Excel for Scientists and Engineers (Excel for Professionals series)

Gerard Verschuuren

  Excel for Scientists and Engineers (Excel for Professionals series)  Gerard Verschuuren  For scientists and engineers tired of trying to learn Excel with examples from accounting, this self-paced tutorial is loaded with informative samples from the world of science and engineering. Techniques covered include creating a multifactorial or polynomial trendline, generating random samples with various characteristics, and tips on when to use PEARSON instead of CORREL. Other science- and engineering-related Excel features such as making columns touch each other for a histogram, unlinking a chart from its data, and pivoting tables to create frequency distributions are also covered.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин For scientists and engineers tired of trying to learn Excel with examples from accounting, this self-paced tutorial is loaded with informative samples from the world of science and engineering. Techniques covered include creating a multifactorial or polynomial trendline, generating random samples with various characteristics, and tips on when to use PEARSON instead of CORREL. Other science- and engineering-related Excel features such as making columns touch each other for a histogram, unlinking a chart from its data, and pivoting tables to create frequency distributions are also covered....

The Lucent Library of Science and Technology - Artificial Intelligence (The Lucent Library of Science and Technology)


  The Lucent Library of Science and Technology - Artificial Intelligence (The Lucent Library of Science and Technology)  James  For the past fifty years researchers have been striving to create machines that rival the thinking capacity of humans. In Artificial Intelligence learn how AI experts simulate the human brain and construct smart robots. Today AI touches every aspect of our lives from business and medicine to exploration and entertainment.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин For the past fifty years researchers have been striving to create machines that rival the thinking capacity of humans. In Artificial Intelligence learn how AI experts simulate the human brain and construct smart robots. Today AI touches every aspect of our lives from business and medicine to exploration and entertainment....

Traffic Engineering and QoS Optimization of Integrated Voice & Data Networks

Gerald R. Ash

  Traffic Engineering and QoS Optimization of Integrated Voice & Data Networks  Gerald R. Ash  Morgan Kaufmann.   The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking.   This book describes, analyzes, and recommends traffic engineering (TE) and quality of service (QoS) optimization methods for integrated voice/data dynamic routing networks. These functions control a network's response to traffic demands and other stimuli, such as link failures or node failures. TE and QoS optimization is concerned with measurement, modeling, characterization, and control of network traffic, and the application of techniques to achieve specific performance objectives. The scope of the analysis and recommendations include dimensioning, call/flow and connection routing, QoS resource management, routing table management, dynamic transport routing, and operational requirements. Case studies are included which provide the reader with a concrete way into the technical details and highlight why and how to use the techniques described in the book. Includes Case Studies of MPLS & GMPLS Network Optimization. Presents state-of-the-art traffic engineering and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Morgan Kaufmann. The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking. This book describes, analyzes, and recommends traffic engineering (TE) and quality of service (QoS) optimization methods for integrated voice/data dynamic routing networks. These functions control a network's response to traffic demands and other stimuli, such as link failures or node failures. TE and QoS optimization is concerned with measurement, modeling, characterization, and control of network traffic, and the application of techniques to achieve specific performance objectives. The scope of the analysis and recommendations include dimensioning, call/flow and connection routing, QoS resource management, routing table management, dynamic transport routing, and operational requirements. Case studies are included which provide the reader with a concrete way into the technical details and highlight why and how to use the techniques described in the book. Includes Case Studies of MPLS & GMPLS Network Optimization. Presents state-of-the-art traffic engineering and......

Winning the Toughest Customer: The Essential Guide to Selling to Women

Delia Passi

  Winning the Toughest Customer: The Essential Guide to Selling to Women  Delia Passi  If she had a choice, would she buy from you?A A Developing the skill and know-how to attract and retain female customers has never been more critical to success—annually, women consumers spend $3.7 trillion, women business owners spend $1.5 trillion, and women make or influence over 94 percent of all purchases. A You need her business to succeed.A If you don’t get it, someone else will. Yet to many sales professionals, understanding women customers is a daily challenge: the way women interpret behavior, hear unexpected meanings, take in “peripheral” information, and how they view the overall sales process. As a result, women’s wants, needs, and expectations are often misunderstood. Winning the Toughest Customer: The Essential Guide to Selling to Women reveals how salespeople can thrive with this complex market segment by providing the tools to customize selling to women, and then to anybody...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин If she had a choice, would she buy from you?A A Developing the skill and know-how to attract and retain female customers has never been more critical to success—annually, women consumers spend $3.7 trillion, women business owners spend $1.5 trillion, and women make or influence over 94 percent of all purchases. A You need her business to succeed.A If you don’t get it, someone else will. Yet to many sales professionals, understanding women customers is a daily challenge: the way women interpret behavior, hear unexpected meanings, take in “peripheral” information, and how they view the overall sales process. As a result, women’s wants, needs, and expectations are often misunderstood. Winning the Toughest Customer: The Essential Guide to Selling to Women reveals how salespeople can thrive with this complex market segment by providing the tools to customize selling to women, and then to anybody......

Einstein in the Boardroom: Moving Beyond Intellectual Capital to I-Stuff

Suzanne S. Harrison, Patrick H. Sullivan

  Einstein in the Boardroom: Moving Beyond Intellectual Capital to I-Stuff  Suzanne S. Harrison, Patrick H. Sullivan  Capitalize on Your Company's Intangible Assets… Leading Companies Show You How Capitalize on Your Company's Intangible Assets… Leading Companies Show You How "Einstein in the Boardroom makes a great sequel to Edison in the Boardroom. Those readers who found the examples and war stories of Edison to be useful in their own IP-management activities will find the same qualities in Einstein. This resource will help anyone in the intangibles management community who seeks to go beyond intellectual property and understand and capitalize on the full range of a firm's intellectual capital."—Julie Davis, coauthor, Edison in the Boardroom "Harrison and Sullivan continue to elevate understanding of the value of intellectual assets and, more importantly, provide a 'clinic' on the practical steps necessary to turn theory into bottom-line results."—Jeff Weedman, Vice President, External Business Development The Procter......

<<<  DirectX 10 под управлением Visual Basic 2007 для карманных компьютеров и коммуникаторов ...             Сольфеджио. Рабочая тетрадь. 2 класс. Г. Ф. Калинина >>>

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Excel for Scientists and Engineers (Excel for Professionals series). Gerard Verschuuren . Книги.

Старый Оскол, Ростов-на-Дону, Балашиха,
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