Integrating the Arts Across the Elementary School Curriculum

Phyllis Gelineau

  Integrating the Arts Across the Elementary School Curriculum  Phyllis Gelineau  Book Description This book is designed to assist pre-service and in-service classroom teachers in weaving music, visual arts, drama, and movement into the elementary/middle school curriculum in order to stimulate the learning process, enrich other subject areas, and provide opportunities for creative expression and self-fulfillment. By providing the basic tools and activities that teachers will need, Gelineau helps teachers gains confidence in using the arts in the their elementary classrooms. The content of the book is informed by the National Standards for the Arts.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description This book is designed to assist pre-service and in-service classroom teachers in weaving music, visual arts, drama, and movement into the elementary/middle school curriculum in order to stimulate the learning process, enrich other subject areas, and provide opportunities for creative expression and self-fulfillment. By providing the basic tools and activities that teachers will need, Gelineau helps teachers gains confidence in using the arts in the their elementary classrooms. The content of the book is informed by the National Standards for the Arts....

Lady Dasani's Debt: The Shadow Gate Trilogy: Book I

Justin C. Romano

  Lady Dasani's Debt: The Shadow Gate Trilogy: Book I  Justin C. Romano  Book DescriptionAll in a day's work.... When Argentia Dasani embarks on a quest to fulfill her debt to the Archamagus of Teranor by rescuing the Crown's kidnapped daughter, the bounty huntress is more concerned with the ghosts of her past than the dangers of her present task. When she is suddenly caught in the tangles of a catastrophic Prophecy, Argentia must pit her blade, her daring, and her newfound friends--two untried knights, a wandering adventurer of questionable honor, and an intrepid meerkat with a nose for trouble--against all odds in a race across the Crowndom not only to rescue the Princess, but to forestall the return of the demons. As all hope of success wanes, Argentia takes a desperate gamble that will force her to confront her past even as she seeks to save the future by enlisting the aid of the very fiend that would see the Shadow Gate reopened, and the Realm of Acrevast destroyed.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAll in a day's work.... When Argentia Dasani embarks on a quest to fulfill her debt to the Archamagus of Teranor by rescuing the Crown's kidnapped daughter, the bounty huntress is more concerned with the ghosts of her past than the dangers of her present task. When she is suddenly caught in the tangles of a catastrophic Prophecy, Argentia must pit her blade, her daring, and her newfound friends--two untried knights, a wandering adventurer of questionable honor, and an intrepid meerkat with a nose for trouble--against all odds in a race across the Crowndom not only to rescue the Princess, but to forestall the return of the demons. As all hope of success wanes, Argentia takes a desperate gamble that will force her to confront her past even as she seeks to save the future by enlisting the aid of the very fiend that would see the Shadow Gate reopened, and the Realm of Acrevast destroyed....

The Origins of Tolkien's Middle-earth for Dummies

Greg Harvey

  The Origins of Tolkien's Middle-earth for Dummies  Greg Harvey  Book DescriptionJ.R.R. Tolkien's novels of Middle-earth – The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings trilogy , and The Silmarillian – have become some of the most famous, and most beloved, literary works of the twentieth century. And the Lord of the Rings films by director Peter Jackson have re-ignited interest in Tolkien and his works, as well as introduced his stories to a new generation of fans. Even if you've never read the novels and have only seen the films, you know that the world of Middle-earth is a complicated one. Tolkien took great care in representing this world, from creating new languages to including very particular cultural details that add to the richness of the world's fabric.Many other books have been written about Tolkien and his works, but none have come close to providing the kind of reference needed to comprehend the world of Middle-earth. That's what veteran Dummies author and unabashed Tolkien...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionJ.R.R. Tolkien's novels of Middle-earth – The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings trilogy , and The Silmarillian – have become some of the most famous, and most beloved, literary works of the twentieth century. And the Lord of the Rings films by director Peter Jackson have re-ignited interest in Tolkien and his works, as well as introduced his stories to a new generation of fans. Even if you've never read the novels and have only seen the films, you know that the world of Middle-earth is a complicated one. Tolkien took great care in representing this world, from creating new languages to including very particular cultural details that add to the richness of the world's fabric.Many other books have been written about Tolkien and his works, but none have come close to providing the kind of reference needed to comprehend the world of Middle-earth. That's what veteran Dummies author and unabashed Tolkien......

Two-Can First Dictionary

Two-Can Publishing

  Two-Can First Dictionary  Two-Can Publishing  Book DescriptionThe Two-Can First Dictionary takes young children on a voyage of discovery through their native language. It is a bright, inviting introduction to letters and words, and a perfect way to begin developing reference skills.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionThe Two-Can First Dictionary takes young children on a voyage of discovery through their native language. It is a bright, inviting introduction to letters and words, and a perfect way to begin developing reference skills....

The Golden Frog

Michael Mamas

  The Golden Frog  Michael Mamas  Book DescriptionWhat if a common thread existed between all the ancient philosophies of life? Imagine it was true?and what if it was revealed? A captivating adventure about life?s mysteries, The Golden Frog follows the friendship of two boys in a series of enchanted childhood summers and beyond. Though each pursues his own quest for truth, Bruce and Nathaniel?s paths entwine throughout life. Told through Bruce?s reflections, suspense builds as he is tormented, provoked, and intrigued by the enigma of Nathaniel. Bruce is a natural born skeptic. Nathaniel is a relentless seeker, obsessed with life?s deepest meaning. Bruce becomes a psychotherapist trapped in the web of conditioning, while Nathaniel ventures to India, emerging as a revolutionary thinker. During his journey Nathaniel meets Surya, a spiritual master who teaches him extraordinary lessons and profound knowledge. As Nathaniel awakens to the wisdom deeply rooted within him, mysterious...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionWhat if a common thread existed between all the ancient philosophies of life? Imagine it was true?and what if it was revealed? A captivating adventure about life?s mysteries, The Golden Frog follows the friendship of two boys in a series of enchanted childhood summers and beyond. Though each pursues his own quest for truth, Bruce and Nathaniel?s paths entwine throughout life. Told through Bruce?s reflections, suspense builds as he is tormented, provoked, and intrigued by the enigma of Nathaniel. Bruce is a natural born skeptic. Nathaniel is a relentless seeker, obsessed with life?s deepest meaning. Bruce becomes a psychotherapist trapped in the web of conditioning, while Nathaniel ventures to India, emerging as a revolutionary thinker. During his journey Nathaniel meets Surya, a spiritual master who teaches him extraordinary lessons and profound knowledge. As Nathaniel awakens to the wisdom deeply rooted within him, mysterious......

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Integrating the Arts Across the Elementary School Curriculum. Phyllis Gelineau . Книги.

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