapter summaries and a helpful glossary....

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The Shape Shifters: Continuous Change for Competitive Advantage. John Mariotti . Книги.

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