100 текстов и тестов по немецкому языку

Н. В. Киреева

  100 текстов и тестов по немецкому языку  Н. В. Киреева  АСТ, Харвест.   В предлагаемой книге можно найти тексты по немецкому языку, взятые в основном из неадаптированной литературы. К каждому тексту предлагается тест, содержащий и творческие задания. Данное пособие поможет вам проверить уровень владения иноязычной лексикой, а также умения и навыки понимания немецких текстов. Данные тесты могут быть использованы для тематического, периодического и итогового контроля на средней и старшей ступени обучения, для подготовки к олимпиадам, предметным неделям, конкурсам, для самостоятельной работы и для работы в группе.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ, Харвест. В предлагаемой книге можно найти тексты по немецкому языку, взятые в основном из неадаптированной литературы. К каждому тексту предлагается тест, содержащий и творческие задания. Данное пособие поможет вам проверить уровень владения иноязычной лексикой, а также умения и навыки понимания немецких текстов. Данные тесты могут быть использованы для тематического, периодического и итогового контроля на средней и старшей ступени обучения, для подготовки к олимпиадам, предметным неделям, конкурсам, для самостоятельной работы и для работы в группе....

Understanding Work and Employment: Industrial Relations in Transition

  Understanding Work and Employment: Industrial Relations in Transition  Book DescriptionThis book aims to analyze, advertise and criticize the contribution of industrial relations to social science understanding. It brings together leading scholars to reconsider the theoretical foundations of industrial relations and its potential contribution to the wider understanding of work and economic life, to learn what it can gain from a stronger engagement with these surrounding disciplines and national traditions.The introduction provides a critical, though broadly sympathetic outline of the development of the main stream industrial relations tradition. Part One recognizes the interdisciplinary character of industrial relations by concentrating on 'border encounters' with the cognate academic disciplines of sociology, economics, management, history, psychology, law, politics and geography. Of particular interest is how far industrial relations has contributed to social science understanding beyond its own narrow borders. Part Two combines a major critical...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book aims to analyze, advertise and criticize the contribution of industrial relations to social science understanding. It brings together leading scholars to reconsider the theoretical foundations of industrial relations and its potential contribution to the wider understanding of work and economic life, to learn what it can gain from a stronger engagement with these surrounding disciplines and national traditions.The introduction provides a critical, though broadly sympathetic outline of the development of the main stream industrial relations tradition. Part One recognizes the interdisciplinary character of industrial relations by concentrating on 'border encounters' with the cognate academic disciplines of sociology, economics, management, history, psychology, law, politics and geography. Of particular interest is how far industrial relations has contributed to social science understanding beyond its own narrow borders. Part Two combines a major critical......

A Paradise in the City: Cleveland Botanical Garden

Diana Tittle

  A Paradise in the City: Cleveland Botanical Garden  Diana Tittle  Book DescriptionWhether you're making your first or your fiftieth visit to Cleveland Botanical Garden, whether you?re an avid gardener or know someone who is, A Paradise in the City is for you. Much more than an assemblage of pretty pictures,this gorgeous book is as lively as the unique cultural institution it depicts. Drink in the beauty and tranquility of 10 acres of exquisite gardens?each one a gem, each one with its own unique personality. Experience the fun and excitement of trekking through a butterfly-filled Costa Rican cloud forest and the strange and wonderful Madagascan spiny desert. Each time you return to these pages, you?ll enjoy a total immersion into the wonderful world of plants?and find plenty of inspiration for your own garden.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWhether you're making your first or your fiftieth visit to Cleveland Botanical Garden, whether you?re an avid gardener or know someone who is, A Paradise in the City is for you. Much more than an assemblage of pretty pictures,this gorgeous book is as lively as the unique cultural institution it depicts. Drink in the beauty and tranquility of 10 acres of exquisite gardens?each one a gem, each one with its own unique personality. Experience the fun and excitement of trekking through a butterfly-filled Costa Rican cloud forest and the strange and wonderful Madagascan spiny desert. Each time you return to these pages, you?ll enjoy a total immersion into the wonderful world of plants?and find plenty of inspiration for your own garden....

Celestial Voyages : Venus

Jeff Provine

  Celestial Voyages : Venus  Jeff Provine  Book DescriptionWith the dawn of the twentieth century, man made his first step into the heavens. Since the colonization of the Moon, Earth has become captivated with the Space expeditions of Sir Mason Star and his valiant crew. As Star plans his missionto mysterious Venus, a planet shrouded by a cloak of poisonous clouds, he learns that many humans have become opposed to his travels in space and seek to end them forever. Despite dissension on Earth, Star sets out to explore Venus armed with the latestin Edwardian technology. A malicious saboteur plagues the expedition and threatens to end not only the journey, but also the very lives of the crew. Read on in the writings of Head Astronomer Curtis Matricks, from the great Lunar Exposition of London to the cities of the beings living on the shadowy surface of Venus.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWith the dawn of the twentieth century, man made his first step into the heavens. Since the colonization of the Moon, Earth has become captivated with the Space expeditions of Sir Mason Star and his valiant crew. As Star plans his missionto mysterious Venus, a planet shrouded by a cloak of poisonous clouds, he learns that many humans have become opposed to his travels in space and seek to end them forever. Despite dissension on Earth, Star sets out to explore Venus armed with the latestin Edwardian technology. A malicious saboteur plagues the expedition and threatens to end not only the journey, but also the very lives of the crew. Read on in the writings of Head Astronomer Curtis Matricks, from the great Lunar Exposition of London to the cities of the beings living on the shadowy surface of Venus....

The Korean War and Me

Ted Pailet

  The Korean War and Me  Ted Pailet  Book Description The Korean War and Me is a memoir covering Ted Pailet's first 24 years. The story centers on the author's experiences in Korea during the war and includes his growing up in the South. As an ROTC lieutenant, Ted's assignments included searching for missing-in-actions and commanding the United Nations Military Cemetery in Korea. These assignments provided a variety of extraordinary experiences and encounters with extremely interesting individuals. Embedded in the storyare scenes from the author's childhood, high school days, and college. He also shares his opinions on matters such as religious beliefs, racial relations, ideology, and politics. Download Description The Korean War and Me is a memoir covering Ted Pailet's first 24 years. The story centers on the author's experiences in Korea during the war and includes his growing up in the South. As an ROTC lieutenant, Ted  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The Korean War and Me is a memoir covering Ted Pailet's first 24 years. The story centers on the author's experiences in Korea during the war and includes his growing up in the South. As an ROTC lieutenant, Ted's assignments included searching for missing-in-actions and commanding the United Nations Military Cemetery in Korea. These assignments provided a variety of extraordinary experiences and encounters with extremely interesting individuals. Embedded in the storyare scenes from the author's childhood, high school days, and college. He also shares his opinions on matters such as religious beliefs, racial relations, ideology, and politics. Download Description The Korean War and Me is a memoir covering Ted Pailet's first 24 years. The story centers on the author's experiences in Korea during the war and includes his growing up in the South. As an ROTC lieutenant, Ted...

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100 текстов и тестов по немецкому языку. Н. В. Киреева . Книги.

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