
Christopher Fowler

  Demonized  Christopher Fowler  Book Description As our lives and deaths grow ever stranger, housewives, students and executives all find themselves in situations that become increasingly disturbing. Strange things don't only happen when you are asleep. Fowler's powerful narratives are subtly affecting and will make you think again about the way you look at the world around you. Christopher Fowler runs The Creative Partnership, a film promotion company in London. He is the author of 10 novels, as well as numerous screenplays and the collections of short stories Personal Demons and The Devil in Me.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description As our lives and deaths grow ever stranger, housewives, students and executives all find themselves in situations that become increasingly disturbing. Strange things don't only happen when you are asleep. Fowler's powerful narratives are subtly affecting and will make you think again about the way you look at the world around you. Christopher Fowler runs The Creative Partnership, a film promotion company in London. He is the author of 10 novels, as well as numerous screenplays and the collections of short stories Personal Demons and The Devil in Me....

Test Driving Linux: From Window to Linux in 60 Seconds

David Brickner

  Test Driving Linux: From Window to Linux in 60 Seconds  David Brickner  O'Reilly Media.   For years, computer users have put up with the bugs, security holes, and viruses on Windows because they had no choice. Until recently, there has never been a good alternative to Windows. But now, Windows users can switch to Linux, the reliable, secure, and spyware free operating system. Linux is easy to use, runs on almost any PC, and enables you to perform all the tasks you can do with Windows. Getting to know Linux has never been easier, because now there's a way to test-drive Linux without changing, installing, or configuring a thing on your computer. It's called Test Driving Linux: From Windows to Linux in 60 Seconds . This latest release from O'Reilly comes with a Live CD called Move, that allows Windows users to try all the features of Mandrake Linux, a popular Linux distribution without the hassle of actually installing Linux. Users simply place the Move CD into their CD drive, boot from the disc, then watch an entire Mandrake system run on the fly from the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин O'Reilly Media. For years, computer users have put up with the bugs, security holes, and viruses on Windows because they had no choice. Until recently, there has never been a good alternative to Windows. But now, Windows users can switch to Linux, the reliable, secure, and spyware free operating system. Linux is easy to use, runs on almost any PC, and enables you to perform all the tasks you can do with Windows. Getting to know Linux has never been easier, because now there's a way to test-drive Linux without changing, installing, or configuring a thing on your computer. It's called Test Driving Linux: From Windows to Linux in 60 Seconds . This latest release from O'Reilly comes with a Live CD called Move, that allows Windows users to try all the features of Mandrake Linux, a popular Linux distribution without the hassle of actually installing Linux. Users simply place the Move CD into their CD drive, boot from the disc, then watch an entire Mandrake system run on the fly from the......

Lord Of The Kill

Theodore Taylor

  Lord Of The Kill  Theodore Taylor  Book Description When a half-eaten body is found inside a locked jaguar cage, eighteen-year-old Ben Jepson knows it's no prank - someone is trying to make trouble for the Los Coyotes Big Cat Preserve and its manager, Ben's father. An outspoken conservationist, Dr. Jepson has made some powerful enemies. Ben's parents are on a tiger conservation mission deep in the jungle. Now Ben is the only one who can keep Los Coyotes running. But when his beloved tiger Dmitri, nicknamed Book Description When a half-eaten body is found inside a locked jaguar cage, eighteen-year-old Ben Jepson knows it's no prank - someone is trying to make trouble for the Los Coyotes Big Cat Preserve and its manager, Ben's father. An outspoken conservationist, Dr. Jepson has made some powerful enemies. Ben's parents are on a tiger conservation mission deep in the jungle. Now Ben is the only one who can keep Los Coyotes running. But when his beloved tiger Dmitri, nicknamed "Lord of the Kill," is kidnapped, Ben must decide whether to wait for the authorities or to strike out on his own....

Encyclopedia of Hydrangeas

C. J. van Gelderen, D. M. van Gelderen

  Encyclopedia of Hydrangeas  C. J. van Gelderen, D. M. van Gelderen  Timber Press.   Famed for their durability, beauty, and diversity, hydrangeas are enjoying a renaissance in today's gardens. These classic garden shrubs provide bold color - from pink to purple, blue to white - in midsummer to midautumn, when few other plants are in bloom. Many hundreds of dramatic species, hybrids, and horticultural selections are available to the enthusiast to fill every possible niche in the garden. For the first time, a thorough encyclopedia shows in full color the range of flowering treasures available. With complete information on cultivation, propagation, and pests and diseases, Encyclopedia of Hydrangeas promises to help every discerning gardener ensure planting success. Lavishly illustrated with approximately 800 photographs, the concise descriptions present more than 1000 hydrangea species, subspecies, varieties, and cultivars. All types of hydrangeas are included, from blousy mopheads to delicate lacecaps, from oakleafs to climbers. The very latest horticultural and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Timber Press. Famed for their durability, beauty, and diversity, hydrangeas are enjoying a renaissance in today's gardens. These classic garden shrubs provide bold color - from pink to purple, blue to white - in midsummer to midautumn, when few other plants are in bloom. Many hundreds of dramatic species, hybrids, and horticultural selections are available to the enthusiast to fill every possible niche in the garden. For the first time, a thorough encyclopedia shows in full color the range of flowering treasures available. With complete information on cultivation, propagation, and pests and diseases, Encyclopedia of Hydrangeas promises to help every discerning gardener ensure planting success. Lavishly illustrated with approximately 800 photographs, the concise descriptions present more than 1000 hydrangea species, subspecies, varieties, and cultivars. All types of hydrangeas are included, from blousy mopheads to delicate lacecaps, from oakleafs to climbers. The very latest horticultural and......

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Рассел Л. Экофф, Шелдон Ровин

  Победить систему  Рассел Л. Экофф, Шелдон Ровин  Добрая книга.   Любая бюрократическая система создана для того, чтобы отбить у всех желающих охоту с ней бороться. Именно поэтому бюрократию на всех уровнях сравнивают со стеной, через которую Добрая книга. Любая бюрократическая система создана для того, чтобы отбить у всех желающих охоту с ней бороться. Именно поэтому бюрократию на всех уровнях сравнивают со стеной, через которую "не пробьешься", или со слаженной футбольной командой, которая нас "отфутболивает". С бюрократическими препонами сталкивается каждый из нас, преодолевая сознательное или непреднамеренное сопротивление окружающих, отстаивая свои права и интересы, защищая собственное достоинство. Сопротивление системе - дело непростое, оно требует хорошей психологической закалки, смелости и уверенности, но элементарными приемами борьбы с бюрократией, о которых рассказывается в этой книге, может овладеть каждый....

<<<  Вирус хаоса. Мария Симонова             Ковроткачество народов Российской империи. Е. ... >>>

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Demonized. Christopher Fowler . Книги.

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