Forecasting the Labour Market by Occupation and Education: The Forecasting Activities of Three European Labour Market Research Institutes

Hans Heijke

  Forecasting the Labour Market by Occupation and Education: The Forecasting Activities of Three European Labour Market Research Institutes  Hans Heijke  Labour markets are differentiated by occupation and types of training, and these submarkets are seldom in equilibrium. This disequilibrium -- shortages and surpluses in labour markets -- is often attributed to a lack of flexibility in wage structures, the limited possibility for substitution between submarkets, and the high adjustment costs. In addition, market changes are difficult to foresee, thus making it equally difficult to respond appropriately. This book contains the results of research from three major European institutes -- the Research Centre for Education and the Labor Market (ROA) at the University of Limburg in the Netherlands, the Institute for Employment Research (IER) at the University of Warwick in the U.K., and Institut fur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) at the Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit in Germany -- looking at how each institute conducts labour market forecasts by education and type of training. The common element of these institutes is their use of the...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Labour markets are differentiated by occupation and types of training, and these submarkets are seldom in equilibrium. This disequilibrium -- shortages and surpluses in labour markets -- is often attributed to a lack of flexibility in wage structures, the limited possibility for substitution between submarkets, and the high adjustment costs. In addition, market changes are difficult to foresee, thus making it equally difficult to respond appropriately. This book contains the results of research from three major European institutes -- the Research Centre for Education and the Labor Market (ROA) at the University of Limburg in the Netherlands, the Institute for Employment Research (IER) at the University of Warwick in the U.K., and Institut fur Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) at the Bundesanstalt fur Arbeit in Germany -- looking at how each institute conducts labour market forecasts by education and type of training. The common element of these institutes is their use of the......

Jamming : Art and Discipline of Corporate Creativity, The

John Kao

  Jamming : Art and Discipline of Corporate Creativity, The  John Kao  In today's competitive environment, creativity is no longer an option. Companies that understand how to manage creativity in their people, organize for creative results and willingly implement good new ideas will triumph. In Jamming, John Kao also offers an approach that demystifies a topic traditionally confounding to businesspeople everywhere. He begins by showing how creativity, like the musical discipline of jazz, has a vocabulary and a grammar. It is a process, and because of that it can be observed, analyzed, understood, replicated, taught and managed. He explains how creativity needs a particular environment in which to blossom and grow. Like musicians in a jam session, a group of businesspeople can take an idea, challenge one another's imagination and produce an entirely new set of possibilities. Kao reveals how managers can stimulate creativity in their employees, explores the impact of information technology on creativity, looks at the globalization of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In today's competitive environment, creativity is no longer an option. Companies that understand how to manage creativity in their people, organize for creative results and willingly implement good new ideas will triumph. In Jamming, John Kao also offers an approach that demystifies a topic traditionally confounding to businesspeople everywhere. He begins by showing how creativity, like the musical discipline of jazz, has a vocabulary and a grammar. It is a process, and because of that it can be observed, analyzed, understood, replicated, taught and managed. He explains how creativity needs a particular environment in which to blossom and grow. Like musicians in a jam session, a group of businesspeople can take an idea, challenge one another's imagination and produce an entirely new set of possibilities. Kao reveals how managers can stimulate creativity in their employees, explores the impact of information technology on creativity, looks at the globalization of......

Development Planning and Poverty Reduction

David Potts, Patrick Ryan, Anna Toner

  Development Planning and Poverty Reduction  David Potts, Patrick Ryan, Anna Toner  The stated aim of much development assistance is the reduction of poverty. This book examines how development interventions might be more effectively targeted to achieve this aim. Part One provides an overview of planning for poverty reduction, and evidence on the extent and causes of poverty. Part Two examines participatory approaches to development planning. Part Three assesses macro-economic strategies and programs for poverty reduction. Part Four concludes with a microeconomic analysis of the distribution of benefits from investment projects.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The stated aim of much development assistance is the reduction of poverty. This book examines how development interventions might be more effectively targeted to achieve this aim. Part One provides an overview of planning for poverty reduction, and evidence on the extent and causes of poverty. Part Two examines participatory approaches to development planning. Part Three assesses macro-economic strategies and programs for poverty reduction. Part Four concludes with a microeconomic analysis of the distribution of benefits from investment projects....

Why the Markets Went Crazy: And What It Means for Investors

Tim Lee

  Why the Markets Went Crazy: And What It Means for Investors  Tim Lee  Tim Lee has a unique insight into the workings of the stock market bubble of 1995-2000 and the implications for the future. He argues that the bubble of the era reveals far more than has been realized. Deep-seated flaws in the whole investment process used by the big fund managers are increasingly coming to light, as well as mistakes by policy makers and central banks. He suggests that in the future, inflation will return and the US dollar will inevitably collapse. Tim Lee was right at the center of the boom and has much of value to say to professional investors as well as anybody trying to understand this and the long term consequences.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Tim Lee has a unique insight into the workings of the stock market bubble of 1995-2000 and the implications for the future. He argues that the bubble of the era reveals far more than has been realized. Deep-seated flaws in the whole investment process used by the big fund managers are increasingly coming to light, as well as mistakes by policy makers and central banks. He suggests that in the future, inflation will return and the US dollar will inevitably collapse. Tim Lee was right at the center of the boom and has much of value to say to professional investors as well as anybody trying to understand this and the long term consequences....

The Encyclopedia of Housing

Willem Van Vliet

  The Encyclopedia of Housing  Willem Van Vliet  This authoritative resource brings into focus the many important connections among the different disciplines in the field of housing - planning, architecture, social sciences, environmental design, business law and others. The Encyclopedia of Housing assists in the conceptualization of housing problems and outlines methods for studying and resolving them. While much of the work focuses on the USA, there are also essays on housing in Western Europe and Japan, and on the World Bankand the World Health Organization. Given the inclusion of broad thematic material and subjects of relevance to housing in all industrialized countries, The Encyclopedia of Housing will be a vital resource for researchers, practitioners and students everywhere.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This authoritative resource brings into focus the many important connections among the different disciplines in the field of housing - planning, architecture, social sciences, environmental design, business law and others. The Encyclopedia of Housing assists in the conceptualization of housing problems and outlines methods for studying and resolving them. While much of the work focuses on the USA, there are also essays on housing in Western Europe and Japan, and on the World Bankand the World Health Organization. Given the inclusion of broad thematic material and subjects of relevance to housing in all industrialized countries, The Encyclopedia of Housing will be a vital resource for researchers, practitioners and students everywhere....

<<<  Мир демонов. Кеннет Бамер             Ковроткачество народов Российской империи. Е. ... >>>

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Forecasting the Labour Market by Occupation and Education: The Forecasting Activities of Three European Labour Market Research Institutes. Hans Heijke . Книги.

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