Design Anarchy

Kalle Lasn

  Design Anarchy  Kalle Lasn  This radical new aesthetic vision from the founder of Adbusters Magazine looks unflinchingly at contemporary art and graphic design and implicates their seemingly innocuous practitioners in crimes against our culture and our planet. Design Anarchy pioneers a hybrid graphic/text language that is by turns intimate, anarchic, abstract and accusatory, to explore the responsibility of the visual designer and artist in the pollution and redemption of our mental and physical commons. It makes an urgent call for artists, graphic and industrial designers and architects to reengage with the world. And it includes work from some who have already heard that call: Jeff Wall, Andres Serrano, Robert Mapplethorpe, Ryan McGinley, Gregory Crewdson and Barbara Kruger. Kalle Lasn is the founder of Adbusters Media Foundation, and as its head has launched international social marketing campaigns such as Buy Nothing Day and TV Turnoff Week, and has pioneered the spoof ads, billboard liberations and TV...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This radical new aesthetic vision from the founder of Adbusters Magazine looks unflinchingly at contemporary art and graphic design and implicates their seemingly innocuous practitioners in crimes against our culture and our planet. Design Anarchy pioneers a hybrid graphic/text language that is by turns intimate, anarchic, abstract and accusatory, to explore the responsibility of the visual designer and artist in the pollution and redemption of our mental and physical commons. It makes an urgent call for artists, graphic and industrial designers and architects to reengage with the world. And it includes work from some who have already heard that call: Jeff Wall, Andres Serrano, Robert Mapplethorpe, Ryan McGinley, Gregory Crewdson and Barbara Kruger. Kalle Lasn is the founder of Adbusters Media Foundation, and as its head has launched international social marketing campaigns such as Buy Nothing Day and TV Turnoff Week, and has pioneered the spoof ads, billboard liberations and TV......

Acting: Advanced Techniques for the Actor, Director, and Teacher

Terry Schreiber, Mary Beth Barber, Ed Norton

  Acting: Advanced Techniques for the Actor, Director, and Teacher  Terry Schreiber, Mary Beth Barber, Ed Norton  Actors who want to get inside the script and make it come alive now have a step-by-step guide from a Broadway director and renowned acting teacher. Honed by the author's 35 years of teaching, this advanced book offers different warm-up exercises concentrating on the actor's sense of smell, sound, sight, and touch; sensory tools for conveying the climate and environment of the text; tips for suggesting a character's physical conditions; and much more. Individual exercises will help actors to free the voice and body, create a character, find the action and condition of scenes, and explore the subconscious for effective emotional recall. Readers will also find meticulous guidelines for best using rehearsal time and preparing for in-class scene work. The foreword is written by two-time Academy Award nominee Edward Norton. Those who act, direct, or teach will not want to miss the acting lessons that have made T. Schreiber Studio a premier actor training program.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Actors who want to get inside the script and make it come alive now have a step-by-step guide from a Broadway director and renowned acting teacher. Honed by the author's 35 years of teaching, this advanced book offers different warm-up exercises concentrating on the actor's sense of smell, sound, sight, and touch; sensory tools for conveying the climate and environment of the text; tips for suggesting a character's physical conditions; and much more. Individual exercises will help actors to free the voice and body, create a character, find the action and condition of scenes, and explore the subconscious for effective emotional recall. Readers will also find meticulous guidelines for best using rehearsal time and preparing for in-class scene work. The foreword is written by two-time Academy Award nominee Edward Norton. Those who act, direct, or teach will not want to miss the acting lessons that have made T. Schreiber Studio a premier actor training program....

Apple Pro Training Series: Aperture 1.5 (Apple Pro Training)

Orlando Luna, Ben Long

  Apple Pro Training Series: Aperture 1.5 (Apple Pro Training)  Orlando Luna, Ben Long  Now fully updated for version 1.5, this comprehensive book-DVD combo starts with the basics of image management and takes you step by step all the way through Aperture's powerful photo-editing, image-retouching, proofing, publishing, and archiving features. Version 1.5's new features are completely covered, including the new image editing tools, expanded search capabilities, new Loupe tool, and support for many more RAW file formats. It delivers comprehensive training - the equivalent of a two-day course - in one project-based book. You'll learn time-saving techniques for sorting, ranking, and organizing images for use in different jobs, and effective ways to display images for client review, apply metadata, keep your online portfolio up to date automatically, color-manage your workflow from input to final print, and much more. Real-world exercises feature professional photography from a variety of genres, including fashion, sports, wedding, commercial, and portraiture. All the files...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Now fully updated for version 1.5, this comprehensive book-DVD combo starts with the basics of image management and takes you step by step all the way through Aperture's powerful photo-editing, image-retouching, proofing, publishing, and archiving features. Version 1.5's new features are completely covered, including the new image editing tools, expanded search capabilities, new Loupe tool, and support for many more RAW file formats. It delivers comprehensive training - the equivalent of a two-day course - in one project-based book. You'll learn time-saving techniques for sorting, ranking, and organizing images for use in different jobs, and effective ways to display images for client review, apply metadata, keep your online portfolio up to date automatically, color-manage your workflow from input to final print, and much more. Real-world exercises feature professional photography from a variety of genres, including fashion, sports, wedding, commercial, and portraiture. All the files......

Чтоб вы знали…

Лена Зорина

  Чтоб вы знали…  Лена Зорина  АСТ, Хранитель.   Современная проза.   Ежедневно тысячи человек, едва сделав первый глоток утреннего кофе, включают компьютер, чтобы открыть заветный блог - Они знают - заряд положительных эмоций им обеспечен. Рассказы Лены Зориной, скрывающейся под таинственным ником Pilka, поражают искрометным юмором, жизнерадостностью, необычным взглядом на мир и людей. Лена живет в Израиле, и в обычной - не виртуальной - жизни она врач, а еще мама очаровательной малышки Даны, кстати, героини многих рассказов. Как же всеми уважаемый доктор Лена дошла до такой жизни? На этот вопрос она отвечает так: АСТ, Хранитель. Современная проза. Ежедневно тысячи человек, едва сделав первый глоток утреннего кофе, включают компьютер, чтобы открыть заветный блог - Они знают - заряд положительных эмоций им обеспечен. Рассказы Лены Зориной, скрывающейся под таинственным ником Pilka, поражают искрометным юмором, жизнерадостностью, необычным взглядом на мир и людей. Лена живет в Израиле, и в обычной - не виртуальной - жизни она врач, а еще мама очаровательной малышки Даны, кстати, героини многих рассказов. Как же всеми уважаемый доктор Лена дошла до такой жизни? На этот вопрос она отвечает так: "Писать я начала три года назад - до этого была уверена, что не могу и двух слов связать. Открыла Живой Журнал, написала один рассказ - все хвалят. Ну, думаю, раз так - напишем еще. Френдов стало больше, хвалят еще. Так и пошло..." И пошло, добавим, более чем удачно. Доказательство тому - титул "Королева русского Живого Журнала" и первое место в израильском конкурсе "Лучший развлекательный блог" и......

Келдышевские чтения - 2006. К 95-летию со дня рождения И. В. Нестьева. Доклады, сообщения, статьи

Лащенко С.К.

  Келдышевские чтения - 2006. К 95-летию со дня рождения И. В. Нестьева. Доклады, сообщения, статьи  Лащенко С.К.  Ленанд.   Сборник Ленанд. Сборник "Келдышевские чтения - 2006" основан на материалах конференции, посвященной 95-летию со дня рождения Израиля Владимировича Нестьева. Имя Израиля Владимировича хорошо известно, на его трудах выросло не одно поколение музыковедов. Он активно проявил себя как ученый, педагог, публицист, музыкальный критик, музыкально-общественный деятель. Почти 20 лет И.В.Нестьев руководил Отделом музыки в Государственном институте искусствознания. По мере возможности в сборнике отражен широкий диапазон интересов Израиля Владимировича, включающих явления не только музыки, но и других областей культуры. Среди авторов статей - сотрудники Отдела музыки, а также бывшие аспиранты Израиля Владимировича, в настоящее время - кандидаты и доктора искусствоведения. Для музыковедов, историков искусства, культурологов и всех заинтересованных читателей....

<<<  Environmentalism (In Focus). David Peterson ...             Сольфеджио. Рабочая тетрадь. 2 класс. Г. Ф. Калинина >>>

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Design Anarchy. Kalle Lasn . Книги.

Первоуральск, Уфа, Междуреченск, Щёлково, Междуреченск, Ачинск, Кызыл, Ачинск, Щёлково,
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