Власть риторики. Лучше говоришь - больше достигаешь

Роман Браун

  Власть риторики. Лучше говоришь - больше достигаешь  Роман Браун  Интерэксперт.   Простое Интерэксперт. Простое "да" или "нет", прозвучавшие вовремя - и наша жизнь уже не та, какой была когда-то. От слов любимых зависит счастье или несчастье каждой минуты жизни. Что же останется от нас в один прекрасный момент? Слова песен, которые будут петь про нас наши потомки. Если мы находили для них нужные слова в нужное время... А до тех пор мы будем ковать свое счастье - словом. И в этом следует быть мастерами!...

Жизнь адмирала Нахимова

Александр Зонин

  Жизнь адмирала Нахимова  Александр Зонин  Советский писатель. Ленинградское отделение.   Роман ленинградского писателя Александра Ильича Зонина (1901 - 1962) закончен в 1948 г. Эта книга является одной из первых советских книг по истории русского флота. Нахимов показан писателем народным героем, человеком исключительной чистоты, мужества и отваги.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Советский писатель. Ленинградское отделение. Роман ленинградского писателя Александра Ильича Зонина (1901 - 1962) закончен в 1948 г. Эта книга является одной из первых советских книг по истории русского флота. Нахимов показан писателем народным героем, человеком исключительной чистоты, мужества и отваги....

Production Practices and Quality Assessment of Food Crops : Volume 3: Quality Handling and Evaluation

Norma D'Annunzio-Green

  Production Practices and Quality Assessment of Food Crops : Volume 3: Quality Handling and Evaluation  Norma D'Annunzio-Green  Book DescriptionThis book covers various aspects of quality handling and assessment, including handling parameters, quality evaluation, CA and MAP storage conditions in a broad sense. It emphasises on developing better methods of monitoring quality and safety attributes of fresh produce as part of a quality assurance system and quality assessment and maintenance.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book covers various aspects of quality handling and assessment, including handling parameters, quality evaluation, CA and MAP storage conditions in a broad sense. It emphasises on developing better methods of monitoring quality and safety attributes of fresh produce as part of a quality assurance system and quality assessment and maintenance....

The Impossible Musical: The "Man of la Mancha" Story

Dale Wasserman

  The Impossible Musical: The Book DescriptionMan of La Mancha is arguably the most popular musical drama of all time, most recently on Broadway starring Brian Stokes Mitchell. Dale Wasserman, however, had more trouble getting it on to a Broadway stage than Don Quixote ever had with those damn windmills. For centuries, writers all over the world had tried to stage Cervantes' comic masterpiece, and all had failed. On a sabbatical to Spain in the late 1950s, screenwriter-stage director Dale Wasserman had the insight to change that - Don Quixote the novel was too rambling to be dramatized, but the almost equally incredible story of the novel's creator wasn't. Wasserman wrote, first, a tv drama of Man of La Mancha (Cervantes is the Man, not Quixote, by the way), which David Susskind produced as "I, Don Quixote." What happened next, and for the next several decades, to this remarkable drama is an incredible drama in its own right. Many writers tried to get Wasserman to contribute to an "official" account of the making......


Michel Makarius

  Ruins  Michel Makarius  Book DescriptionFrom the Renaissance to the present day, each generation of artists, architects, and writers has used the powerful images of ruins to project its own vision of time and human destiny. The metamorphosis of the ruin motif in art explains not only the separations but the continuities between the perception of past and present that characterize the different art movements. Drawing from all media of Western art including garden design, photography, and fine art, Makarius explores the rich and diverse iconography of ruins from da Vinci to Van Gogh, from Botticelli to Roy Lichtenstein.Ruins is a reminder of history at a time when few art motifs still have the power to demand attention for our immense collective past-and at a moment when a reminder is sorely needed.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFrom the Renaissance to the present day, each generation of artists, architects, and writers has used the powerful images of ruins to project its own vision of time and human destiny. The metamorphosis of the ruin motif in art explains not only the separations but the continuities between the perception of past and present that characterize the different art movements. Drawing from all media of Western art including garden design, photography, and fine art, Makarius explores the rich and diverse iconography of ruins from da Vinci to Van Gogh, from Botticelli to Roy Lichtenstein.Ruins is a reminder of history at a time when few art motifs still have the power to demand attention for our immense collective past-and at a moment when a reminder is sorely needed....

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Власть риторики. Лучше говоришь - больше достигаешь. Роман Браун . Книги.

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