Isaac Project

Joe Vadalma

  Isaac Project  Joe Vadalma  Book DescriptionPerhaps you've read science-fiction or seen movies such as The Terminator featuring human-like robots. Is the creation of such a creature possible with today's technology? What if a high tech corporation decided to build one? Could it? What would the impact be on our society? What would be the philosophical and political issues associated with the creation of a mechanical intelligence in the form of a human being? The Isaac Project tries to answer these questions. It is the story of the creation of a humanoid robot using artificial intelligence technology available today. It handles the research and development aspect of such a project in a realistic manner with believable characters. The major characters are: GERI CHRANOWSKI, a strong-willed robotics expert and ambitious woman whose drive to climb the corporate ladder makes enemies of her underlings and ruins her love life. JACK WESTCOTT, a scientist, whose passionate pacifism and his fight to keep his young mistress...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionPerhaps you've read science-fiction or seen movies such as The Terminator featuring human-like robots. Is the creation of such a creature possible with today's technology? What if a high tech corporation decided to build one? Could it? What would the impact be on our society? What would be the philosophical and political issues associated with the creation of a mechanical intelligence in the form of a human being? The Isaac Project tries to answer these questions. It is the story of the creation of a humanoid robot using artificial intelligence technology available today. It handles the research and development aspect of such a project in a realistic manner with believable characters. The major characters are: GERI CHRANOWSKI, a strong-willed robotics expert and ambitious woman whose drive to climb the corporate ladder makes enemies of her underlings and ruins her love life. JACK WESTCOTT, a scientist, whose passionate pacifism and his fight to keep his young mistress......

Play 1e4 e5 : A Complete Repertiore for Black in the Open Games (Everyman Chess)

Nigel Davies

  Play 1e4 e5 : A Complete Repertiore for Black in the Open Games (Everyman Chess)  Nigel Davies  Book Description There is no doubt that playing the Open Games is one of Black's most reliable and aggressive ways of meeting White's favorite opening move, 1 e4. Experts also agree that playing these fundamental openings is a crucial step in the development of a chess player, while moving up to the highest level it provides the battleground for countless duals between the likes of World number one Garry Kasparov, Vishy Anand and Vladimir Kramnik. It's true that some Black players are put off by the seemingly endless number of variations they can be faced with, as White can choose a between the King's Gambit, Vienna Game, Scotch Opening, Bishop's Opening and a number of wild and offbeat gambits. However, in Play 1 e4 e5! Nigel Davies provides a complete answer to this perennial problem by offering a concise and practical repertoire for the Black player, whilst crucially including a dependable defence to the Ruy Lopez--White's most popular attacking try in the Open Games....  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description There is no doubt that playing the Open Games is one of Black's most reliable and aggressive ways of meeting White's favorite opening move, 1 e4. Experts also agree that playing these fundamental openings is a crucial step in the development of a chess player, while moving up to the highest level it provides the battleground for countless duals between the likes of World number one Garry Kasparov, Vishy Anand and Vladimir Kramnik. It's true that some Black players are put off by the seemingly endless number of variations they can be faced with, as White can choose a between the King's Gambit, Vienna Game, Scotch Opening, Bishop's Opening and a number of wild and offbeat gambits. However, in Play 1 e4 e5! Nigel Davies provides a complete answer to this perennial problem by offering a concise and practical repertoire for the Black player, whilst crucially including a dependable defence to the Ruy Lopez--White's most popular attacking try in the Open Games.......

The Guitar Maker's Workshop

Rik Middleton

  The Guitar Maker's Workshop  Rik Middleton  Book DescriptionA step–by–step introductory guide to making a classical guitar, now in a revised edition, featuring 160 photos and drawings.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionA step–by–step introductory guide to making a classical guitar, now in a revised edition, featuring 160 photos and drawings....

Roots and Wings: Adventures of a Spirit on Earth

Jack Haas

  Roots and Wings: Adventures of a Spirit on Earth  Jack Haas  Book DescriptionA rapturous saga, relating the author's unique experiences while out and about in Book DescriptionA rapturous saga, relating the author's unique experiences while out and about in "this crazy, beautiful, impossible world", as he describes it. Following dreams, synchronicities, and inner guidance, Jack Haas journeys around the globe, encountering incredible individuals and unexpected experiences. His travels encompass a wide variety of places, such as India, Iceland, Hawaii, New Zealand, Nepal, Europe, and Israel. This book, however, is much more than a travelogue. It is a testament toone man's determination to find meaning and wholeness amidst the confusion and mystery of life. This is an inspiring book about the importance of individuality, and the need to following one's own path at all costs. As much as this autobiography is an outer adventure, it is also an inner odyssey, and is a profound account of the author?¦s acceptance, love, and alchemical union with the spirit and the earth itself. This is a true story about the necessity to belong both to......

Brian Jones - Who Killed Christopher Robin? : The Truth Behind The Murder of a Rolling Stone

Terry Rawlings

  Brian Jones - Who Killed Christopher Robin? : The Truth Behind The Murder of a Rolling Stone  Terry Rawlings  Book Description Brian Jones was initially the Stones' creative driving force, but by the late '60s, he was drinking too much and strung out on drugs. He left the band in 1969 and three weeks later was found dead in his swimming pool. Acclaimed author Terry Rawlings draws on new interviews to document Brian's ill-fated final days and hours and names his murderer.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Brian Jones was initially the Stones' creative driving force, but by the late '60s, he was drinking too much and strung out on drugs. He left the band in 1969 and three weeks later was found dead in his swimming pool. Acclaimed author Terry Rawlings draws on new interviews to document Brian's ill-fated final days and hours and names his murderer....

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Isaac Project. Joe Vadalma . Книги.

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