Art of Calligraphy

David Harris

  Art of Calligraphy  David Harris  Whether you want to personalize stationery or enhance other special gifts and objects, The Art of Calligraphy helps you choose equipment, from brushes, pens, pencils, papers, to inks, and then shows exactly how to produce every letter of the alphabet in a number of different scripts.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Whether you want to personalize stationery or enhance other special gifts and objects, The Art of Calligraphy helps you choose equipment, from brushes, pens, pencils, papers, to inks, and then shows exactly how to produce every letter of the alphabet in a number of different scripts....

This is Ireland

M. Sasek

  This is Ireland  M. Sasek  Universe.   A Children's Classic.   On the heels of the runaway bestsellers Universe. A Children's Classic. On the heels of the runaway bestsellers "This is New York" and This is Paris, Universe is pleased to reissue another title from M.Sasek's beloved and nostalgic children's travel series. Like the other Sasek classics, This is Ireland is a facsimile edition of his original book from the 1960s and is still timely and current in every way. The brilliant, vibrant illustrations have been meticulously preserved, remaining true to his vision more than 40 years later and, where applicable, facts have been updated for the twenty-first century, appearing on a "This is...Today" page at the back of the book. The stylish, charming illustrations, coupled with Sasek's witty, playful narrative, makes for a perfect souvenir that will delight both children and their parents, many of whom will remember this book from their childhood. This is Ireland, first published in 1964, brings the Emerald Isle to life, where the shamrock grows and a leprechaun stands at the end of every rainbow,......

Cinema and Northern Ireland: Film, Culture and Politics

John Hill

  Cinema and Northern Ireland: Film, Culture and Politics  John Hill  John Hill's groundbreaking study is the first book to focus solely on the cinema from and about Northern Ireland. Based on detailed archival research, Hill's comprehensive account traces the history of film production in Northern Ireland from the beginnings of a local film industry in the 1920s and 1930s, when the first Northern Irish 'quota quickies' were made, through the propaganda films of the 1940s and 1950s and on to the cinema of the Troubles. Hill carefully examines the relationship between films and the political tensions within Northern Ireland, identifying the ways in which films have both reinforced and challenged social divisions. He considers the moral and religious controversies that have surrounded cinema in the North and describes the political censorship of films held to be seditious such as Ourselves Alone and The Plough and the Stars . He assesses the role of filmmaking in Northern Ireland during and after the Second World War and considers how...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин John Hill's groundbreaking study is the first book to focus solely on the cinema from and about Northern Ireland. Based on detailed archival research, Hill's comprehensive account traces the history of film production in Northern Ireland from the beginnings of a local film industry in the 1920s and 1930s, when the first Northern Irish 'quota quickies' were made, through the propaganda films of the 1940s and 1950s and on to the cinema of the Troubles. Hill carefully examines the relationship between films and the political tensions within Northern Ireland, identifying the ways in which films have both reinforced and challenged social divisions. He considers the moral and religious controversies that have surrounded cinema in the North and describes the political censorship of films held to be seditious such as Ourselves Alone and The Plough and the Stars . He assesses the role of filmmaking in Northern Ireland during and after the Second World War and considers how......

Thermodynamics and Heat Power (6th Edition)

Kurt C. Rolle

  Thermodynamics and Heat Power (6th Edition)  Kurt C. Rolle  This popular book presents the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics and their practical applications to heat power, heat transfer, and heating and air conditioning. It addresses real-world problems in engineering and design ? without stressing abstract mathematics ? and uses a unique calculus/non-calculus based approach that ensures a rigorous treatment of each subject appropriate to the mathematics level of each reader. Includes a software package for doing cycles, combustion and radiation Heat Transfer problems with parametric analyses. Develops concepts and example problems in contexts that are based on ?real world? applications. Offers unique optional Calculus for Clarity sections for readers who have a background in differential and integral calculus. Provides a complete introduction to convection, conduction, and radiation heat transfer; and examines application of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This popular book presents the fundamental concepts of thermodynamics and their practical applications to heat power, heat transfer, and heating and air conditioning. It addresses real-world problems in engineering and design ? without stressing abstract mathematics ? and uses a unique calculus/non-calculus based approach that ensures a rigorous treatment of each subject appropriate to the mathematics level of each reader. Includes a software package for doing cycles, combustion and radiation Heat Transfer problems with parametric analyses. Develops concepts and example problems in contexts that are based on ?real world? applications. Offers unique optional Calculus for Clarity sections for readers who have a background in differential and integral calculus. Provides a complete introduction to convection, conduction, and radiation heat transfer; and examines application of......

Роспись кафеля и плитки. Энциклопедия

Джеки Эткин

  Роспись кафеля и плитки. Энциклопедия  Джеки Эткин  Арт-Родник.   Украсьте свой дом яркими красками, декорируя плитки, сделанные самостоятельно или приобретенные в магазине. Вам помогут 200 декоративных узоров, включенных в эту книгу. В каждой статье вы найдете фотографию готовой плитки, диаграмму расположения изразцов, полный список необходимого оборудования, а также инструкции по порядку выполнения работы. Каждый из узоров можно использовать как в объемной схеме, так и в интересном сочетании с другими узорами из этой книги. Специальные значки обозначают уровень мастерства и рабочие навыки, необходимые для изготовления каждой плитки. Основные технические приемы продемонстрированы при помощи пошаговых иллюстраций - от изготовления форм и переноса узоров до нанесения краски, трафаретных узоров, работы с шаблонами, техники сграффито и инкрустации.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Арт-Родник. Украсьте свой дом яркими красками, декорируя плитки, сделанные самостоятельно или приобретенные в магазине. Вам помогут 200 декоративных узоров, включенных в эту книгу. В каждой статье вы найдете фотографию готовой плитки, диаграмму расположения изразцов, полный список необходимого оборудования, а также инструкции по порядку выполнения работы. Каждый из узоров можно использовать как в объемной схеме, так и в интересном сочетании с другими узорами из этой книги. Специальные значки обозначают уровень мастерства и рабочие навыки, необходимые для изготовления каждой плитки. Основные технические приемы продемонстрированы при помощи пошаговых иллюстраций - от изготовления форм и переноса узоров до нанесения краски, трафаретных узоров, работы с шаблонами, техники сграффито и инкрустации....

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Art of Calligraphy. David Harris . Книги.

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