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Ice Sculpting the Modern Way Robert Garlough, Randy Finch, Derek Maxfield
If you long to create the stunning ice sculptures that are the focus of attention on cruise ships, special events and other displays and want to learn the very latest in modern techniques, this is the book for you. This is the newest book published on ice sculpting in the last decade, Ice Sculpting the Modern Way is the definitive reference and training manual on the market today. Brimming with carefully orchestrated step-by-step photographs that take the reader through each sequential step in producing highly innovative, but practical, ice sculptures, the book is a must for the modern ice sculptor. Whether you are a novice or an accomplished artist, this book features the most current techniques in the industry including power tools and ice fusion for a unique presentation. The authors discuss the art of sculpting in an insightful and instructive manner with exercises for the you to improve your technique. A comprehensive glossary of terms helps the reader learn the jargon of......
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Dynamic Macroeconomics: Instability, Fluctuations, and Growth in Monetary Economies (Studies in Dynamical Economic Science) Peter Flaschel, Reiner Franke, Willi Semmler
"Macrodynamics is a venerable and important tradition, which fifty or sixty years ago engaged the best minds of the economics profession: among them Frisch, Tinbergan, Harrod, Hicks, Samuelson, Goodwin. Recently it has been in danger of being swallowed up by rational expectations, moving equilibrium, and dynamic optimization. We can be grateful to the authors of this book for keeping alive the older tradition, while modernizing it in the light of recent developments in techniques of dynamic modeling." --James Tobin, Sterling Professor of Economics Emeritus, Yale University Dynamic Macroeconomics is an attempt to revitalize the traditions of nonmarket clearing approaches to macroeconomics. Using sophisticated tools from dynamic analysis, the authors introduce a consistent, integrated framework for disequilibrium macroeconomic dynamics and explore its relationship to the competing--and currently dominant--equilibrium dynamics. The book is organized into five parts. Part I......
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Radical Process Change : A Best Practice Blueprint (CBI Fast Track) Ashley Braganza
In an environment where change is an essential part of an organisation's make-up, this book deals with how to successfully implement radical, process-based change. The key word is 'radical' in that incremental change initiatives fail to adequately keep pace with the rapidly evolving business environment. Another key element of focus is that successful change requires sign-up from everyone in the organisation, and not just a forced top-down approach from senior managers. The author innovatively makes repeated use of two main case examples to illustrate exactly the evolution required for effective process-based change. This is combined with clear signposting via axioms for change, benchmarking checklists, and chapter summaries. Focused on turning theory into effective practice, this book will be particularly appealing to owner-managers of SMEs, as well as middle to senior managers struggling with change implementation programmes within their own companies....
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Multimedia and Image Management Susan E. L. Lake, Karen Bean
Multimedia and Image Management prepares students for a business world in which they will be expected to use business-standard software applications and to complete projects and solve problems. The applications include word processing, presentation, digital photography, image manipulation, animation, and speech recognition. This text teaches students the more creative end of business technology....
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You CAN Teach Online! The McGraw Hill Guide to Building Creative Learning Environments Gary S Moore, Kathryn Winograd, Dan Lange, Gary Moore, Kathryn Winograd, Dan Lange
You CAN Teach Online! is a web-enhanced text provides easy-to-follow examples of pedagogical techniques, and tools that will be useful for faculty interested in developing online courses in the traditional and online classrooms. Throughout the text, numerous technical drawings, charts, graphs, and photographs are displayed to illustrate the very latest in educational technology. With this information, readers will learn to have the confidence to translate their traditional classroom materials to an online environment....
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На главную
Ice Sculpting the Modern Way. Robert Garlough, Randy Finch, Derek Maxfield . Книги.
Пенза, Салават, Ставрополь, Ачинск, Жуковский, Жуковский, Набережные Челны, Новочебоксарск, Майкоп, Нижнекамск, Златоуст,
Экзотические приключения| Миронов Андрей Александрович| Распознавание и синтез речи| Энциклопедические словари| Этнография (этнология, народоведение)| Микроэкономика| Бокс|
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