Grab Bag (Little House on the Bowery)

Derek McCormack

  Grab Bag (Little House on the Bowery)  Derek McCormack  Grab Bag is comprised of two interrelated novels, Dark Rides and Wish Book , from one of Canada's most important young writers. Both books are set in the same small rural city, in different eras (1950s, 1930s), each characterized by McCormack's spare and elliptical prose. Derek McCormack's journalism has appeared in many publications across North America, including nest , Saturday Night , and the National Post . In 2001, he was nominated for a National Magazine Award for an article he wrote on Halloween. Wild Mouse, a book McCormack co-authored with poet Chris Chambers, was nominated for the 1999 Toronto Book Award. His new novella, The Haunted Hillbilly , will be published in Canada by ECW Press in Fall 2003.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Grab Bag is comprised of two interrelated novels, Dark Rides and Wish Book , from one of Canada's most important young writers. Both books are set in the same small rural city, in different eras (1950s, 1930s), each characterized by McCormack's spare and elliptical prose. Derek McCormack's journalism has appeared in many publications across North America, including nest , Saturday Night , and the National Post . In 2001, he was nominated for a National Magazine Award for an article he wrote on Halloween. Wild Mouse, a book McCormack co-authored with poet Chris Chambers, was nominated for the 1999 Toronto Book Award. His new novella, The Haunted Hillbilly , will be published in Canada by ECW Press in Fall 2003....

Monsters - The Loch Ness Monster (Monsters)

Peggy J. Parks

  Monsters - The Loch Ness Monster (Monsters)  Peggy J. Parks  They call her Nessie, the beast of Loch Ness. Does she really exist? Some people say she is nothing more than a myth-but for those who claim to have seen her, she is enormous, dinosaur-like, and very, very real. The Loch Ness Monster tells Nessie's story, including where she allegedly lives, how people describe her, and the efforts to prove (and disprove) her existence throughout the years.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин They call her Nessie, the beast of Loch Ness. Does she really exist? Some people say she is nothing more than a myth-but for those who claim to have seen her, she is enormous, dinosaur-like, and very, very real. The Loch Ness Monster tells Nessie's story, including where she allegedly lives, how people describe her, and the efforts to prove (and disprove) her existence throughout the years....

Create Your Own Home Networks

Eli Lazich

  Create Your Own Home Networks  Eli Lazich  You have a family computer for e-mail and browsing the Internet. Your son and daughter have their own computer for school work and your spouse has a laptop that he or she brings home from work every day. With your family spread out all over the house on their computers, wouldn't it be nice if you could make them all work together? Create Your Own Home NetworksA is a unique book that will show you how to make your home computers talk to each other while sharing files, music and printers. The most common networking tasks are presented in project-format that doesn't require any in-depth understanding of computer systems or networks beyond that of a typical computer user. You will learn how to setup your computers to: Share printers, files, and Internet connections IM one another instantly Get your e-mail in and out of your network Create a network jukebox Roam your house with wireless You'll also get tips on choosing the right...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин You have a family computer for e-mail and browsing the Internet. Your son and daughter have their own computer for school work and your spouse has a laptop that he or she brings home from work every day. With your family spread out all over the house on their computers, wouldn't it be nice if you could make them all work together? Create Your Own Home NetworksA is a unique book that will show you how to make your home computers talk to each other while sharing files, music and printers. The most common networking tasks are presented in project-format that doesn't require any in-depth understanding of computer systems or networks beyond that of a typical computer user. You will learn how to setup your computers to: Share printers, files, and Internet connections IM one another instantly Get your e-mail in and out of your network Create a network jukebox Roam your house with wireless You'll also get tips on choosing the right......

Robust Control Design with MATLABA

Da-W Gu, P. Hr. Petkov, M. M. Konstantinov

  Robust Control Design with MATLABA  Da-W Gu, P. Hr. Petkov, M. M. Konstantinov  Springer.   Robustness is often of crucial importance in control system design. Real engineering systems are vulnerable to external disturbance and measurement noise and there are always discrepancies between mathematical models used for design and the actual system in practice. Robust Control Design with MATLABA helps you learn how to use well-developed advanced robust control design methods in practical cases. To this end, several realistic control design examples ranging from teaching-laboratory experiments, such as a mass–damper–spring assembly, to complex systems like a flexible link manipulator are given detailed presentation. All the design exercises are conducted using MATLABA® Robust Control Toolbox, Control System Toolbox and SimulinkA®. By sharing their experiences in industrial cases with minimum recourse to complicated theories and formulae, the authors convey essential ideas and useful insights into robust industrial control systems design using major H-infinity...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Springer. Robustness is often of crucial importance in control system design. Real engineering systems are vulnerable to external disturbance and measurement noise and there are always discrepancies between mathematical models used for design and the actual system in practice. Robust Control Design with MATLABA helps you learn how to use well-developed advanced robust control design methods in practical cases. To this end, several realistic control design examples ranging from teaching-laboratory experiments, such as a mass–damper–spring assembly, to complex systems like a flexible link manipulator are given detailed presentation. All the design exercises are conducted using MATLABA® Robust Control Toolbox, Control System Toolbox and SimulinkA®. By sharing their experiences in industrial cases with minimum recourse to complicated theories and formulae, the authors convey essential ideas and useful insights into robust industrial control systems design using major H-infinity......

Improving the Extended Value Stream: Lean for the Entire Supply Chain

Darren Dolcemascolo

  Improving the Extended Value Stream: Lean for the Entire Supply Chain  Darren Dolcemascolo  When most teams map a lean value stream, they tend to focus on internal processes, and many organizations have reaped the benefits of implementing lean within their own facilities. The total value stream, however, for a typical product crosses many different organizations and suppliers. In Improving the Extended Value Stream: Lean for the Entire Supply Chain, Darren Dolcemascolo presents a step-by-step plan for extending lean manufacturing across the entire supply chain. He makes the case for improving the extended value stream by demonstrating the benefits: increased profitability, reduced lead times and inventory, and better quality. He then presents proven methods for sustaining success and continuously improving the entire supply chain. The techniques addressed include extended value stream mapping, process kaizen, outsourcing strategy, supplier evaluation, and supplier integration activities as they relate to a lean supply chain. This essential workbook: Is the only...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин When most teams map a lean value stream, they tend to focus on internal processes, and many organizations have reaped the benefits of implementing lean within their own facilities. The total value stream, however, for a typical product crosses many different organizations and suppliers. In Improving the Extended Value Stream: Lean for the Entire Supply Chain, Darren Dolcemascolo presents a step-by-step plan for extending lean manufacturing across the entire supply chain. He makes the case for improving the extended value stream by demonstrating the benefits: increased profitability, reduced lead times and inventory, and better quality. He then presents proven methods for sustaining success and continuously improving the entire supply chain. The techniques addressed include extended value stream mapping, process kaizen, outsourcing strategy, supplier evaluation, and supplier integration activities as they relate to a lean supply chain. This essential workbook: Is the only......

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Grab Bag (Little House on the Bowery). Derek McCormack . Книги.

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