What's Holding You Back? Eight Critical Choices for Women's Success

Linda S. Austin

  What's Holding You Back? Eight Critical Choices for Women's Success  Linda S. Austin  The first book to help women understand and shatter the psychological glass ceiling, the invisible but powerful thoughts and feelings that stand in the way of real achievement. After thirty years of feminism, women continue to underachieve, occupying only 10 percent of top-level managerial or professional positions. And significant achievement-influential woman leaders and visionaries-is rarer still. The reason, argues this bold and inspiring book, lies in the self-imposed psychological glass ceiling, which influences every decision women make in their lives. What's Holding You Back? charts women's unique pathways to achievement and examines eight life-defining choices that determine their ultimate level of accomplishment. The Eight Critical Choices that Lead to Success: -channeling motivation and turning it into real action -learning to take risks (unlearning that rough play in the sandbox is wrong for girls) and embracing confidence and optimism in the boardroom -moving...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The first book to help women understand and shatter the psychological glass ceiling, the invisible but powerful thoughts and feelings that stand in the way of real achievement. After thirty years of feminism, women continue to underachieve, occupying only 10 percent of top-level managerial or professional positions. And significant achievement-influential woman leaders and visionaries-is rarer still. The reason, argues this bold and inspiring book, lies in the self-imposed psychological glass ceiling, which influences every decision women make in their lives. What's Holding You Back? charts women's unique pathways to achievement and examines eight life-defining choices that determine their ultimate level of accomplishment. The Eight Critical Choices that Lead to Success: -channeling motivation and turning it into real action -learning to take risks (unlearning that rough play in the sandbox is wrong for girls) and embracing confidence and optimism in the boardroom -moving......

Opportunities in Speech-Language Pathology Careers

Patricia Larkins

  Opportunities in Speech-Language Pathology Careers  Patricia Larkins  Opportunities in Series * MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERIES. With over 150 titles, students can explore virtually any job opportunity to their heart's content. * FULL CAREER DESCRIPTION. Tells students what each profession is all about and the various job opportunities available. * OVERVIEW OF THE JOB MARKET. Provides information on educational requirements, salary opportunities, career advancement, and the employment outlook. * ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Bridge readers to other resources on employment opportunities in the professional field.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Opportunities in Series * MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERIES. With over 150 titles, students can explore virtually any job opportunity to their heart's content. * FULL CAREER DESCRIPTION. Tells students what each profession is all about and the various job opportunities available. * OVERVIEW OF THE JOB MARKET. Provides information on educational requirements, salary opportunities, career advancement, and the employment outlook. * ADDITIONAL REFERENCES. Bridge readers to other resources on employment opportunities in the professional field....

Constraint Management in Manufacturing: Optimising the Supply Chain

Ted Hutchin

  Constraint Management in Manufacturing: Optimising the Supply Chain  Ted Hutchin  This book is about making money out of the supply chain. There is much discussion about what exactly supply chain management really is and how the principle of 'Lean Management' can be properly applied to manufacturing. The approach developed by Dr. Goldratt known as the 'Theory of Cobstraints' has been gaining ground in both the US and the UK. Constraint Mangaement in Manufcaturing argues that without a constraint management perspective, both supply chain management and lean thinking lack focus. This book is intended for both the practitioner and the researcher. The book address the incresing demand to create an approach to the manufacturing process which places constraint management into an overall perspective and links it to the the creative use of new technologies such as the world wide web.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book is about making money out of the supply chain. There is much discussion about what exactly supply chain management really is and how the principle of 'Lean Management' can be properly applied to manufacturing. The approach developed by Dr. Goldratt known as the 'Theory of Cobstraints' has been gaining ground in both the US and the UK. Constraint Mangaement in Manufcaturing argues that without a constraint management perspective, both supply chain management and lean thinking lack focus. This book is intended for both the practitioner and the researcher. The book address the incresing demand to create an approach to the manufacturing process which places constraint management into an overall perspective and links it to the the creative use of new technologies such as the world wide web....

The Nature of Mass Poverty

John Kenneth Galbraith

  The Nature of Mass Poverty  John Kenneth Galbraith  The Galbraith incisibeness, clarity, and wit are here brought to bear on the central aspects of the most important economic and social probelms of our time. The Nature of Mass Poverty proceeds from the author's conviction that most explanations ofconditions in poor countries do not explain. They reflect, instead, the experience of the rich countries. Or they create cause out of cure. Capital and technical expertise being available from the rich countries, shortage of these becomes the cause of povery in the poor.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Galbraith incisibeness, clarity, and wit are here brought to bear on the central aspects of the most important economic and social probelms of our time. The Nature of Mass Poverty proceeds from the author's conviction that most explanations ofconditions in poor countries do not explain. They reflect, instead, the experience of the rich countries. Or they create cause out of cure. Capital and technical expertise being available from the rich countries, shortage of these becomes the cause of povery in the poor....

Protecting Your Wealth in Good Times and Bad

Richard A. Ferri

  Protecting Your Wealth in Good Times and Bad  Richard A. Ferri  Based on the highly successful Utterly Confused format, this guide introduces beginners, in a unique conversational style and format, to the basic pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary needed for effective communication.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Based on the highly successful Utterly Confused format, this guide introduces beginners, in a unique conversational style and format, to the basic pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary needed for effective communication....

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What's Holding You Back? Eight Critical Choices for Women's Success. Linda S. Austin . Книги.

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