Price Theory and Applications : Decisions, Markets, and Information

Jack Hirshleifer

  Price Theory and Applications : Decisions, Markets, and Information  Jack Hirshleifer  Book DescriptionThis seventh edition of the book offers extensive discussion of information, uncertainty, and game theory.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThis seventh edition of the book offers extensive discussion of information, uncertainty, and game theory....

Central Banking In The Modern World: Alternative Perspectives

  Central Banking In The Modern World: Alternative Perspectives  Book DescriptionMonetarism is dead! Central bankers are all Wicksellians now! They target low inflation rates, with no regard to monetary aggregates whatsoever, by acting upon short-term real rates of interest. This is the New Consensus in monetary economics, or simply the New Keynesian Synthesis. Yet, this synthesis still hinges on variants of the long-run vertical Phillips curve originally proposed by Milton Friedman, the father of old-line monetarism. Contributors to the volume question this New Consensus. While they agree that the money supply should be conceived as endogenous, they carefully examine the procedures pursued by central banks, the monetary policy transmission mechanisms suggested by central bankers themselves, and the assumptions imbedded in the New Consensus. They propose alternative analyses that clearly demonstrate the limits of modern central banking and point to the possible instability of monetary economies. Heterodox and orthodox monetary macroeconomists...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionMonetarism is dead! Central bankers are all Wicksellians now! They target low inflation rates, with no regard to monetary aggregates whatsoever, by acting upon short-term real rates of interest. This is the New Consensus in monetary economics, or simply the New Keynesian Synthesis. Yet, this synthesis still hinges on variants of the long-run vertical Phillips curve originally proposed by Milton Friedman, the father of old-line monetarism. Contributors to the volume question this New Consensus. While they agree that the money supply should be conceived as endogenous, they carefully examine the procedures pursued by central banks, the monetary policy transmission mechanisms suggested by central bankers themselves, and the assumptions imbedded in the New Consensus. They propose alternative analyses that clearly demonstrate the limits of modern central banking and point to the possible instability of monetary economies. Heterodox and orthodox monetary macroeconomists......

Peter L. Bernstein Classics Boxed Set : Capital Ideas, Against the Gods, The Power of Gold

Peter L. Bernstein

  Peter L. Bernstein Classics Boxed Set : Capital Ideas, Against the Gods, The Power of Gold  Peter L. Bernstein  Wiley.   One of the foremost financial writers of his generation, Peter Bernstein has the unique ability to synthesize intellectual history and economics with the theory and practice of investment management. Now, with this one-of-a-kind boxed set, you will be able to enjoy three of the most important and critically acclaimed books by this engaging investment writer -- Capital Ideas , Against the Gods , and The Power of Gold . Read Capital Ideas and trace the origins of modern Wall Street. Read the bestseller Against the Gods and learn how risk taking propelled the progress of science and enterprise into the modern world. Read The Power of Gold for the story of historys most coveted, celebrated, and inglorious asset. Order the set today.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Wiley. One of the foremost financial writers of his generation, Peter Bernstein has the unique ability to synthesize intellectual history and economics with the theory and practice of investment management. Now, with this one-of-a-kind boxed set, you will be able to enjoy three of the most important and critically acclaimed books by this engaging investment writer -- Capital Ideas , Against the Gods , and The Power of Gold . Read Capital Ideas and trace the origins of modern Wall Street. Read the bestseller Against the Gods and learn how risk taking propelled the progress of science and enterprise into the modern world. Read The Power of Gold for the story of historys most coveted, celebrated, and inglorious asset. Order the set today....

Living Wills & Trusts : How to Distinguish Between Them; Probate & Taxation; Intestate Succession, Tips on Writing Your Own Will (Series 300: Retirees & Estates)

Holmes F. Crouch

  Living Wills & Trusts : How to Distinguish Between Them; Probate & Taxation; Intestate Succession, Tips on Writing Your Own Will (Series 300: Retirees & Estates)  Holmes F. Crouch  Book Description In an effort to give readers the benefit of foresight when preparing for their own death, this guide explains the features and differences between living wills and living trusts and details the variations in distributing assets so that readers can make informed decisions about which prepared testamentary instrument is the best fit for their own estates and situations. Probate and after-death taxation are clarified, and pointers for writing one's own will are given. Also covered are the roles of trustees and executors, other living options, and identifying distributors.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description In an effort to give readers the benefit of foresight when preparing for their own death, this guide explains the features and differences between living wills and living trusts and details the variations in distributing assets so that readers can make informed decisions about which prepared testamentary instrument is the best fit for their own estates and situations. Probate and after-death taxation are clarified, and pointers for writing one's own will are given. Also covered are the roles of trustees and executors, other living options, and identifying distributors....

The Whole Enchilada: A Practical Recipe for Selling to Us Hispanics

Juan Faura

  The Whole Enchilada: A Practical Recipe for Selling to Us Hispanics  Juan Faura  Book Description The Whole Enchilada is a practical guide to selling to the US Hispanic market. It is a no nonsense and real description of the Hispanic population in the United States. As a primer it gives the reader practical advice on what to do in order to gain Hispanic customers. It is also a window into the breadth and richness of the Hispanic culture in the U.S. The book addresses the most critical aspects of marketing to Hispanics: The numbers Adaptation, translation and everything in between The language issue The culture issue The swimsuit issue (in the next printing) Foreign born and US born The Whole Enchilada will raise your Hispanic IQ while giving you the information to begin your Hispanic marketing efforts immediately.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The Whole Enchilada is a practical guide to selling to the US Hispanic market. It is a no nonsense and real description of the Hispanic population in the United States. As a primer it gives the reader practical advice on what to do in order to gain Hispanic customers. It is also a window into the breadth and richness of the Hispanic culture in the U.S. The book addresses the most critical aspects of marketing to Hispanics: The numbers Adaptation, translation and everything in between The language issue The culture issue The swimsuit issue (in the next printing) Foreign born and US born The Whole Enchilada will raise your Hispanic IQ while giving you the information to begin your Hispanic marketing efforts immediately....

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Price Theory and Applications : Decisions, Markets, and Information. Jack Hirshleifer . Книги.

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