International Finance and Accounting Handbook, 3rd Edition

Frederick D. S. Choi

  International Finance and Accounting Handbook, 3rd Edition  Frederick D. S. Choi  Global business is a fact of life, and those whose decisions encompass the international dimensions of financial analysis, reporting, and control must thoroughly understand numerous issues in the international finance and accounting arena. Expanded and updated from its award-winning predecessor, International Finance and Accounting Handbook, Third Edition, provides the tools and techniques needed to come to grips with the differences in accounting principles, financial disclosure, and auditing practices found in today?s global market. Composed of seven informative parts, this comprehensive guide covers several important topics, including the globalization of financial markets, financial analysis, the diversity that characterizes global accounting measurements, and international accounting harmonization. It also provides an executive education on other relevant issues such as reporting, international transfer pricing and taxation, and international auditing. Combining technical...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Global business is a fact of life, and those whose decisions encompass the international dimensions of financial analysis, reporting, and control must thoroughly understand numerous issues in the international finance and accounting arena. Expanded and updated from its award-winning predecessor, International Finance and Accounting Handbook, Third Edition, provides the tools and techniques needed to come to grips with the differences in accounting principles, financial disclosure, and auditing practices found in today?s global market. Composed of seven informative parts, this comprehensive guide covers several important topics, including the globalization of financial markets, financial analysis, the diversity that characterizes global accounting measurements, and international accounting harmonization. It also provides an executive education on other relevant issues such as reporting, international transfer pricing and taxation, and international auditing. Combining technical......

Working Papers for use with Financial Accounting

John J Wild

  Working Papers for use with Financial Accounting  John J Wild  Available to help direct students in solving all assignments. Each chapter contains one set of papers for all assignment materials (these papers cover either the A or B series of problems).  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Available to help direct students in solving all assignments. Each chapter contains one set of papers for all assignment materials (these papers cover either the A or B series of problems)....

Rethinking Performance Measurement

Marshall Meyer

  Rethinking Performance Measurement  Marshall Meyer  Performance measurement remains a vexing problem for business firms and other kinds of organizations. The Performance measurement remains a vexing problem for business firms and other kinds of organizations. The "balanced scorecard", widely touted as a solution to problems of performance measurement and strategic planning, has no strong basis in theory. Moreover, implementation of the "balanced scorecard" may create many more problems than it solves. This text returns to the fundamentals by asking what is the performance of the firm, can this performance be measured, and what are reasonable second-best measures if the first-best measures we would like to have are not available....

Professional Communication Series: Public Speaking, Student Edition


  Professional Communication Series: Public Speaking, Student Edition  Glencoe  The Professional Communication Series 1e—PUBLIC SPEAKING, Interviewing, Technical Communications, Multimedia Presentation Skills, and Managing Information in the Workplace are flexible modules that cover the important communication skills students will need for their careers. Each module consists of 192 pages presented in 10 chapters. Each includes the following features: Workplace Tips, Communication @ Work, self-assessment activities, chapter summaries, key terms, Ethics in Action, Technology Tips, Global Notes, Quotable Quips, and application exercises and checklists. Components of each module are Student Edition, Student Edition with CD-ROM, Instructor Resource Manual with CD-ROM (including ExamView Pro and PowerPoint), Distance Education through PageOut, and a Web site.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Professional Communication Series 1e—PUBLIC SPEAKING, Interviewing, Technical Communications, Multimedia Presentation Skills, and Managing Information in the Workplace are flexible modules that cover the important communication skills students will need for their careers. Each module consists of 192 pages presented in 10 chapters. Each includes the following features: Workplace Tips, Communication @ Work, self-assessment activities, chapter summaries, key terms, Ethics in Action, Technology Tips, Global Notes, Quotable Quips, and application exercises and checklists. Components of each module are Student Edition, Student Edition with CD-ROM, Instructor Resource Manual with CD-ROM (including ExamView Pro and PowerPoint), Distance Education through PageOut, and a Web site....

Attorney and Law Firm Guide to the Business of Law: Planning and Operating for Survival and Growth, Second Edition

Edward Poll

  Attorney and Law Firm Guide to the Business of Law: Planning and Operating for Survival and Growth, Second Edition  Edward Poll  American Bar Association.   Are you a lawyer? Do you want to: Be more successful by design than by accident? Be more profitable? Attract more clients? Have your clients pay on time? Have greater control of your practice? The expanded second edition of American Bar Association. Are you a lawyer? Do you want to: Be more successful by design than by accident? Be more profitable? Attract more clients? Have your clients pay on time? Have greater control of your practice? The expanded second edition of "Attorney and Law Firm Guide to the Business of Law" can answer these questions and more. With 27 new chapters on marketing, personnel issues, technology, time management, clients' trust accounting, opening a new office, changing from one practice to another, and much more, this step-by-step manual guides you through each critical step of setting up, managing, taking control of, and growing a successful law practice. Law practice management expert Edward Poll has simplified the mystical process of operating a law practice so anyone can be more effective with his/her clients and become more profitable. Equally helpful for startups, solos, small-firm practitioners, large-firm practice group managers, fee-based and contingency lawyers, this new book includes......

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International Finance and Accounting Handbook, 3rd Edition. Frederick D. S. Choi . Книги.

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