
Н. Ютанов

  Оборотень  Н. Ютанов  Астрал.   В альманах детектива и фантастики вошли два произведения Николая Ютанова: Астрал. В альманах детектива и фантастики вошли два произведения Николая Ютанова: "Оборотень" и "Пропасть, или Фея Красного Карлика"....

Не будите спящую принцессу

Наталья Резанова

  Не будите спящую принцессу  Наталья Резанова  АСТ Москва.   Заклятые миры.   Судьба сказочной принцессы трудна - а порой чревата и реальными проблемами! На-до-е-ло быть спасительницей мира от темных сил Зла! На-до-е-ла тошнотворная семейная жизнь с благородным героем! Бросить все к черту и уехать в маленький провинциальный городишко... Уехала. И оказалась втянута в расследование серии загадочных убийств. И если бы в одиночестве... это еще можно пережить... А вот как пережить развеселую компанию помощничков - нескольких опальных рыцарей, пару беглых особистов и идиота-менестреля, на которого наложено жуткое проклятие? Короче - жизнь продолжаетсяЯ и бьет ключом!..  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин АСТ Москва. Заклятые миры. Судьба сказочной принцессы трудна - а порой чревата и реальными проблемами! На-до-е-ло быть спасительницей мира от темных сил Зла! На-до-е-ла тошнотворная семейная жизнь с благородным героем! Бросить все к черту и уехать в маленький провинциальный городишко... Уехала. И оказалась втянута в расследование серии загадочных убийств. И если бы в одиночестве... это еще можно пережить... А вот как пережить развеселую компанию помощничков - нескольких опальных рыцарей, пару беглых особистов и идиота-менестреля, на которого наложено жуткое проклятие? Короче - жизнь продолжаетсяЯ и бьет ключом!.....

Priceless: On Knowing the Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing

Frank Ackerman

  Priceless: On Knowing the Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing  Frank Ackerman  Book Description A timely and much needed corrective to the current infatuation with cost-benefit analysis and the derelict logic used to defend it. As clinical as it sounds to express the value of human lives, health, or the environment in cold dollars and cents, cost-benefit analysis requires it. More disturbingly, this approach is being embraced by a growing number of politicians and conservative pundits as the most reasonable way to make many policy decisions regarding public health and the environment. By systematically refuting the economic algorithms and illogical assumptions that cost-benefit analysts flaunt as fact, Priceless tells a Book Description A timely and much needed corrective to the current infatuation with cost-benefit analysis and the derelict logic used to defend it. As clinical as it sounds to express the value of human lives, health, or the environment in cold dollars and cents, cost-benefit analysis requires it. More disturbingly, this approach is being embraced by a growing number of politicians and conservative pundits as the most reasonable way to make many policy decisions regarding public health and the environment. By systematically refuting the economic algorithms and illogical assumptions that cost-benefit analysts flaunt as fact, Priceless tells a "gripping story about how solid science has been shoved to the backburner by bean counters with ideological blinders" ( In These Times ). Ackerman and Heinzerling argue that decisions about health and safety should be made "to reflect not economists' numbers, but democratic values, chosen on moral grounds. This is a......

Selecting a College Major: Exploration and Decision Making, Fifth Edition

Virginia N. Gordon

  Selecting a College Major: Exploration and Decision Making, Fifth Edition  Virginia N. Gordon  Book DescriptionFocused on the decision-making process as a tool for choosing an academic major or changing a previous academic decision, this workbook is filled with self-assessment exercises that help readers see the importance of identifying realisticgoals, developing a workable academic path towards those goals, and integrating their past academic work with their choices. They can then create an action plan for identifying and gathering information about academic and occupational alternatives and for choosing a major and career path. KEY TOPICS Separate units cover taking stock, exploring self, exploring majors, exploring occupations, making a decision, implementing a decision, and the job search?resumes, cover letters, and interviewpreparation. For individuals preparing for both their college and business careers.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionFocused on the decision-making process as a tool for choosing an academic major or changing a previous academic decision, this workbook is filled with self-assessment exercises that help readers see the importance of identifying realisticgoals, developing a workable academic path towards those goals, and integrating their past academic work with their choices. They can then create an action plan for identifying and gathering information about academic and occupational alternatives and for choosing a major and career path. KEY TOPICS Separate units cover taking stock, exploring self, exploring majors, exploring occupations, making a decision, implementing a decision, and the job search?resumes, cover letters, and interviewpreparation. For individuals preparing for both their college and business careers....

Inside the Minds: Managing for Profits - CEOs from Shuffle Master, BioReliance, AccuCode & More on Key Strategies for Increasing Profits Exponentially in Any Economy (Inside the Minds)

  Inside the Minds: Managing for Profits - CEOs from Shuffle Master, BioReliance, AccuCode & More on Key Strategies for Increasing Profits Exponentially in Any Economy (Inside the Minds)  Book DescriptionInside the Minds: Managing for Profit Centers is an indispensable guide for company leaders in any industry looking to expand their business and grow their profits. Featuring Presidents and CEOs representing some of the nation?s fastest growing private companies, this book provides targeted, specific advice from a wide range of leading executives. Authors raise critical points about how to identify a company?s main profit centers and strategically build upon these strongholdings. Each chapter articulates key and fundamental strategies for growing profits in both strong, as well as unstable economies, and offers advice on the finer points of business ? from leveraging key technologies to effective risk management, touching upon everything in between. This title is a must-read for executives across all industries in search for practical, strategic plans for increasing profits and sustaining long-term business growth.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionInside the Minds: Managing for Profit Centers is an indispensable guide for company leaders in any industry looking to expand their business and grow their profits. Featuring Presidents and CEOs representing some of the nation?s fastest growing private companies, this book provides targeted, specific advice from a wide range of leading executives. Authors raise critical points about how to identify a company?s main profit centers and strategically build upon these strongholdings. Each chapter articulates key and fundamental strategies for growing profits in both strong, as well as unstable economies, and offers advice on the finer points of business ? from leveraging key technologies to effective risk management, touching upon everything in between. This title is a must-read for executives across all industries in search for practical, strategic plans for increasing profits and sustaining long-term business growth....

<<<  Высокоскоростная передача цифровых данных: высший ...             Formal Organizations: A Comparative Approach (Stanford Business Classics). ... >>>

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Оборотень. Н. Ютанов . Книги.

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