Anxieties and Management Responses in International Business (Academy of International Business)

  Anxieties and Management Responses in International Business (Academy of International Business)  This volume deals with This volume deals with "anxieties" in international business and their managerial ramifications. A key actor in the international business environment is the multinational enterprise (MNE) and one can make the case that the organization and politics of the MNE is a potential pool of anxiety. Anxieties are also manifest from the perspectives of countries and localities impacted by MNC activities and investment. All contributions highlight the complexities of the international business environment or the managerial implication of such complexity....

Essentials of Managerial Finance

Scott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham

  Essentials of Managerial Finance  Scott Besley, Eugene F. Brigham  Trust the book that has already helped hundreds of thousands of students like you understand the importance of managerial finance theory and the practical impact these principles have on business today. This leading ESSENTIALS OF MANAGERIAL FINANCE, 14e offers a well-written, understandable, complete introduction that equips you with the basic financial management tools you need for business success. This edition's 18 chapters cover all the topics you need, including accounting statements, security markets, interest rates, taxes, risk analysis, time value of money, and the basics of security valuation. As practical as it is thorough, this edition's clear, concise, proven presentation style blends theory with a practical application of what you've learned. Actual industry examples show how financial principles operate within businesses throughout the world. This edition highlights topics of growing importance in business today, such as multinational finance and resolving ethical...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Trust the book that has already helped hundreds of thousands of students like you understand the importance of managerial finance theory and the practical impact these principles have on business today. This leading ESSENTIALS OF MANAGERIAL FINANCE, 14e offers a well-written, understandable, complete introduction that equips you with the basic financial management tools you need for business success. This edition's 18 chapters cover all the topics you need, including accounting statements, security markets, interest rates, taxes, risk analysis, time value of money, and the basics of security valuation. As practical as it is thorough, this edition's clear, concise, proven presentation style blends theory with a practical application of what you've learned. Actual industry examples show how financial principles operate within businesses throughout the world. This edition highlights topics of growing importance in business today, such as multinational finance and resolving ethical......

The Rose of York: Fall from Grace

Sandra Worth

  The Rose of York: Fall from Grace  Sandra Worth  Defying Shakespeare's portrayal of Richard III, this prize-winning, well-researched novel concludes the ROSE OF YORK series winners of a notable ten awards. Set in Malory's England, it traces Richard's remarkable reign, his passion for justice, and his undying devotion to Anne, and delves into the still-unresolved mystery of his nephews' disappearance. A stirring saga of courage, sacrifice, and love.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Defying Shakespeare's portrayal of Richard III, this prize-winning, well-researched novel concludes the ROSE OF YORK series winners of a notable ten awards. Set in Malory's England, it traces Richard's remarkable reign, his passion for justice, and his undying devotion to Anne, and delves into the still-unresolved mystery of his nephews' disappearance. A stirring saga of courage, sacrifice, and love....

The Shadowkiller: A Novel

Matthew Scott Hansen

  The Shadowkiller: A Novel  Matthew Scott Hansen  Every hair on Ty's body, the skin on his neck and arms, everything was clenched in a primeval fear stimulus response. In the thick of the woods not ten yards away stood a creature, manlike, apelike . . . some sort of hairy humanoid, like a gorilla standing upright on long legs. Motionless, it stared at Ty, and Ty froze dead in his tracks. Jesus Christ, this is Bigfoot. BIGFOOT IS ANGRY. When careless campers unleash a raging forest fire, they inadvertently set in motion a blood-drenched spree of revenge. Motivated by the immolation of his family, a nearly eleven-foot-tall, preternaturally strong superprimate begins stalking the mountains northeast of Seattle, hunting the Every hair on Ty's body, the skin on his neck and arms, everything was clenched in a primeval fear stimulus response. In the thick of the woods not ten yards away stood a creature, manlike, apelike . . . some sort of hairy humanoid, like a gorilla standing upright on long legs. Motionless, it stared at Ty, and Ty froze dead in his tracks. Jesus Christ, this is Bigfoot. BIGFOOT IS ANGRY. When careless campers unleash a raging forest fire, they inadvertently set in motion a blood-drenched spree of revenge. Motivated by the immolation of his family, a nearly eleven-foot-tall, preternaturally strong superprimate begins stalking the mountains northeast of Seattle, hunting the "small two-legs" he blames and leaving an eerie trail of missing people . . . but little else. As people begin vanishing from nearby forests, former software magnate Ty Greenwood risks everything to find out why. Tormented by his encounter with a Bigfoot three years......

World Development Indicators 2007 (World Development Indicators) (World Development Indicators)

  World Development Indicators 2007 (World Development Indicators) (World Development Indicators)  World Bank  World Bank  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин World Bank...

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Anxieties and Management Responses in International Business (Academy of International Business). . Книги.

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