Superman/Batman Vol. 2: Supergirl

Jeph Loeb

  Superman/Batman Vol. 2: Supergirl  Jeph Loeb  Batman has discovered something strange on the bottom of Gotham Bay which leads him to a mysterious and powerful teenaged girl whos bent on destroying Gotham City! Whats her connection to Superman? Why does Wonder Woman want to hide her from the outside world? Will Darkseid succeed in recruiting her into doing his bidding? This volume also includes an introduction by Loeb as well as a Kryptonian language translation key!  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Batman has discovered something strange on the bottom of Gotham Bay which leads him to a mysterious and powerful teenaged girl whos bent on destroying Gotham City! Whats her connection to Superman? Why does Wonder Woman want to hide her from the outside world? Will Darkseid succeed in recruiting her into doing his bidding? This volume also includes an introduction by Loeb as well as a Kryptonian language translation key!...

The President's Assassin

Brian Haig

  The President's Assassin  Brian Haig  With just three days to prevent the assassination of the President, Army lawyer Sean Drummond races the clock in the high-stakes countdown of his career. Army lawyer Sean Drummond*s new posting is to the Office of Special Projects, a CIA cell that handles the most dangerous threats. When the White House Chief of Staff is found brutally murdered, there*s a note beside him promising more victims--including the President. Sean leaps into action, teaming up with a beautiful colleague to try to stop the assassin. As the killer stalks the campaign trail, apparently driven by a $500 million bounty on the President*s head, all arrows point to a member of the White House security detail who*s gone missing. Only after a dramatic hostage rescue that culminates in an intense shootout does Sean realize law enforcement*s horrible miscalculation--and what must be done to set things right.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин With just three days to prevent the assassination of the President, Army lawyer Sean Drummond races the clock in the high-stakes countdown of his career. Army lawyer Sean Drummond*s new posting is to the Office of Special Projects, a CIA cell that handles the most dangerous threats. When the White House Chief of Staff is found brutally murdered, there*s a note beside him promising more victims--including the President. Sean leaps into action, teaming up with a beautiful colleague to try to stop the assassin. As the killer stalks the campaign trail, apparently driven by a $500 million bounty on the President*s head, all arrows point to a member of the White House security detail who*s gone missing. Only after a dramatic hostage rescue that culminates in an intense shootout does Sean realize law enforcement*s horrible miscalculation--and what must be done to set things right....

Shades of Desire

Jay Jorgensen

  Shades of Desire  Jay Jorgensen  Light - Shadows - Passion! Light - Shadows - Passion! "Shades of Desire" is the name of this gorgeous photo collection by Jay Jorgensen, who presents his well-built models in black-and-white. Using only his camera and reflector the photographer turns his subjects into elegiac, elegant works of art. Using the available lighting he shapes the powerful bodies. "Nude photography is very powerful and yet at the same time very vulnerable," says the master, and his photos exude these very qualities....

Семь часов одна минута

Ольга Зондберг

  Семь часов одна минута  Ольга Зондберг  Арго-Риск, Книжное обозрение.   Отдельно стоящие книги.   Четвертая книга московского поэта и прозаика Ольги Зондберг включает композицию из стихотворений разных лет и новый текст Арго-Риск, Книжное обозрение. Отдельно стоящие книги. Четвертая книга московского поэта и прозаика Ольги Зондберг включает композицию из стихотворений разных лет и новый текст "Это недолго" - коллаж из моностихов и афоризмов....

Освальд Шпенглер

Т. Г. Румянцева

  Освальд Шпенглер  Т. Г. Румянцева  Книжный дом.   Мыслители XX столетия.   В книге излагаются вехи судьбы и творчества немецкого мыслителя, автора философского бестселлера Книжный дом. Мыслители XX столетия. В книге излагаются вехи судьбы и творчества немецкого мыслителя, автора философского бестселлера "Закат Европы". Его мысли сегодня вновь стали актуальными в результате ренессанса идей о "смерти Запада" и "столкновении цивилизаций". Для широкого круга читателей....

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Superman/Batman Vol. 2: Supergirl. Jeph Loeb . Книги.

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