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How to Find a Scholarship Online Shannon R. Turlington
Tuition costs across the country are rising at an alarming rate—and financial aid is harder to get than ever. Parents and students alike are worrying about how to pay for education without skimping on quality. Now, thanks to the Internet, more and more students are applying for scholarships online with just the click of their mouse. However, finding just the right sites can take hours of Web research. And too much time spent on research can result in lost opportunities, missed deadlines, and changes in eligibility requirements. How to Find a Scholarship Online makes the search easier by providing a directory of Web sites with scholarships available for a wide variety of fields of study, ethnic and religious backgrounds, military activities, athletic abilities, and more. Each entry details all the important facts students need, including: Eligibility requirements Tips for avoiding scams, finding the best options, and applying online Expert advice......
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Couples at Work : How Can You Stand to Work With Your Spouse? E. W. James, E.W. "Dub" James, Janet, Bob Schram George Roche, Kirstin Marr
The phrase most often used by readers to describe Couples at Work is "refreshingly real". Written by a real couple with candid, funny and sometimes shocking his and her perspectives, Couples at Work takes you on a roller coaster journey of what it's liketo work with someone you love. Tackling touchy subjects like management and personality styles, conflict, personal space, time off, and what happens when family members join you, Dub and Janet James make you feel OK when you don't agree by sharing their own experience and giving you new ideas for turning differences into powerful assets. Whether you already work together or are considering starting a business together, Couples at Work offers you a sense of excitement and comfort. Supported by hundreds of couples nationwide, Couples at Work shows you, in a down-to-earth approach, how to work with your spouse as you move through the inevitable power struggles, differences of opinions, and guides you down a path toward intimacy......
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Google: The Missing Manual Rael Dornfest, Sarah Milstein
Google is the planet's most popular program for finding stuff on the Web. Millions of people a day use it to search for everything from apple pie recipes to high school sweethearts to Zimbabwean bus schedules--but it has no manual. And who needs helpfor such an easy to use program? As it turns out, Google has many hidden tricks and tools that can turn your simple searching into powerful--and successful--discoveries. But you have to know where to look. Google: The Missing Manual is your guide, covering: Search techniques and tricks. If you know which search words to choose and how to ask for the special things Google lets you look for--like phone numbers, definitions, stock quotes, pictures, and other goodies--you'll get more of what you want, more often. This book helps you search more effectively. Must-have tools. Why head to Google's home page 80 times a day when toolbars, buttons and other widgets can help you search more efficiently? Use this book to find out how the pros......
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Frames and Resolvable Designs: Uses, Constructions and Existence Steven Furino, Ying Miao, Jianxing Yin
Frames, together with a modified fundamental construction, provide a powerful recursive mechanism for constructing resolvable balanced incomplete block designs (BIBDs). Frames and Resolvable Designs: Uses, Constructions and Existence presents a unique study of frames and their application to this construction. Chapter 1 sets the stage by describing the games combinatorialists play. It introduces basic combinatorial structures and construction techniques. Chapter 2 discusses frames extensively and includes comprehensive lists of direct and recursive constructions. Chapter 3 provides known classes of RBIBD constructions. Chapter 4 deals with existence results and demonstrates the utility of the frame approach. Chapter 5 is a series of informative tables useful for researchers. No other book tackles this demanding topic from these varied perspectives. Multi-faceted and written for easy access by different users, Frames and Resolvable Designs: Uses, Constructions and Existence is the......
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The Art of Cartooning with FLASH (With CD-ROM) Daniel Gray, Gary Leib, John Kuramoto
An indispensable resource for those interested in cartooning with Flash! This unique book contains superb coverage of proper animation technique and practice, focusing on cartooning using Macromedia Flash. Written by professional animators, cartoonists, and computer artists and presented in a beautiful, full-color package, this book offers real-world examples, step-by-step explanations, and helpful diagrams. The CD includes lesson tutorials (using sample animated characters), a trial version of Flash 5, Flash toys and games by Twinkle, sound and graphics tools, and links to studios as well as learning and job resources....
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How to Find a Scholarship Online. Shannon R. Turlington . Книги.
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