Publicity & Media Relations Checklists

David R. Yale

  Publicity & Media Relations Checklists  David R. Yale  This concise, easy-to-use compendium of publicity and media relations checklists is an essential tool for newcomers and veterans alike. Every major aspect of the field is covered in a user-friendly format that will be as useful for your first media contact as for your thousandth. From getting started, to creating materials, to withstanding public and legal scrutiny, the checklists put all the tools you'll need right at your fingertips. Checklists are cross referenced so you can be sure you're covering all the bases, from the first step to the final step. An invaluable reference and guide for every publicity, public relations, and media professionals, this is a book to buy in twos: one to keep at hand for quick reference, and one to take apart, photocopy, make notes, and use with every publicity effort you launch. About the Author David R. Yale is a publicity and media relations professional who has taught more than 200 courses and seminars on promotion and publicity. His...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This concise, easy-to-use compendium of publicity and media relations checklists is an essential tool for newcomers and veterans alike. Every major aspect of the field is covered in a user-friendly format that will be as useful for your first media contact as for your thousandth. From getting started, to creating materials, to withstanding public and legal scrutiny, the checklists put all the tools you'll need right at your fingertips. Checklists are cross referenced so you can be sure you're covering all the bases, from the first step to the final step. An invaluable reference and guide for every publicity, public relations, and media professionals, this is a book to buy in twos: one to keep at hand for quick reference, and one to take apart, photocopy, make notes, and use with every publicity effort you launch. About the Author David R. Yale is a publicity and media relations professional who has taught more than 200 courses and seminars on promotion and publicity. His......

Java Swing, Second Edition

James Elliott, Robert Eckstein, Marc Loy, David Wood, Brian Cole

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XML Primer Plus

Nicholas Chase

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New Perspectives on Dreamweaver - Comprehensive

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The New International Webster's Student Dictionary

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Publicity & Media Relations Checklists. David R. Yale . Книги.

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