Вирус хаоса

Мария Симонова

  Вирус хаоса  Мария Симонова  Эксмо.   Абсолютное оружие.   Случилось страшное - будущее человечества и всей Вселенной под угрозой! И нет в том вины ни коварных инопланетных негодяев, ни тупоголовых земных генералов, ни безумных в своей гениальности ученых-первопроходцев (хотя и без них дело не обошлось). Причиной катаклизма стал скромный чиновник Эксмо. Абсолютное оружие. Случилось страшное - будущее человечества и всей Вселенной под угрозой! И нет в том вины ни коварных инопланетных негодяев, ни тупоголовых земных генералов, ни безумных в своей гениальности ученых-первопроходцев (хотя и без них дело не обошлось). Причиной катаклизма стал скромный чиновник "Мосэнерго", отключивший за неуплату установку профессора Блума. Прямо во время эксперимента. Результат - синхронно с неумолимым движением рубильника открылись Врата, Пространство утратило стабильность, и на волю вырвался Хаос. Он кажется всемогущим и непобедимым, но на его пути оказалась скромная (временами) и беззащитная (местами) женщина Мэри, она же - Маша, Мышь и т. д. И еще кучка таких же бедолаг, помимо собственной воли отправившихся в бесконечное путешествие по параллельным мирам, где их ожидали увлекательные, но не всегда приятные встречи с собственными двойниками и таинственной Службой Контроля......

Just Add Management: Seven Steps to Creating a Productive Workplace and Motivating Your Employees in Challenging Times

Farzad Dibachi

  Just Add Management: Seven Steps to Creating a Productive Workplace and Motivating Your Employees in Challenging Times  Farzad Dibachi  Book Description Book Description " Just Add Management marries solid, up-to-date productivity techniques with a mature, commonsense message refreshing to any manager." --Maynard Webb, chief operating officer, eBay After more than a decade of experimentation, hands-off management has proven to be unreliable. When managers don't know what their people are doing all day, budgets soar and profits plummet. Just Add Management offers managers a practical program for getting employeesback on track. Download DescriptionA manager's tough-love guide to rebuilding corporate value After more than a decade of experimentation, hands-off managment has proven to be a bust. When managers don't know what their people are doing all day, budgets soar and profits plummet. Just Add Management offers managers a clear, practical program for getting employees back on track by: Refocusing corporate culture on getting work done Setting priorities and align projects with those......

Living and Investing in Panama

Christopher Howard

  Living and Investing in Panama  Christopher Howard  Book Descriptionxx  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Descriptionxx...

Real Coaching & Feedback: How to Help People Improve Their Performance

J. K. Smart

  Real Coaching & Feedback: How to Help People Improve Their Performance  J. K. Smart  Book DescriptionOverworked managers know that management is about doing the best you can with what you've got, in the real world of organizations that are demanding more and more, for less and less. This book is for every manager who knows that if doing that was as easy as most books and trainers make out, they'd be doing it already. The books you've read all seem to have been written by people who don't know what it's like in the real world of work, and mistake you for a superhero instead of a real manager. You know you could work out a better way of doing things, but the trouble with being an overworked manager is that you just can't seem to find the time. But what if someone else had done it for you -- read all the management books, developed an approach that works and put it all in one practical accessible source? And what if that someone wasn't a management guru or consultant, but an overworked manager like you? Real Coaching blends the authors thinking framework with your...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionOverworked managers know that management is about doing the best you can with what you've got, in the real world of organizations that are demanding more and more, for less and less. This book is for every manager who knows that if doing that was as easy as most books and trainers make out, they'd be doing it already. The books you've read all seem to have been written by people who don't know what it's like in the real world of work, and mistake you for a superhero instead of a real manager. You know you could work out a better way of doing things, but the trouble with being an overworked manager is that you just can't seem to find the time. But what if someone else had done it for you -- read all the management books, developed an approach that works and put it all in one practical accessible source? And what if that someone wasn't a management guru or consultant, but an overworked manager like you? Real Coaching blends the authors thinking framework with your......


Park Young Ha

  Bambi  Park Young Ha  Book DescriptionSet in the classical age of Korean history, a stubborn beautiful young lady finds herself one day out in the middle of nowhere... and to make things worse, she can't remember her name, where she's from, and why she was almost about to drown in a pond! But a dashing young man with blonde hair and a wing for his right arm would rescue her. With a face expressing the mixed emotions of sadness, remorse, and hope, he names her Bambi. Immediately, Bambi feels as though she has regained a part of herself. Especially the way the young man says her name. It almost feels as if she has known him since childhood...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionSet in the classical age of Korean history, a stubborn beautiful young lady finds herself one day out in the middle of nowhere... and to make things worse, she can't remember her name, where she's from, and why she was almost about to drown in a pond! But a dashing young man with blonde hair and a wing for his right arm would rescue her. With a face expressing the mixed emotions of sadness, remorse, and hope, he names her Bambi. Immediately, Bambi feels as though she has regained a part of herself. Especially the way the young man says her name. It almost feels as if she has known him since childhood......

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Вирус хаоса. Мария Симонова . Книги.

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