Театральная критика Власа Дорошевича

Влас Дорошевич

  Театральная критика Власа Дорошевича  Влас Дорошевич  Харвест.   Воспоминания. Мемуары.   Ревнитель театра, Легендарная Москва, Уголок старой Москвы, Мое первое знакомство с П. И. Вейнбергом, М. В. Лентовский. Поэма из московской жизни, Чародеи, Шаляпин в Харвест. Воспоминания. Мемуары. Ревнитель театра, Легендарная Москва, Уголок старой Москвы, Мое первое знакомство с П. И. Вейнбергом, М. В. Лентовский. Поэма из московской жизни, Чародеи, Шаляпин в "Scala", Шаляпин в "Мефистофеле" (Из миланских воспоминаний), Мефистофель, Демон (Первое представление), Добрыня, М. Н. Ермолова, "Марья Гавриловна", Праздник русского искусства, М. Г. Савина, П. А. Стрепетова, А. П. Ленский, Саша Давыдов, Рощин-Инсаров, Великий комик, Кин (Ф. П. Горев), Е. Я. Неделин, М. Т. Иванов-Козельский, И. П. Киселевский, Л. Д. Донской, Ландыш русской сцены, Фигнер, Богиня радости и веселья, Чайковский, Памяти А. Г. Рубинштейна, Таланты и поклонники, Летний театр, Оперетка, За кулисами, Мужья актрис, "Муж царицы", Опера, или Искусство сделаться в один год знаменитым тенором, Летний тенор, Бас, После актрисы (Ее бумаги), "Шпоня", "Сам Николай Хрисанфович Рыбаков", А. А. Рассказов, Актер Рахимов, Друг актера Н. А. Рудзевич, Георг Парадиз, Юбилей Гердта, Сын Сальвини, Петроний оперного партера, С. В..... Настоящее издание является первым наиболее полным собранием театральных очерков, фельетонов, рецензий знаменитого публициста, сатирика, критика Власа Михайловича Дорошевича (1865-1922), вошедшего в историю русской литературы и журналистики с титулом "короля фельетонистов". Наряду с не раз переиздававшимися очерками в книгу вошли и составили большую ее часть извлеченные из старой периодики фельетоны, статьи, рецензии, посвященные как знаменитым русским и зарубежным актерам, певцам, танцовщикам, так и скромным служителям Мельпомены. В том включены также письма В.М.Дорошевича к известным деятелям театра....

Wiley CPA Examination Review, Volume 2, Problems and Solutions, 30th Edition, 2003-2004

O. Ray Whittington, Patrick R. Delaney, Patrick R. Delaney, Ray Whittington

  Wiley CPA Examination Review, Volume 2, Problems and Solutions, 30th Edition, 2003-2004  O. Ray Whittington, Patrick R. Delaney, Patrick R. Delaney, Ray Whittington  Volume 1 Outlines and Study Guides Covers all four sections of the CPA Examination point by point Stresses important topical areas to study for each part Helps establish a self-study preparation program Divides exam into 44 manageable study units Provides an outline format supplemented by brief examples and illustrations Makes material easy to read, understand, and remember Gears coverage to the AICPA content specification outlines effective with the May 2001 exam Explains step-by-step examples of the Volume 1 Outlines and Study Guides Covers all four sections of the CPA Examination point by point Stresses important topical areas to study for each part Helps establish a self-study preparation program Divides exam into 44 manageable study units Provides an outline format supplemented by brief examples and illustrations Makes material easy to read, understand, and remember Gears coverage to the AICPA content specification outlines effective with the May 2001 exam Explains step-by-step examples of the "solutions approach" Provides the most up-to-date coverage available Volume 2 Problems and Solutions Offers selected problems from all four examination sections Contains rationale for correct or incorrect multiple-choice answers Offers more than 120 essay questions and problems with unofficial AICPA answers ......

Lessons from the Sandbox : Rediscovering the Keys to Business Success

Alan Gregerman

  Lessons from the Sandbox : Rediscovering the Keys to Business Success  Alan Gregerman  Alan Gregerman, consultant to innovative entrepreneurs, shows how insights gained from children can help companies grow, innovate, improve the bottom line, and Alan Gregerman, consultant to innovative entrepreneurs, shows how insights gained from children can help companies grow, innovate, improve the bottom line, and "make magic" with customers, employees, and shareholders....

Economics of Coastal and Water Resources: Valuing Environmental Functions (Studies in Cognitive Systems)

R. Kerry Turner, I. J. Bateman, W. Neil Adger, Ian Bateman

  Economics of Coastal and Water Resources: Valuing Environmental Functions (Studies in Cognitive Systems)  R. Kerry Turner, I. J. Bateman, W. Neil Adger, Ian Bateman  This book examines in detail the resource management problems and challenges posed by the intensification of the environmental change process in coastal areas around the globe. The analysis deployed is by and large buttressed by methods and techniques drawn from social science disciplines: economics, geography, and psychology. However, the overall approach adopted is multidisciplinary with additional contributions from the natural sciences and statistics. The key concept developed is that of ecosystem function value diversity and its management policy analogue, ecosystem integrity maintenance, and the consequent sustainable utilisation of coastal system assets. The functioning of healthy ecosystems generates a range of outputs which society values. The individual chapters analyse and evaluate a range of coastal and water resource functions across different temporal and spatial scales.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book examines in detail the resource management problems and challenges posed by the intensification of the environmental change process in coastal areas around the globe. The analysis deployed is by and large buttressed by methods and techniques drawn from social science disciplines: economics, geography, and psychology. However, the overall approach adopted is multidisciplinary with additional contributions from the natural sciences and statistics. The key concept developed is that of ecosystem function value diversity and its management policy analogue, ecosystem integrity maintenance, and the consequent sustainable utilisation of coastal system assets. The functioning of healthy ecosystems generates a range of outputs which society values. The individual chapters analyse and evaluate a range of coastal and water resource functions across different temporal and spatial scales....

Wildly Sophisticated: A Bold New Attitude for Career Success

Nicole Williams

  Wildly Sophisticated: A Bold New Attitude for Career Success  Nicole Williams  Nicole Williams-founder of the successful career development and marketing company Wildly Sophisticated Media Inc.-has made a living out of honing the job skills of young women and pointing them in the right career direction. These are smart, ambitious, stylish women who want to conquer the world, and with a Nicole Williams-founder of the successful career development and marketing company Wildly Sophisticated Media Inc.-has made a living out of honing the job skills of young women and pointing them in the right career direction. These are smart, ambitious, stylish women who want to conquer the world, and with a "Wildly Sophisticated" attitude they can make it happen. Nicole shows women how to use their passions, their individuality, and their courage to build a career that exceeds their most outrageous dreams. An honest blend of best friend, personal cheerleader, and "been-there done-that" mentor, author Nicole Williams uses her own experience-as well as that of other Wildly Sophisticated women-to help readers not just get a job, but pave a path. She shows them how to pull themselves up by their Blahnik straps, take those drinks-after-work dreams, and turn them into reality. Packed full of useful information, constructive solutions, inspiring stories, "Career......

<<<  Сила внутри нас!. Клод М. Бристол, Гарольд ...             Лица и маски. О времени и о себе (комплект из 2 книг). ... >>>

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Театральная критика Власа Дорошевича. Влас Дорошевич . Книги.

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