The Musician's Atlas 2004

Judith Folkman

  The Musician's Atlas 2004  Judith Folkman  Book DescriptionThe best-selling industry contact directory, The Musician's Atlas, is for anyone seeking to connect with the music industry. Now available in print and online versions, the completely updated and qualified 2004 edition provides access to thousands of key industry contacts in more than 28 professional categories and more comprehensive information than any other industry resource. The Musician?s Atlas supplies the details that other resources leave out. In addition to contact name, street, email and web addresses, phone & fax numbers, Atlas listings include category specifics such as submission policies, booking advance, stage size, in-house equipment, broadcast coverage, distribution and other details professionals need to build and sustain their careers. With or without label support. Highlights of the 2004 Musician?s Atlas include new categories such as eCommerce & Music Video outlets and an expanded database of: ·Traditional &...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe best-selling industry contact directory, The Musician's Atlas, is for anyone seeking to connect with the music industry. Now available in print and online versions, the completely updated and qualified 2004 edition provides access to thousands of key industry contacts in more than 28 professional categories and more comprehensive information than any other industry resource. The Musician?s Atlas supplies the details that other resources leave out. In addition to contact name, street, email and web addresses, phone & fax numbers, Atlas listings include category specifics such as submission policies, booking advance, stage size, in-house equipment, broadcast coverage, distribution and other details professionals need to build and sustain their careers. With or without label support. Highlights of the 2004 Musician?s Atlas include new categories such as eCommerce & Music Video outlets and an expanded database of: ·Traditional &......

The Patron : A Life of Salman Schocken, 1877-1959

Anthony David

  The Patron : A Life of Salman Schocken, 1877-1959  Anthony David  Book Description Book Description "Monumental, absorbing . . . David displays authority in research, honest grace in literary tone, and analytic brilliance." -The Forward The name Schocken-now primarily associated with the prestigious publishinghouse-was once emblazoned over a vast commercial empire; across Europe, it stood for quality consumer goods and uplifting culture made available for all. In a sweeping, colorful saga, historian Anthony David tells the fascinating story of Salman Shocken, Jewish philanthropic titan and founder of a large department-store chain. The Patron follows Schocken's transformation from an impoverished migrant salesman to a captain of German industry. Once he became a merchandizing millionaire, Shocken harnessed his fortune to a vision: to disseminate Jewish secular culture to the masses through publishing houses, newspapers, and support of such influential modern thinkers such as Martin Buber and Gershom Scholem. But as the Nazi......

The American Sign Language Puzzle Book

Justin Segal

  The American Sign Language Puzzle Book  Justin Segal  Book Description An essential accompaniment to the bestselling The American Sign Language Phrase Book , The American Sign Language Puzzle Book is an entertaining way for anyone learning to sign to test and build his or her knowledge. Featuring topics such as Everyday Expressions, Health, Clothing, Numbers, Time, and Money, The American Sign Language Puzzle Book incorporates an engaging variety of puzzle types, including scramble puzzles, word searches, matching puzzles, and crosswords, which are all complemented by exceptionally clear and helpful illustrations.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description An essential accompaniment to the bestselling The American Sign Language Phrase Book , The American Sign Language Puzzle Book is an entertaining way for anyone learning to sign to test and build his or her knowledge. Featuring topics such as Everyday Expressions, Health, Clothing, Numbers, Time, and Money, The American Sign Language Puzzle Book incorporates an engaging variety of puzzle types, including scramble puzzles, word searches, matching puzzles, and crosswords, which are all complemented by exceptionally clear and helpful illustrations....

Memoirs of a Middle School Counselor

D. Jean Lang

  Memoirs of a Middle School Counselor  D. Jean Lang  Book DescriptionThe author's memoirs of over twenty-five years of school counseling in rural Upstate New York. Incidents will strike a familiar chord with anyone involved in the helping professions. From embarrassing and humourous moments to the tragedesof fatal accidents and suicides, the author takes us along with her as she grows in experience and learns life lessons through interacting with her students. A great primer for beginning counselors or educators.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe author's memoirs of over twenty-five years of school counseling in rural Upstate New York. Incidents will strike a familiar chord with anyone involved in the helping professions. From embarrassing and humourous moments to the tragedesof fatal accidents and suicides, the author takes us along with her as she grows in experience and learns life lessons through interacting with her students. A great primer for beginning counselors or educators....

The Hidden God

  The Hidden God  Book DescriptionThe sense of God has often been touched on in the movies. European directors like Ingmar Bergman, Robert Bresson, Luis Bunuel, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Roberto Rossellini and many others have dealt directly with the theme throughout their careers, and Hollywood too has told stories based on the Bible, the lives of the saints and the martyrdoms of ordinary people. The Hidden God , which accompanies a film series of the same name organized byThe Museum of Modern Art and screening in October and November of 2003, explores the ways in which a sense of God may appear in films, whether or not it is understood as such or is visible to the eye. This book contains over 50 essays by a wide range of writers, who find God encoded not only in explicitly religious subjects but in westerns, horror movies, comedies and many other genres, and in films from all over the world. In the times, places and societies these filmmakers explore,...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe sense of God has often been touched on in the movies. European directors like Ingmar Bergman, Robert Bresson, Luis Bunuel, Carl Theodor Dreyer, Krzysztof Kieslowski, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Roberto Rossellini and many others have dealt directly with the theme throughout their careers, and Hollywood too has told stories based on the Bible, the lives of the saints and the martyrdoms of ordinary people. The Hidden God , which accompanies a film series of the same name organized byThe Museum of Modern Art and screening in October and November of 2003, explores the ways in which a sense of God may appear in films, whether or not it is understood as such or is visible to the eye. This book contains over 50 essays by a wide range of writers, who find God encoded not only in explicitly religious subjects but in westerns, horror movies, comedies and many other genres, and in films from all over the world. In the times, places and societies these filmmakers explore,......

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The Musician's Atlas 2004. Judith Folkman . Книги.

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Драмы отношений| Хирургия| Гражданское право| Криминалистика| Вестерны| Итальянский язык| Персоналия| Глобусы, контурные карты и атласы| Музыкальные комедии| Политика| Классика| Мистические триллеры| Фантастические боевики| Шпионские боевики| Рок-н-ролл| Полицейские фильмы| Криминальные боевики| Шпионаж и политика| Товароведение| Криминальные мелодрамы| Интернет-трейдинг. Интернет-инвестиции| Кинофантазии| Туризм, путешествия и экспедиции| Приключенческие фильмы| Современные войны| Компьютеры и Интернет| Христианство| Финансовый менеджмент| Вестерны| На французском языке| Подготовка к школе| Биографии писателей| Приключенческие боевики| Загадки, кроссворды| Спортивные программы| Кино. Киноискусство| Отраслевой и специальный бизнес| Охрана труда| Каталоги| Маркетинг. Общие вопросы| Современные мелодрамы| Водный транспорт. Судостроение| Дорожные фильмы (road movies)| Фильмы о мафии| Кассеты, диски, стартовые комплекты для видеокамер| Сметы и расценки в строительстве| Видеопрограммы о животных| Современная история России (с 1991 года)| Парапсихология| Мама и малыш| Программы о психологии и человеке|
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