On the Waterfront (Cambridge Film Handbooks)

Jack Zipes

  On the Waterfront (Cambridge Film Handbooks)  Jack Zipes  Book DescriptionIn order to comprehensively examine one of the most important films of the Hollywood canon, these essays analyze the screenplay, Elia Kazan as director, Budd Schulberg as screenplay writer, Leonard Bernstein's score, and the reception of the film in classrooms. Collectively, they demonstrate how and why this film has been an enduring favorite among cineastes and movie buffs alike. A preface by Budd Schulberg, contemporary reviews, and reproductions of stills complete the volume.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn order to comprehensively examine one of the most important films of the Hollywood canon, these essays analyze the screenplay, Elia Kazan as director, Budd Schulberg as screenplay writer, Leonard Bernstein's score, and the reception of the film in classrooms. Collectively, they demonstrate how and why this film has been an enduring favorite among cineastes and movie buffs alike. A preface by Budd Schulberg, contemporary reviews, and reproductions of stills complete the volume....

Matisse : From Color to Architecture

Rene Percheron

  Matisse : From Color to Architecture  Rene Percheron  Book DescriptionFew artists have explored genres and techniques with such curiosity and pleasure as Henri Matisse, whose fascination with the relationship between interior and exterior forms occupied him throughout his career. In the early 1950s, he chose to dedicate his last years to the Chapel of the Rosary in Vence and the nursery school in his hometown of Le Cateau-Cambresis, both in the South of France. These sites represent a culmination of all Matisse's earlier visual and spatial explorations. This book sheds new light on the development of Matisse's oeuvre, which spans some 60 years. Lavishly illustrated with almost 400 images, this deluxe volume includes beautiful reproductions of the artist's most famous paintings paired with lesser-known documents and photographs culled from the archives of his estate. The authors also gathered first-hand accounts related by numerous participants in the Vence and Le Cateau projects. The result is a fascinating, almost...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFew artists have explored genres and techniques with such curiosity and pleasure as Henri Matisse, whose fascination with the relationship between interior and exterior forms occupied him throughout his career. In the early 1950s, he chose to dedicate his last years to the Chapel of the Rosary in Vence and the nursery school in his hometown of Le Cateau-Cambresis, both in the South of France. These sites represent a culmination of all Matisse's earlier visual and spatial explorations. This book sheds new light on the development of Matisse's oeuvre, which spans some 60 years. Lavishly illustrated with almost 400 images, this deluxe volume includes beautiful reproductions of the artist's most famous paintings paired with lesser-known documents and photographs culled from the archives of his estate. The authors also gathered first-hand accounts related by numerous participants in the Vence and Le Cateau projects. The result is a fascinating, almost......

Ingres and his Critics

Andrew Carrington Shelton

  Ingres and his Critics  Andrew Carrington Shelton  Book DescriptionThis book examines the critical writing and journalistic reportage on Jean-Auguste-Dominque Ingres.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis book examines the critical writing and journalistic reportage on Jean-Auguste-Dominque Ingres....

Perchance To Dream: And Other Stories

Michael A. Stackpole

  Perchance To Dream: And Other Stories  Michael A. Stackpole  Five Star.   This sixteen story collection runs the gamut of speculative fiction from fantasy to sci fi to horror and a few points in between. The tales with the title exception can be found in other publications dating back to 1991, but not in one place. The title, Perchance to Dream is a new story that takes place in the DragonCrown War universe; the superb tale is written from hints and other references in the books that make up that realm. The anthology also includes a 1992 rewrite of a 1983 Marek-Rais tale, Five Star. This sixteen story collection runs the gamut of speculative fiction from fantasy to sci fi to horror and a few points in between. The tales with the title exception can be found in other publications dating back to 1991, but not in one place. The title, Perchance to Dream is a new story that takes place in the DragonCrown War universe; the superb tale is written from hints and other references in the books that make up that realm. The anthology also includes a 1992 rewrite of a 1983 Marek-Rais tale, "Wind Tiger". The tales show the range of skills that Michael A. Stackpole has as each contribution is well written and entertaining and would be a fine short story collection even without the DragonCrown War Alexia's Dream Raid tale. That new tale enhances a strong compilation that fans of the author will appreciate and newcomers will seek his novels....

Yanni in Words


  Yanni in Words  Yanni  Book DescriptionYanni is practically a force of nature. With global sales of over 20 million albums, 35 gold and platinum awards, and a fan base of untold millions in nearly every corner of the world, this self-taught musician and composer has achieved acult-like following. The Washington Post has called Yanni's career 'a miracle, a lesson in pluck that could be taught in business school, preached from pulpits and woven into bedtime stories.' In this long-awaited memoir, Yanni offers an inside look at his fascinating journey, from his boyhood in Greece, where he taught himself to play piano at the age of six, to his current status as a musical star. His path to success was sometimes rocky. With unprecedented candor, Yanni describes his long struggle to separate himself from the 'New Age' label, his ongoing battles with a music industry bewildered by his work, and the depression that threatened to derail his career. With great affection, he also discusses his long relationship with...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionYanni is practically a force of nature. With global sales of over 20 million albums, 35 gold and platinum awards, and a fan base of untold millions in nearly every corner of the world, this self-taught musician and composer has achieved acult-like following. The Washington Post has called Yanni's career 'a miracle, a lesson in pluck that could be taught in business school, preached from pulpits and woven into bedtime stories.' In this long-awaited memoir, Yanni offers an inside look at his fascinating journey, from his boyhood in Greece, where he taught himself to play piano at the age of six, to his current status as a musical star. His path to success was sometimes rocky. With unprecedented candor, Yanni describes his long struggle to separate himself from the 'New Age' label, his ongoing battles with a music industry bewildered by his work, and the depression that threatened to derail his career. With great affection, he also discusses his long relationship with......

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On the Waterfront (Cambridge Film Handbooks). Jack Zipes . Книги.

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