Enjoying Video Poker (Without Losing Your Shirt)

Stan Hendricks

  Enjoying Video Poker (Without Losing Your Shirt)  Stan Hendricks  Not Avail.   Stan Hendricks, who has never played a serious game of table poker, has nevertheless been able to parlay his engineering background, analytical mind and years of experience with computer spreadsheets into the development of a really simple method that enables anyone...expert or novice...to Not Avail. Stan Hendricks, who has never played a serious game of table poker, has nevertheless been able to parlay his engineering background, analytical mind and years of experience with computer spreadsheets into the development of a really simple method that enables anyone...expert or novice...to "play the odds" and maximize the likelihood of success in playing video poker. This book will show you, among other things, why... * A casino can afford to offer nearly 100% payoff. * It's usually better to hold a Jack than an Ace. * Four cards of a flush is a better bet than an outside straight. * Betting the maximum coins doesn't always give you better odds. * A low pair is better to hold than a whole bunch of other options that might seem at first glance to be more desirable. * Sometimes it may be worthwhile to "take a flyer" at a big winner even though the odds say otherwise. * Your chances of getting an honest deal are pretty good. * The cards you......

How to Be Your Own Doctor

Carl E., M.D. Shrader

  How to Be Your Own Doctor  Carl E., M.D. Shrader  Book DescriptionSave yourself the time and money it costs you to see a doctor by learning to be your own! Written in plain English from the point of view of experienced M.D. Carl E. Shrader, How to Be Your Own Doctor is full of practical suggestions you can use to give yourself a vital advantage when it comes to your health. Dr. Shrader will tell you everything you need to know to save yourself many times the cost of this book by: ? Preventing costly accidents and diseases ? Using inexpensive home remedies ? Saving money on prescription drugs ? Avoiding unnecessary doctor's visits, misdiagnoses, and expensive surgeries This book has information to help keep every member of your family in excellent health. You'll learn about everything from pregnancy and infant care to arthritis and Alzheimer's, including choosing a doctor, dealing with HMOs, allergies, drug addiction, sex after 60, and over a hundred other health and safety issues you...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionSave yourself the time and money it costs you to see a doctor by learning to be your own! Written in plain English from the point of view of experienced M.D. Carl E. Shrader, How to Be Your Own Doctor is full of practical suggestions you can use to give yourself a vital advantage when it comes to your health. Dr. Shrader will tell you everything you need to know to save yourself many times the cost of this book by: ? Preventing costly accidents and diseases ? Using inexpensive home remedies ? Saving money on prescription drugs ? Avoiding unnecessary doctor's visits, misdiagnoses, and expensive surgeries This book has information to help keep every member of your family in excellent health. You'll learn about everything from pregnancy and infant care to arthritis and Alzheimer's, including choosing a doctor, dealing with HMOs, allergies, drug addiction, sex after 60, and over a hundred other health and safety issues you......

Zen Tails: Up and Down (Zen Tails)

Peter Whitfield

  Zen Tails: Up and Down (Zen Tails)  Peter Whitfield  Book Description Zen Tails: Up and Down is the story of a very bored monkey with absolutely, positively nothing to do. Shri Shelley, a sagely tortoise, thinks she knows what to teach the monkey so that he can conquer boredom no matter where he is. Will the monkey take her advice? Teaching the moral that the mind is a horrible master but a great servant, this Zen Tail features beautiful, creative artwork on sturdily bound high-quality paper that can stand up to little hands.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description Zen Tails: Up and Down is the story of a very bored monkey with absolutely, positively nothing to do. Shri Shelley, a sagely tortoise, thinks she knows what to teach the monkey so that he can conquer boredom no matter where he is. Will the monkey take her advice? Teaching the moral that the mind is a horrible master but a great servant, this Zen Tail features beautiful, creative artwork on sturdily bound high-quality paper that can stand up to little hands....

Light's Ladder (Pacific Northwest Poetry Series)

Christopher Howell

  Light's Ladder (Pacific Northwest Poetry Series)  Christopher Howell  Book DescriptionIn this extraordinary new collection by distinguished poet Christopher Howell, the opening poem presents us with a spiritual paradox that will echo throughout its pages. The speaker remembers an earlier time of happiness, freedom, and a certain innocence. The poem closes with: And if he remembers now he is in love, which is the soul?s condition, and alone because that is how we live. Book DescriptionIn this extraordinary new collection by distinguished poet Christopher Howell, the opening poem presents us with a spiritual paradox that will echo throughout its pages. The speaker remembers an earlier time of happiness, freedom, and a certain innocence. The poem closes with: And if he remembers now he is in love, which is the soul?s condition, and alone because that is how we live. "How we live" is the book's major inquiry; its illustration, the poems' major achievement. How do we live, in our dailiness, in our loves, our private and global wars? "And, in the face of unbearable grief, how can we live?"...

Почерк убийцы

Вячеслав Жуков

  Почерк убийцы  Вячеслав Жуков  Эксмо.   Опера.   Знаменитый убойный отдел заметно поредел. Одного перевели в другой город, другой пошел на повышение. Даже майор Ларин застрял где-то в столичной командировке. Так что отдуваться приходится Насте Абдуловой и капитану Дукалису. А работы сейчас невпроворот. В городе объявился серийный убийца. Причем убивает он не простых граждан, а милиционеров. Словно бросил вызов всей городской милиции. Дукалис выступил по ТВ и пообещал убийце, что обязательно поймает его. Но тот не испугался, а предложил одну рискованную игру. И капитану отведена в ней роль жертвы...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Эксмо. Опера. Знаменитый убойный отдел заметно поредел. Одного перевели в другой город, другой пошел на повышение. Даже майор Ларин застрял где-то в столичной командировке. Так что отдуваться приходится Насте Абдуловой и капитану Дукалису. А работы сейчас невпроворот. В городе объявился серийный убийца. Причем убивает он не простых граждан, а милиционеров. Словно бросил вызов всей городской милиции. Дукалис выступил по ТВ и пообещал убийце, что обязательно поймает его. Но тот не испугался, а предложил одну рискованную игру. И капитану отведена в ней роль жертвы......

<<<  The Cubist Painters (Documents of Twentieth-Century Art). ...             The 'Cannibal' Who Cared. Gordon H Sharp >>>

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Enjoying Video Poker (Without Losing Your Shirt). Stan Hendricks . Книги.

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