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Mobile and Wireless Communications
Gordon A Gow, Richard K Smith...
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Econospinning: How to Read Between the Lines When the Media Manipulate the Numbers Gene Epstein
Gene Epstein knows a thing or two about economic data. Before becoming the Economics Editor for Barron's in 1993, he was a senior economist at the New York Stock Exchange. Now in Econospinning , Epstein supplies readers with a book that attempts to cut through the veil of economic misinformation commonly reported in today's media. Assuming no prior knowledge on the readers part, each chapter of Econospinning is structured around fairly simple propositions about the economy or about specific economic data—from tracking employment numbers to measuring corporate profitability—that are then contrasted with the distortions of today's media coverage. Along the way, Epstein exposes bad reporting by the elite media, including The Wall Street Journal , The Financial Times, The New York Review of Books , The New Yorker, The Economist —and especially by The New York Times and its economics columnist Paul Krugman, ......
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Career Opportunities In The Automotive Industry (Career Opportunities)
Michael Kennedy...
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A Microsoft Excel Companion for Business Statistics David Eldredge
This manual/workbook provides step-by-step instructions for using Excel to solve most of the problems found in introductory business statistics. Numerous visual examples of screen captures show data input, pull-down menus, dialog boxes, and statistical results. The workbook introduces the statistical capabilities of Excel to readers who have little or no prior experience with MicrosoftA® Windows and/or Excel. Chapter 1 includes a brief introduction to the Windows environment and an introduction to Excel....
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Balance of Payment Statistics Yearbook 2005 (Balance of Payments Statistics Yearbook)
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Mobile and Wireless Communications. Gordon A Gow, Richard K Smith . Книги.
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