Visual Basic.NET at Work: Building 10 Enterprise Projects

Tony Martin, Dominic Selly

  Visual Basic.NET at Work: Building 10 Enterprise Projects  Tony Martin, Dominic Selly  Gain the tools to create 10 reusable enterprise projects utilizing the new features of VB.NET Going beyond the standard reference books, Tony Martin takes readers step-by-step through the process of creating ten reusable enterprise applications with the next version of Microsoft's leading programming language-Visual Basic.NET. Readers will start by building a standard application template, which will form the basis of all the projects. Martin explains how to combine VB.NET with other key technologies, such as Web Services, ASP.NET, XML, WebForms, and the Microsoft Mobile Framework, to solve the important issues corporate Visual Basic programmers face today. Microsoft Technologies CD-ROM includes complete source code for the projects in the book and the third-party tools required to build the projects. .NET Platform: The next big overhaul to Microsoft's technologies that will bring enterprise distributed computing to the next level by fully integrating the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Gain the tools to create 10 reusable enterprise projects utilizing the new features of VB.NET Going beyond the standard reference books, Tony Martin takes readers step-by-step through the process of creating ten reusable enterprise applications with the next version of Microsoft's leading programming language-Visual Basic.NET. Readers will start by building a standard application template, which will form the basis of all the projects. Martin explains how to combine VB.NET with other key technologies, such as Web Services, ASP.NET, XML, WebForms, and the Microsoft Mobile Framework, to solve the important issues corporate Visual Basic programmers face today. Microsoft Technologies CD-ROM includes complete source code for the projects in the book and the third-party tools required to build the projects. .NET Platform: The next big overhaul to Microsoft's technologies that will bring enterprise distributed computing to the next level by fully integrating the......

Exploring Numerical Methods: An Introduction to Scientific Computing

Peter Linz, Richard L. C. Wang

  Exploring Numerical Methods: An Introduction to Scientific Computing  Peter Linz, Richard L. C. Wang  Exploring Numerical Methods: An Introduction to Scientific Computing stresses insight and hands-on experience as it provides students in mathematics, engineering, computer science, and the physical sciences a well-crafted introduction to traditional numerical analysis topics. The text includes an exploration section with problems that deal with the practical issues of software evaluation, selection, modification, and solutions to not-entirely-open-ended problems. Designed to accommodate the needs of beginner and more experienced students, the text encourages active learning, and uses MATLAB to implement the methods and algorithms that it discusses. Students are provided with a strong experiential foundation for future study.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Exploring Numerical Methods: An Introduction to Scientific Computing stresses insight and hands-on experience as it provides students in mathematics, engineering, computer science, and the physical sciences a well-crafted introduction to traditional numerical analysis topics. The text includes an exploration section with problems that deal with the practical issues of software evaluation, selection, modification, and solutions to not-entirely-open-ended problems. Designed to accommodate the needs of beginner and more experienced students, the text encourages active learning, and uses MATLAB to implement the methods and algorithms that it discusses. Students are provided with a strong experiential foundation for future study....

Certification Circle: Microsoft Office XP Exam Reference Pocket Guide

Jennifer Campbell

  Certification Circle: Microsoft Office XP Exam Reference Pocket Guide  Jennifer Campbell  A great tool to use as a study companion, reference guide or to brush up on Microsoft Office skills.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин A great tool to use as a study companion, reference guide or to brush up on Microsoft Office skills....

Wan2tlk? Ltl Bk of Txt Msgs

Edited by Gabrielle Mander

  Wan2tlk? Ltl Bk of Txt Msgs  Edited by Gabrielle Mander  Michael O`Mara Books Limited.   What is this new language heating up your cell phone, pager, and e-mail? When you're IMing, are you stumped by the emoticons swarming in? Are messages becoming more cryptic and symbols more unrecognizable? If you're feeling at a loss, or even think you're in the know, you are in need of this pithy pocket guide to the hottest communication going. Text-messaging - the only way to go - for this year's fast, smooth talkers. Make your wishes known, your plans, your dates, in coded communication that's the wave of the future. Don't get left out of the text-message revolution.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Michael O`Mara Books Limited. What is this new language heating up your cell phone, pager, and e-mail? When you're IMing, are you stumped by the emoticons swarming in? Are messages becoming more cryptic and symbols more unrecognizable? If you're feeling at a loss, or even think you're in the know, you are in need of this pithy pocket guide to the hottest communication going. Text-messaging - the only way to go - for this year's fast, smooth talkers. Make your wishes known, your plans, your dates, in coded communication that's the wave of the future. Don't get left out of the text-message revolution....

Component-Based Software Quality: Methods and Techniques (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2693)

Alejandra Cechich, Mario Piattini, Antonio Vallecillo

  Component-Based Software Quality: Methods and Techniques (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2693)  Alejandra Cechich, Mario Piattini, Antonio Vallecillo  Component-based software development, CBSD, is no longer just one more new paradigm in software engineering, but is effectively used in development and practice. So far, however, most of the efforts from the software engineering community have concentrated on the functional aspects of CBSD, leaving aside the treatment of the quality issues and extra-functional properties of software components and component-based systems. This book is the first one focusing on quality issues of components and component-based systems. The 16 revised chapters presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book; together with an introductory survey, they give a coherent and competent survey of the state of the art in the area. The book is organized in topical parts on COTS selection, testing and certification, software component quality models, formal models to quality assessment, and CBSD management.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Component-based software development, CBSD, is no longer just one more new paradigm in software engineering, but is effectively used in development and practice. So far, however, most of the efforts from the software engineering community have concentrated on the functional aspects of CBSD, leaving aside the treatment of the quality issues and extra-functional properties of software components and component-based systems. This book is the first one focusing on quality issues of components and component-based systems. The 16 revised chapters presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book; together with an introductory survey, they give a coherent and competent survey of the state of the art in the area. The book is organized in topical parts on COTS selection, testing and certification, software component quality models, formal models to quality assessment, and CBSD management....

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Visual Basic.NET at Work: Building 10 Enterprise Projects. Tony Martin, Dominic Selly . Книги.

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