The Supervisor of the Sea & Other Stories

Emil Draitser

  The Supervisor of the Sea & Other Stories  Emil Draitser  Book DescriptionDraitser is best known for his short humorous stories and his collection of jokes entitled Book DescriptionDraitser is best known for his short humorous stories and his collection of jokes entitled "Forbidden Laughter." "The Supervisor of the Sea" presents his longer and more serious stories in a sequence that moves from Russia to America to the fantastic beyond. Included is a deeply psychological "Faithful Masha," a story portraying the clash of Soviet and American cultures in the person of one visiting Soviet dignitary; "Wedding in Brighton Beach," a rapturous tribute to the color and passion of Russian emigre life; and "Zugzwang," an uncanny love story....

Greed to Green

David Gottfried

  Greed to Green  David Gottfried  Book DescriptionThe U.S. and World Green Building Councils have transformed the world more than any other environmental organizations according to author Paul Hawken. In this inspirational and personal memoir, David Gottfried tells the story of his creation of these pioneering industry coalitions, as he transformed himself from a greedy real estate developer during the s to his role as a founder of the global green building movement.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe U.S. and World Green Building Councils have transformed the world more than any other environmental organizations according to author Paul Hawken. In this inspirational and personal memoir, David Gottfried tells the story of his creation of these pioneering industry coalitions, as he transformed himself from a greedy real estate developer during the s to his role as a founder of the global green building movement....

The Desktop Studio

  The Desktop Studio  Book DescriptionHome recording using computers is one of the fastest growth segments in music. Over a half-dozen new magazines addressing this market have launched in the last five years alone, helping make the computer the dominant tool of the audio industry and the Book DescriptionHome recording using computers is one of the fastest growth segments in music. Over a half-dozen new magazines addressing this market have launched in the last five years alone, helping make the computer the dominant tool of the audio industry and the "at home" recordist. With the right software, your computer can be a recorder, mixer, editor, video production system, and even a musical instrument. The Desktop Studio will help you get the most out of your computer and turn it - and you - into a creative powerhouse. It is a fully illustrated, comprehensive look at software and hardware, and provides expert tips for getting the most out of your music computer.Emile Menasche is a writer, editor, composer and producer living in the New York metro area....

T. S. Eliot and the Cultural Divide

David E. Chinitz

  T. S. Eliot and the Cultural Divide  David E. Chinitz  Book Description The modernist poet T. S. Eliot has been applauded and denounced for decades as a staunch champion of high art and an implacable opponent of popular culture. But Eliot's elitism was never what it seemed. T. S. Eliot and the Cultural Divide refurbishes this great writer for the twenty-first century, presenting him as the complex figure he was, an artist attentive not only to literature but to detective fiction, vaudeville theater, jazz, and the songs of Tin Pan Alley. David Chinitz argues that Eliot was productively engaged with popular culture in some form at every stage of his career, and that his response to it, as expressed in his poetry, plays, and essays, was ambivalent rather than hostile. He shows that American jazz, for example, was a major influence on Eliot's poetry during its maturation. He discusses Eliot's surprisingly persistent interest in popular culture both in such famous works as The Waste Land and in such lesser-known pieces...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The modernist poet T. S. Eliot has been applauded and denounced for decades as a staunch champion of high art and an implacable opponent of popular culture. But Eliot's elitism was never what it seemed. T. S. Eliot and the Cultural Divide refurbishes this great writer for the twenty-first century, presenting him as the complex figure he was, an artist attentive not only to literature but to detective fiction, vaudeville theater, jazz, and the songs of Tin Pan Alley. David Chinitz argues that Eliot was productively engaged with popular culture in some form at every stage of his career, and that his response to it, as expressed in his poetry, plays, and essays, was ambivalent rather than hostile. He shows that American jazz, for example, was a major influence on Eliot's poetry during its maturation. He discusses Eliot's surprisingly persistent interest in popular culture both in such famous works as The Waste Land and in such lesser-known pieces......

Похождения бравого солдата Швейка

Ярослав Гашек

  Похождения бравого солдата Швейка  Ярослав Гашек  Эксмо.   Зарубежная классика.   Вниманию читателей предлагается роман Ярослава Гашека Эксмо. Зарубежная классика. Вниманию читателей предлагается роман Ярослава Гашека "Похождения бравого солдата Швейка"....

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The Supervisor of the Sea & Other Stories. Emil Draitser . Книги.

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