Cookin' for Love : A Novel with Recipes

Sharon Boorstin

  Cookin' for Love : A Novel with Recipes  Sharon Boorstin  Book Description?Chick Lit for baby boomers and beyond. Hold the baby bottle; pass the cheesecake.??Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women Don?t Get Fat Who Says Only Twentysomethings Can Have Fun, Romance, and Great Sex? Married mother of three and Beverly Hills cookbook author Miriam Levy dreams about food. Her best friend, divorced Kate McGrath, dreams about ?The One? who got away. When, after twenty-five years, Kate reconnects with her unforgettable first love on Google and he asks her to visit him halfway around the world (while his wife happens to be away), she begs Miriam to go with her. Reluctant but restless, Miriam agrees. Their overseas adventures awaken the women?s spirits and teach them about passion, love, and life without regret. Inspired by the author?s own true story, Cookin? for Love is a funny and poignant tale about the comfort of friendship and the resilience of true...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description?Chick Lit for baby boomers and beyond. Hold the baby bottle; pass the cheesecake.??Mireille Guiliano, author of French Women Don?t Get Fat Who Says Only Twentysomethings Can Have Fun, Romance, and Great Sex? Married mother of three and Beverly Hills cookbook author Miriam Levy dreams about food. Her best friend, divorced Kate McGrath, dreams about ?The One? who got away. When, after twenty-five years, Kate reconnects with her unforgettable first love on Google and he asks her to visit him halfway around the world (while his wife happens to be away), she begs Miriam to go with her. Reluctant but restless, Miriam agrees. Their overseas adventures awaken the women?s spirits and teach them about passion, love, and life without regret. Inspired by the author?s own true story, Cookin? for Love is a funny and poignant tale about the comfort of friendship and the resilience of true......

Reflections of Sunflowers

Ruth Silvestre

  Reflections of Sunflowers  Ruth Silvestre  Book DescriptionIn 1976, in the Lot-et-Garonne region of south-west France, Ruth Silvestre and her family found Bel-Air de Grezelongue, a house that had been left, deserted and uninhabited for ten years. They fell in love with it. A House in the Sunflowers and its sequel, A Harvest of Sunflowers, described their adventures in renovating the house and becoming part of a community. Charming, funny and romantic, these popular books described an unforgettable love affair with a country, a region, and a community. Reflections of Sunflowers is the final book in the trilogy and sure to delight. Almost thirty years since they first discovered their dream house in the south of France, Ruth Silvestre and her family are still in love with it. Characters new and old fill the pages, their way of life at once unchanged and altered radically by the passage of time. Some friends have been gained through the years, some, tragically, have been lost. Amusing and moving, Reflections of Sunflowers is...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn 1976, in the Lot-et-Garonne region of south-west France, Ruth Silvestre and her family found Bel-Air de Grezelongue, a house that had been left, deserted and uninhabited for ten years. They fell in love with it. A House in the Sunflowers and its sequel, A Harvest of Sunflowers, described their adventures in renovating the house and becoming part of a community. Charming, funny and romantic, these popular books described an unforgettable love affair with a country, a region, and a community. Reflections of Sunflowers is the final book in the trilogy and sure to delight. Almost thirty years since they first discovered their dream house in the south of France, Ruth Silvestre and her family are still in love with it. Characters new and old fill the pages, their way of life at once unchanged and altered radically by the passage of time. Some friends have been gained through the years, some, tragically, have been lost. Amusing and moving, Reflections of Sunflowers is......

Diary for the Years 1595-1601 of Dr. John Dee

John Dee

  Diary for the Years 1595-1601 of Dr. John Dee  John Dee  Book DescriptionDr. John Dee was the Warden of Manchester. He was a restless and ambitious spirit. Dr. Dee was known for ripe scholarship, for deep knowledge in chemistry and for rare skill in mathematics and astronomy. At the time he became Warden, Dr. Dee had devoted himself to the blighting influence of occult investigations, intermingling with them in credulous simplicity what remained in him of Christian faith. This rare manuscript contains Dr. Dee's diary, written in Old English with a biographicalsketch of this most wise and brilliant man.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionDr. John Dee was the Warden of Manchester. He was a restless and ambitious spirit. Dr. Dee was known for ripe scholarship, for deep knowledge in chemistry and for rare skill in mathematics and astronomy. At the time he became Warden, Dr. Dee had devoted himself to the blighting influence of occult investigations, intermingling with them in credulous simplicity what remained in him of Christian faith. This rare manuscript contains Dr. Dee's diary, written in Old English with a biographicalsketch of this most wise and brilliant man....

Championship Hold'em (The Championship)

Tom McEvoy

  Championship Hold'em (The Championship)  Tom McEvoy  Book DescriptionHard-hitting hold'em the way it's played today in both limit cash games and tournaments. Get killer advice on how to win more money in rammin'-jammin' games, kill-pot, jackpot, shorthanded, and other cash games, plus tournament strategiesfor small buy-in, big buy-in, rebuy, incremental add-on, satellite and big-field major tournaments. Players learn the thinking process for the pre-flop, flop, turn and river including play-by-play analyses. Specific advice for rocks in tight games, weaklings in loose games, experts in solid games, how hand values change, when players should fold, check, raise, reraise, check-raise, slowplay, and bluff. Wow!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionHard-hitting hold'em the way it's played today in both limit cash games and tournaments. Get killer advice on how to win more money in rammin'-jammin' games, kill-pot, jackpot, shorthanded, and other cash games, plus tournament strategiesfor small buy-in, big buy-in, rebuy, incremental add-on, satellite and big-field major tournaments. Players learn the thinking process for the pre-flop, flop, turn and river including play-by-play analyses. Specific advice for rocks in tight games, weaklings in loose games, experts in solid games, how hand values change, when players should fold, check, raise, reraise, check-raise, slowplay, and bluff. Wow!...

Концепция лжи

Алексей Бессонов

  Концепция лжи  Алексей Бессонов  Эксмо.   Абсолютное оружие.   В поясе астероидов разбивается Эксмо. Абсолютное оружие. В поясе астероидов разбивается "Галилео", последний исследовательский корабль, снаряженный Землей. Отныне все космические программы человечества свернуты. Энергетический кризис ставит землян перед выбором: заключить кабальный договор с Триумвиратом Старших рас, лишив следующие поколения надежды на нормальную жизнь, или уже сейчас погрузиться в "пещерное" существование и бросить остатки сил и средств в Космос в надежде на его богатства. Может быть, существует и третий путь, но пока о нем знает, а точнее, догадывается, лишь один человек - капитан Макрицкий, чудом выживший после катастрофы пилот "Галилео". Но сначала ему нужно вспомнить все, что произошло с ним там, на безымянной планетке, в двух шагах от смерти......

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Cookin' for Love : A Novel with Recipes. Sharon Boorstin . Книги.

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