Фаршированные блюда

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Дом на набережной

Юрий Трифонов

  Дом на набережной  Юрий Трифонов  АСТ, Астрель, Олимп, Харвест.   Кинороман.   АСТ, Астрель, Олимп, Харвест. Кинороман. "Дом на набережной" - одно из самых острых и злободневных произведений XX века. В повести дан глубочайший анализ природы страха, деградации людей под гнетом тоталитарной системы. Неподдельный интерес к человеку, стремление показать его в самые драматические события его жизни и поворотные моменты истории ставят повесть Юрия Трифонова в ряд лучших произведений мировой литературы....

Battlestar Galactica: The Official Companion

David Bassom

  Battlestar Galactica: The Official Companion  David Bassom  Titan Books.   Battlestar Galactica is back! The brand new, 're-imagined' version of the cult 1970s series has quickly become the most critically acclaimed SF show on TV, with massive viewing figures to match. With its classy ensemble cast, including Edward James Olmos (Miami Vice) and Mary McDonnell (Dances with Wolves, Independence Day), its cutting edge special effects, superb production design and gritty, adult-oriented scripts, the new Battlestar Galactica is being hailed as both a worthy successor to a classic original, and a stunning piece of television in its own right. Titan Books have been on set from the beginning, and now proudly present the official companion, packed with exclusive interviews, photos, behind the scenes secrets, and a complete episode guide to the mini-series and first season.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Titan Books. Battlestar Galactica is back! The brand new, 're-imagined' version of the cult 1970s series has quickly become the most critically acclaimed SF show on TV, with massive viewing figures to match. With its classy ensemble cast, including Edward James Olmos (Miami Vice) and Mary McDonnell (Dances with Wolves, Independence Day), its cutting edge special effects, superb production design and gritty, adult-oriented scripts, the new Battlestar Galactica is being hailed as both a worthy successor to a classic original, and a stunning piece of television in its own right. Titan Books have been on set from the beginning, and now proudly present the official companion, packed with exclusive interviews, photos, behind the scenes secrets, and a complete episode guide to the mini-series and first season....

Misfortune: A Novel

Wesley Stace

  Misfortune: A Novel  Wesley Stace  Widely acclaimed as a spirited and mischievous reinvention of the English foundling novel, MISFORTUNE brims with irresistible details of a bygone era as it unfolds the tale of Rose, an infant boy adopted and raised as a girl, who must abandon the luxury and safety of his beloved home and travel halfway around the world to discover who he really isand to unlock the secret of his rightful place.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Widely acclaimed as a spirited and mischievous reinvention of the English foundling novel, MISFORTUNE brims with irresistible details of a bygone era as it unfolds the tale of Rose, an infant boy adopted and raised as a girl, who must abandon the luxury and safety of his beloved home and travel halfway around the world to discover who he really isand to unlock the secret of his rightful place....

The Official Guide to Christmas in the South: Or, If You Can't Fry It, Spraypaint It Gold

David C. Barnette

  The Official Guide to Christmas in the South: Or, If You Can't Fry It, Spraypaint It Gold  David C. Barnette  No place celebrates Christmas like Dixie, and with this charming, humorous guide, anyone can learn how to deck the halls, Southern style It's the one time of the year when both the divine and debutantes take center stage in a perfect storm of hot glue and cheese grits: Christmas. But successfully navigating through the holiday season can be more complex than Santa's midnight journey. There are pitfalls hotter than any chimney -- and social situations more slippery than any roof! But now The Official Guide to Christmas in the South has arrived to reveal the finer and sometimes unspoken details of Dixie etiquette. Perfect for a true Southerner's coffee table or an imposter's survival guide, The Official Guide to Christmas in the South is the gift that will keep on regifting season after season.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин No place celebrates Christmas like Dixie, and with this charming, humorous guide, anyone can learn how to deck the halls, Southern style It's the one time of the year when both the divine and debutantes take center stage in a perfect storm of hot glue and cheese grits: Christmas. But successfully navigating through the holiday season can be more complex than Santa's midnight journey. There are pitfalls hotter than any chimney -- and social situations more slippery than any roof! But now The Official Guide to Christmas in the South has arrived to reveal the finer and sometimes unspoken details of Dixie etiquette. Perfect for a true Southerner's coffee table or an imposter's survival guide, The Official Guide to Christmas in the South is the gift that will keep on regifting season after season....

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