Exhausting Modernity: Grounds for a New Economy

Teresa Brennan, Routledge

  Exhausting Modernity: Grounds for a New Economy  Teresa Brennan, Routledge  Teresa Brennan marshalls the insights of Marx and Freud to provide a compelling and insightful analysis of the pervading modern capitalism: environmental collapse, the rising poverty levels, and the increased global economic disparity. Linking the consumption of environmental resources to our own depleted psychic life, she shows that modernity must be rethought if we are to find a sustainable future for both the environment an our own psychic life.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Teresa Brennan marshalls the insights of Marx and Freud to provide a compelling and insightful analysis of the pervading modern capitalism: environmental collapse, the rising poverty levels, and the increased global economic disparity. Linking the consumption of environmental resources to our own depleted psychic life, she shows that modernity must be rethought if we are to find a sustainable future for both the environment an our own psychic life....

Exploring Marketing Research With Infotrac

William G. Zikmund

  Exploring Marketing Research With Infotrac  William G. Zikmund  Marketing research on the Internet has moved from the introductory stage of its product life to the growth stage in the 21st century. Technological developments and social diffusion of the Internet have and will continue to shape the future of marketing research dramatically. Exploring Marketing Research, 8e reflects the astonishing changes in information technology that have taken place since the previous edition. While this edition continues to focus on the time honored, traditional marketing research methods, the addition of extensive coverage of Internet research is a major change in this edition. Internet issues are carefully placed throughout the text to combine basic marketing research concepts with the emerging Internet power to conduct effective marketing research.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Marketing research on the Internet has moved from the introductory stage of its product life to the growth stage in the 21st century. Technological developments and social diffusion of the Internet have and will continue to shape the future of marketing research dramatically. Exploring Marketing Research, 8e reflects the astonishing changes in information technology that have taken place since the previous edition. While this edition continues to focus on the time honored, traditional marketing research methods, the addition of extensive coverage of Internet research is a major change in this edition. Internet issues are carefully placed throughout the text to combine basic marketing research concepts with the emerging Internet power to conduct effective marketing research....

High-Rise Security and Fire Life Safety, Second Edition

Geoff Craighead

  High-Rise Security and Fire Life Safety, Second Edition  Geoff Craighead  High-Rise Security and Fire Life Safety servers as an essential took for building architects, building owners and property managers, security and fire safety directors, security consultants, and contract security firms. * Provides the reader with complete coverage of high-rise security and safety issues * Includes comprehensive sample documentation, diagrams, photographs to aid in developing security and fire life safety programs * Serves as an essential tool for building owners and managers, security and fire safety directors, security consultants and contract security firms  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин High-Rise Security and Fire Life Safety servers as an essential took for building architects, building owners and property managers, security and fire safety directors, security consultants, and contract security firms. * Provides the reader with complete coverage of high-rise security and safety issues * Includes comprehensive sample documentation, diagrams, photographs to aid in developing security and fire life safety programs * Serves as an essential tool for building owners and managers, security and fire safety directors, security consultants and contract security firms...

The Disney Way: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company

Bill Capodagli, Bill Capodagli, Lynn Jackson

  The Disney Way: Harnessing the Management Secrets of Disney in Your Company  Bill Capodagli, Bill Capodagli, Lynn Jackson  "Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson's book is all about real magic: stimulating and harmonizing the collective energy of people."­­ Ken Blanchard A Fortune magazine Best Business Book of the Year Walt Disney inspired generations with his creative genius and shrewd business acumen. While delighting us with the magic of Mickey Mouse, he also introduced corporate America to some innovative and brilliant new ways of doing business. And as everyone knows, the Disney companies have grown beyond anything even Walt himself could have imagined. Now this practical, hands-on book takes an in-depth look at Disney's business philosophy and the priciples behind it, demonstrating how today's managers can successfully apply them to their own businesses­­no matter what the field....

Государственное управление финансами и кредитом в современных условиях хозяйствования. Учебное пособие

В. А. Епифанов, А. А. Паньковский

  Государственное управление финансами и кредитом в современных условиях хозяйствования. Учебное пособие  В. А. Епифанов, А. А. Паньковский  Едиториал УРСС.   В данном пособии рассматриваются сущность и функции финансового менеджмента в общей системе государственного управления финансами и кредитом в современных условиях хозяйствования. Детализируются вопросы бюджетного устройства и федерального бюджета России, социально-экономической сущности налогов и налоговой системы, роли и значения внебюджетных фондов, банковской системы, видов страхования, классификации ценных бумаг. Предназначено для студентов, изучающих дисциплины Едиториал УРСС. В данном пособии рассматриваются сущность и функции финансового менеджмента в общей системе государственного управления финансами и кредитом в современных условиях хозяйствования. Детализируются вопросы бюджетного устройства и федерального бюджета России, социально-экономической сущности налогов и налоговой системы, роли и значения внебюджетных фондов, банковской системы, видов страхования, классификации ценных бумаг. Предназначено для студентов, изучающих дисциплины "Финансовый менеджмент", "Операции с ценными бумагами", "Организация биржевой деятельности"....

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Exhausting Modernity: Grounds for a New Economy. Teresa Brennan, Routledge . Книги.

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