Environmentalism (In Focus)

  Environmentalism (In Focus)  David Peterson del Mar  David Peterson del Mar  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин David Peterson del Mar...

Cowboy Kate and Other Stories: Director's Cut

  Cowboy Kate and Other Stories: Director's Cut  Haskins' seminal sixties classics, which include the groundbreaking Cowboy Kate , are landmarks in the history of photography, as revered today as they were when first published forty years ago. In Cowboy Kate , a lyrical tale of the triumph of youth played out by cowgirls of the old west, Haskins reinvented the genre of the nude with stunningly well-executed photographs, a cinematic approach, and a subtly engaging narrative. Often copied but rarely equaled, Haskins has an exceptional ability to photograph women with a sensitivity that has won him accolades from men and women alike. The Haskins' seminal sixties classics, which include the groundbreaking Cowboy Kate , are landmarks in the history of photography, as revered today as they were when first published forty years ago. In Cowboy Kate , a lyrical tale of the triumph of youth played out by cowgirls of the old west, Haskins reinvented the genre of the nude with stunningly well-executed photographs, a cinematic approach, and a subtly engaging narrative. Often copied but rarely equaled, Haskins has an exceptional ability to photograph women with a sensitivity that has won him accolades from men and women alike. The "Director's Cut" is revised to include new and previously unpublished photographs....

Celebrating Moore: Works from the Collection of the Henry Moore Foundation

David Mitchinson

  Celebrating Moore: Works from the Collection of the Henry Moore Foundation  David Mitchinson  This book is a celebration of The Henry Moore Foundation's collection--the most important and comprehensive single group of Moore's drawings, graphics, and sculpture. More than 300 of Moore's acclaimed works are reproduced in full color, and extensive captions are provided by distinguished sculptors, art critics, and art historians, many of whom knew and worked with Moore. Their fresh insights and personal anecdotes provide a detailed and compelling analysis of Moore's artistry. David Mitchinson's introductory essay traces the formation of The Henry Moore Foundation's collection, a fascinating story that has never been told before. He explains Moore's somewhat haphazard way of working, the confused ownership between the Foundation and its trading company, the strengths and weaknesses of the Collection itself, and the evolution of the Foundation's property at Perry Green in Hertfordshire. With a foreword by Sir Alan Bowness, Celebrating Moore will be a welcome addition to...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is a celebration of The Henry Moore Foundation's collection--the most important and comprehensive single group of Moore's drawings, graphics, and sculpture. More than 300 of Moore's acclaimed works are reproduced in full color, and extensive captions are provided by distinguished sculptors, art critics, and art historians, many of whom knew and worked with Moore. Their fresh insights and personal anecdotes provide a detailed and compelling analysis of Moore's artistry. David Mitchinson's introductory essay traces the formation of The Henry Moore Foundation's collection, a fascinating story that has never been told before. He explains Moore's somewhat haphazard way of working, the confused ownership between the Foundation and its trading company, the strengths and weaknesses of the Collection itself, and the evolution of the Foundation's property at Perry Green in Hertfordshire. With a foreword by Sir Alan Bowness, Celebrating Moore will be a welcome addition to......

Making Glass Beads

Cindy Jenkins

  Making Glass Beads  Cindy Jenkins  Lark Books.   New in Paper. Beads that are multicolored, grooved, feathered or foiled, and decorated with spots, dots, eyes, and stripes: no matter which of these designs in glass you choose, the results will be beautiful. Detailed instructions and magnificent photos, along with scores of valuable tips and tricks, guide crafters through an awesome array of techniques, making this the best guide to glass beading ever. The creative journey begins with making a simple bead; proceeds to easy variations, such as overwraps and raked patterns; and ends exquisitely with beads shimmering with different metals and featuring millefiori, sculpting, and hollowing.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Lark Books. New in Paper. Beads that are multicolored, grooved, feathered or foiled, and decorated with spots, dots, eyes, and stripes: no matter which of these designs in glass you choose, the results will be beautiful. Detailed instructions and magnificent photos, along with scores of valuable tips and tricks, guide crafters through an awesome array of techniques, making this the best guide to glass beading ever. The creative journey begins with making a simple bead; proceeds to easy variations, such as overwraps and raked patterns; and ends exquisitely with beads shimmering with different metals and featuring millefiori, sculpting, and hollowing....

Romare Bearden: The Caribbean Dimension

Sally Price, Richard Price

  Romare Bearden: The Caribbean Dimension  Sally Price, Richard Price  Romare Bearden (1911-1988), the great African American artist, spent much of the last two decades of his life on the Caribbean island of St. Martin. This tropical experience influenced not only the work (mainly watercolors) that he produced while in the region but also the imagery of rural North Carolina and Harlem that he created during his final and most productive years. Best known for his paintings and collages of jazz and the rural South, he was honored by a major retrospective of his life's work at the National Gallery of Art in 2003. Bearden was explicit that, for him, the Caribbean was vital. Romare Bearden (1911-1988), the great African American artist, spent much of the last two decades of his life on the Caribbean island of St. Martin. This tropical experience influenced not only the work (mainly watercolors) that he produced while in the region but also the imagery of rural North Carolina and Harlem that he created during his final and most productive years. Best known for his paintings and collages of jazz and the rural South, he was honored by a major retrospective of his life's work at the National Gallery of Art in 2003. Bearden was explicit that, for him, the Caribbean was vital. "Art will go where the energy is. I find a great deal of energy in the Caribbean. . . . It's like a volcano there; there's something unfinished underneath that still smolders." In this full-color work, lavishly illustrated with 130 Bearden paintings as well as many photos of him and his friends in St. Martin, distinguished scholars Sally Price and Richard Price explore Bearden's......

<<<  Excel for Scientists and Engineers (Excel for Professionals series). Gerard ...             Сольфеджио. Рабочая тетрадь. 2 класс. Г. Ф. Калинина >>>

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Environmentalism (In Focus). David Peterson del Mar . Книги.

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