Finance and Competitiveness in Developing Countries

Jose Maria Fanelli, Rohinton Medhora, International Development Research Centre

  Finance and Competitiveness in Developing Countries  Jose Maria Fanelli, Rohinton Medhora, International Development Research Centre  This volume represents a uniquely thorough investigation of trace and financial policy as it impacts upon Third World development. A broad range of international case studies, from Indonesia, Uruguay and Tunisisa, offer a wealth of empirical material andstatistical information.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This volume represents a uniquely thorough investigation of trace and financial policy as it impacts upon Third World development. A broad range of international case studies, from Indonesia, Uruguay and Tunisisa, offer a wealth of empirical material andstatistical information....

Business Communication for Managers With Infotrac: An Advanced Approach College Edition

John M. Penrose

  Business Communication for Managers With Infotrac: An Advanced Approach College Edition  John M. Penrose  This text presents balanced treatment of both the theory and applications of managerial communication. Content includes strong coverage of ethics, cross-cultural communication and the newest technological influences in communication. Unique, practical chapters on visual support of written and oral presentations are provided in addition to coverage on how to write and deliver a case analysis, meeting management, and report writing. Strong integrated coverage of technology continues throughout this edition. While communication concepts remain largely the same -- the technology that is used to communicate has changed and these changes are reflected in the fifth edition. Coverage of listening skills, intercultural communication, e-plagiarism, developingPowerPoint presentations, and writing instructions has been extensively enhanced.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This text presents balanced treatment of both the theory and applications of managerial communication. Content includes strong coverage of ethics, cross-cultural communication and the newest technological influences in communication. Unique, practical chapters on visual support of written and oral presentations are provided in addition to coverage on how to write and deliver a case analysis, meeting management, and report writing. Strong integrated coverage of technology continues throughout this edition. While communication concepts remain largely the same -- the technology that is used to communicate has changed and these changes are reflected in the fifth edition. Coverage of listening skills, intercultural communication, e-plagiarism, developingPowerPoint presentations, and writing instructions has been extensively enhanced....

Learning Policy: Towards the Certified Society

Patrick Ainley

  Learning Policy: Towards the Certified Society  Patrick Ainley  Learning Policy identifies for the first time a new area of social policy. The distinguishing feature of this new policy is that it integrates education and training with the economy in an unprecedented manner. This integration is undertaken as part of economic development alongside social policies contributing to the reforms of the welfare state. The evolution of such a policy is traced through five phases in England and Wales from the post-war settlement represented by the 1988 Education Act and the 1992 Further and Higher Education Act. In the latest phase of Learning Policy, the New Labour government is seen as moving further toward privatizing education and training at all levels at the same time as using a regionally differentiated education and training system for social control. In conclusion, an alternative direction for education and training is indicated.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Learning Policy identifies for the first time a new area of social policy. The distinguishing feature of this new policy is that it integrates education and training with the economy in an unprecedented manner. This integration is undertaken as part of economic development alongside social policies contributing to the reforms of the welfare state. The evolution of such a policy is traced through five phases in England and Wales from the post-war settlement represented by the 1988 Education Act and the 1992 Further and Higher Education Act. In the latest phase of Learning Policy, the New Labour government is seen as moving further toward privatizing education and training at all levels at the same time as using a regionally differentiated education and training system for social control. In conclusion, an alternative direction for education and training is indicated....

Asp - Application Service Providing: The Ultimate Guide to Hiring Rather Than Buying Applications (Hott Guide)

Scn Education B. V., Scn Education Bv

  Asp - Application Service Providing: The Ultimate Guide to Hiring Rather Than Buying Applications (Hott Guide)  Scn Education B. V., Scn Education Bv  How can you use ASPs for your business? This HOTT Guide Special helps you to get the best out of ASP for your company. It provides practical information as well as market guidance and validation, to help you understand buyer demand and requirements, capitalize on emerging market opportunities, identify the right partners, hone their business model, price offers appropriately and get into the market faster.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин How can you use ASPs for your business? This HOTT Guide Special helps you to get the best out of ASP for your company. It provides practical information as well as market guidance and validation, to help you understand buyer demand and requirements, capitalize on emerging market opportunities, identify the right partners, hone their business model, price offers appropriately and get into the market faster....

Taking the Guidon: Exceptional Leadership at the Company Level

Nate Allen, Tony Burgess

  Taking the Guidon: Exceptional Leadership at the Company Level  Nate Allen, Tony Burgess  Keywords: Leadership, leader development, company command, Army, military leadership, training, combat readiness. We wrote this book to capture our ideas about how to best prepare for and command a U.S. Army company-level unit. In the book, we lay out a leadership framework that was very effective for us and, based on feedback from hundreds of readers, is making a significant difference in how others think about leading. One of the best things that emerged out of this project was the idea for creating CompanyCommand and PlatoonLeader, but that is another story. Here is an excerpt from the preface that introduces the book: Combat is the ultimate team sport; the cost of losing is death. As an Army leader, your mission is to build a winning team of disciplined, fit, and motivated soldiers that will accomplish the mission. In this book, you will find some input into to the age-old dialogue on how to create a team and harness its energy to accomplish uncommon results. ...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Keywords: Leadership, leader development, company command, Army, military leadership, training, combat readiness. We wrote this book to capture our ideas about how to best prepare for and command a U.S. Army company-level unit. In the book, we lay out a leadership framework that was very effective for us and, based on feedback from hundreds of readers, is making a significant difference in how others think about leading. One of the best things that emerged out of this project was the idea for creating CompanyCommand and PlatoonLeader, but that is another story. Here is an excerpt from the preface that introduces the book: Combat is the ultimate team sport; the cost of losing is death. As an Army leader, your mission is to build a winning team of disciplined, fit, and motivated soldiers that will accomplish the mission. In this book, you will find some input into to the age-old dialogue on how to create a team and harness its energy to accomplish uncommon results. ......

<<<  Открытие идеи культуры. Опыт русской культурологии середины XIX - начала ...             География. Учебно-справочное пособие. В. В. ... >>>

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Finance and Competitiveness in Developing Countries. Jose Maria Fanelli, Rohinton Medhora, International Development Research Centre . Книги.

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