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Poverty and the Third Way Colin C. Williams, Jan Windebank
Poverty and the Third Way uncovers how New Labour's employment-focussed approach causes, rather than resolves, poverty. Searching for another approach, the authors find the seeds of an alternative 'third way' in radical European social democratic and ecological thought which seeks to transcend capitalism and socialism by developing work beyond employment. Exploring the reasons why such an approach is needed and how it can be implemented, the authors transcend the 'there is no alternative' to capitalism school of thought dominant in many advanced economies by providing a clearly marked route map of the towards a post-capitalist economy....
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Contesting Agriculture: Cooperativism and Privatization in the New Eastern Germany (Suny Series in the Anthropology of Work) Hans C. Buechler, Judith-Maria Buechler
Examines the privatization of agriculture in eastern Germany since 1989....
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People, Land, and Community: Collected E. F. Schumacher Society Lectures Hildegarde Hannum, Nancy Jack Todd, E. F. Schumacher Society
In this forward-looking book, top authorities in the field of ecological economics consider the many implications of environmental and community degradation. Honoring the ideas E. F. Schumacher set forth in Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered, the contributors focus on adapting economic systems to the long-term carrying capacity of the earth and suggest initiatives for citizens seeking to halt further degradation....
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Creative Technological Change: The Shaping of Technology and Organisations (Management of Technology and Innovation) Ian McLoughlin
Creative Technological Change explores the organizational challenges posed by new technology. It draws on a wide range of thinking from organization theory, innovation studies as well as the sociology of technology....
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Occupational Health Guide to Violence in the Workplace Thomas D. Schneid
20 murders every week. 18,000 assaults in the same time. All on the job.Sharp increases in workplace violence continue to take an unfortunate toll on American business-and its employees, families and communities. Preventative measures may be well-intentioned, but pose troubling conflicts in themselves, pitting each employee's privacy vs. overall worker protection.A full-self evaluation of your business and its personnel may be the key to safeguard against workplace violence. Thomas D. Schneid's Occupational Health Guide to Violence in the Workplace provides the important guidelines for that careful, all-encompassing examination.Most books on workplace violence focus on psychological profiles. In a change of pace, Schneid examines the issue from a safety/health professional's viewpoint, taking all angles, legal issues, and potential ramifications into account. Chapters focus on not only in-house efforts to prevent violent incidents, but also government and legal standards directly or......
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Poverty and the Third Way. Colin C. Williams, Jan Windebank . Книги.
Тамбов, Хасавюрт, Хасавюрт, Новый Уренгой, Питер, Назрань, Междуреченск, Ростов-на-Дону, Саранск, Питер, СергиевПосад, Курск, Дербент, Бийск, Обнинск, Березники, Пенза, Пермь, Иваново, Бийск, Калуга,
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