Capitalist Diversity And Change: Recombinant Governance And Institutional Entrepreneurs

Colin Crouch

  Capitalist Diversity And Change: Recombinant Governance And Institutional Entrepreneurs  Colin Crouch  Book DescriptionOver the last decade the neo-institutionalist literature of comparative capitalism has developed into an influential body of work. In this book, Colin Crouch assesses this literature, and proposes a major re-orientation of the field. Crouch critiques and finds a way of modeling how creative actors trying to achieve change - institutional entrepreneurs - tackle these constraints. Central to the account is the concept of governance, as it is by recombining governance mechanism that theseentrepreneurs must achieve their goals. In seeking how to analyze the spaces n which they operate, Crouch criticizes and deconstructs some dominant approaches in socio0political analysis: to typologies, to elective affinity and complementarity, to path dependence. He develops a theory of governance modes, which includes potentially decomposing them into their core components. Finally, he proposes a reorientation of the neo-institutionalist research program to take more account of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionOver the last decade the neo-institutionalist literature of comparative capitalism has developed into an influential body of work. In this book, Colin Crouch assesses this literature, and proposes a major re-orientation of the field. Crouch critiques and finds a way of modeling how creative actors trying to achieve change - institutional entrepreneurs - tackle these constraints. Central to the account is the concept of governance, as it is by recombining governance mechanism that theseentrepreneurs must achieve their goals. In seeking how to analyze the spaces n which they operate, Crouch criticizes and deconstructs some dominant approaches in socio0political analysis: to typologies, to elective affinity and complementarity, to path dependence. He develops a theory of governance modes, which includes potentially decomposing them into their core components. Finally, he proposes a reorientation of the neo-institutionalist research program to take more account of......

High-Performers : Recruiting & Retaining Top Employees

Alan J. Dubinsky

  High-Performers : Recruiting & Retaining Top Employees  Alan J. Dubinsky  Book Description Dubinsky and Skinner have uncovered 13 drivers of discretionary effort, or why employees go above and beyond what is expected of them in the job. If you are aware of these drivers, and if you use their prescription to recruit, manage and retain employees with these attributes, you can realize a company of High Performers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Dubinsky and Skinner have uncovered 13 drivers of discretionary effort, or why employees go above and beyond what is expected of them in the job. If you are aware of these drivers, and if you use their prescription to recruit, manage and retain employees with these attributes, you can realize a company of High Performers....

Medieval Vision (The Visual Culture of Wales)

Peter Lord

  Medieval Vision (The Visual Culture of Wales)  Peter Lord  Book DescriptionFocusing on Welsh history between the collapse of Roman domination and the 16th-century Renaissance, this text explores how economic, political, and religious forces generated many surprising and original Christian images. This volume describes how the cycles of the lives of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and the Saints provided a framework for everyday life and art. More than 450 images and artifacts, located in churches throughout Wales, are reproduced in full color, revealing a startling richness of imagery surviving in Wales from the Middle Ages.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFocusing on Welsh history between the collapse of Roman domination and the 16th-century Renaissance, this text explores how economic, political, and religious forces generated many surprising and original Christian images. This volume describes how the cycles of the lives of Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and the Saints provided a framework for everyday life and art. More than 450 images and artifacts, located in churches throughout Wales, are reproduced in full color, revealing a startling richness of imagery surviving in Wales from the Middle Ages....

Photographing Changing Light : A Guide for Landscape Photographers

Ken Scott

  Photographing Changing Light : A Guide for Landscape Photographers  Ken Scott  Book Description This unique approach to outdoor photography will inspire and instruct anyone hoping to capture the beauty of landscape on film. Ken Scott reveals his own personal philosophy of shooting, demonstrated in multiple images and detailed captions. His magnificent pictures show ever-changing landscapes, where variations in light, weather, season, and time of day all have a dramatic impact on how we perceive a scene and influence the choice of lens, viewpoint, framing, and focus. Scott workswith simple, affordable equipment, and never uses filters or special effects that would ruin the integrity of the natural setting. The result: spectacular images derived from techniques that all photographers will want to try.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This unique approach to outdoor photography will inspire and instruct anyone hoping to capture the beauty of landscape on film. Ken Scott reveals his own personal philosophy of shooting, demonstrated in multiple images and detailed captions. His magnificent pictures show ever-changing landscapes, where variations in light, weather, season, and time of day all have a dramatic impact on how we perceive a scene and influence the choice of lens, viewpoint, framing, and focus. Scott workswith simple, affordable equipment, and never uses filters or special effects that would ruin the integrity of the natural setting. The result: spectacular images derived from techniques that all photographers will want to try....

Cacharel: Le Liberty

Jeromine Savignon

  Cacharel: Le Liberty  Jeromine Savignon  Book DescriptionIt's a story about flowers of course, but above all it's an extraordinary fashion success story. At the end of the 1960s, inspired by a printed fabric flavored with the old-fashioned elegance of croquet games and English garden, Jean Bousquet created the legendary line of clothing that is Cacharel, and rediscovered Liberty. Unforgettable, spellbinding images and poetic visual reveries invite every woman to rejoin Cacharel.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIt's a story about flowers of course, but above all it's an extraordinary fashion success story. At the end of the 1960s, inspired by a printed fabric flavored with the old-fashioned elegance of croquet games and English garden, Jean Bousquet created the legendary line of clothing that is Cacharel, and rediscovered Liberty. Unforgettable, spellbinding images and poetic visual reveries invite every woman to rejoin Cacharel....

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Capitalist Diversity And Change: Recombinant Governance And Institutional Entrepreneurs. Colin Crouch . Книги.

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