The Cubist Painters (Documents of Twentieth-Century Art)

Guillaume Apollinaire

  The Cubist Painters (Documents of Twentieth-Century Art)  Guillaume Apollinaire  Book DescriptionGuillaume Apollinaire's only book on art, The Cubist Painters, was first published in 1913. This essential text in twentieth-century art presents the poet and critic's aesthetic meditations on nine painters: Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque,Jean Metzinger, Albert Gleizes, Marie Laurencin, Juan Gris, Fernand Leger, Francis Picabia, and Marcel Duchamp. As Picasso's closest friend and Marie Laurencin's lover, Apollinaire witnessed the development of Cubism firsthand. This collection of essays and reviews, written between 1905 and 1912, is a milestone in the history of art criticism, valued today as both a work of reference and a classic example of modernist creative writing. In addition to a faithful and fluid translation of Apollinaire's text, Peter Read provides his own scholarly analysis of its importance in the history of modernism. He examines Apollinaire's art criticism, his relationship to the Cubist movement, and, more specifically, the genesis of Cubist...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionGuillaume Apollinaire's only book on art, The Cubist Painters, was first published in 1913. This essential text in twentieth-century art presents the poet and critic's aesthetic meditations on nine painters: Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque,Jean Metzinger, Albert Gleizes, Marie Laurencin, Juan Gris, Fernand Leger, Francis Picabia, and Marcel Duchamp. As Picasso's closest friend and Marie Laurencin's lover, Apollinaire witnessed the development of Cubism firsthand. This collection of essays and reviews, written between 1905 and 1912, is a milestone in the history of art criticism, valued today as both a work of reference and a classic example of modernist creative writing. In addition to a faithful and fluid translation of Apollinaire's text, Peter Read provides his own scholarly analysis of its importance in the history of modernism. He examines Apollinaire's art criticism, his relationship to the Cubist movement, and, more specifically, the genesis of Cubist......

The Daughters Of Juno: Chronicle I: Matilda Of Argyll (Daughters of Juno)

Sarah Chloe Burns

  The Daughters Of Juno: Chronicle I: Matilda Of Argyll (Daughters of Juno)  Sarah Chloe Burns  Book Description Book Description"The Daughters of Juno, Chronicle I: Matilda of Argyll" is the first story of an epic trilogy that explores the inexplicable bond that exists between religion and violence, while at the same time telling the tale of the Goddess Juno and the incredible strength within the daughters of her line who live in her name. "Daughters of Juno" is an exciting, intriguing, and highly mystical tale that connects supernatural beings to historical events, applying imagined figureheads to actual occurrences, thus creating a highly edifying yet greatly entertaining saga. The historically documented mental, physical, spiritual and medical mistreatment of females, minorities and the working classes in England, Scotland and America are characterized in truthful and dramatic detail. Fans of womens? studies and history are sure to enjoy this truly original work....

City of Panic (Culture Machine)

Paul Virilio

  City of Panic (Culture Machine)  Paul Virilio  Book Description Written in the shadow of war, City of Panic argues that cities everywhere have been the dedicated target of political and technological terror throughout the 20th century. The wanton erasure of the past, the construction of identikit places, the proliferation of gated-communities, the ever-widening net of surveillance, the privatization of what was public. In this globalized and militarized Book Description Written in the shadow of war, City of Panic argues that cities everywhere have been the dedicated target of political and technological terror throughout the 20th century. The wanton erasure of the past, the construction of identikit places, the proliferation of gated-communities, the ever-widening net of surveillance, the privatization of what was public. In this globalized and militarized "everywhere," all citizens are becoming one citizen--saturated, standardized and synchronized--ever more reliant on a media fabricating a world of fear. For the panic of the 21st century is simply the final phase of the pincer movement. Place-less, media-fed, panic-struck - welcome to the desert of the real....

Acupuncture: An Anatomical Approach

Houchi, Ph.D. Dung

  Acupuncture: An Anatomical Approach  Houchi, Ph.D. Dung  Book DescriptionAddressing acupuncture form a unique perspective, Acupuncture: An Anatomical-Based Approach abandons the traditional oriental medicine approach in favor of a carefully analytic scientific presentation. The tightly-focused book describes the progression of chronic pain in the peripheral nervous system, demonstrating that points conducting pain impulses through the peripheral nerves become more tender to palpation throughout life in response to episodes of pain, and they do this in a predictable sequence. This sequence, expressed as a Book DescriptionAddressing acupuncture form a unique perspective, Acupuncture: An Anatomical-Based Approach abandons the traditional oriental medicine approach in favor of a carefully analytic scientific presentation. The tightly-focused book describes the progression of chronic pain in the peripheral nervous system, demonstrating that points conducting pain impulses through the peripheral nerves become more tender to palpation throughout life in response to episodes of pain, and they do this in a predictable sequence. This sequence, expressed as a "pain quantification," has important prognostic significance to the person's response, not just to acupuncture, but also to any other intervention....

A Man of Faith : The Spiritual Journey of George W. Bush

David Aikman

  A Man of Faith : The Spiritual Journey of George W. Bush  David Aikman  Book Description More than any other world leader in recent times, George W. Bush is a man of faith…a conservative Christian who has brought the power of prayer and the search for God's will into the Oval Office. His faith has proven to be a bedrock of strength and resolve during two of the most tumultuous years in our nation's history. According to Newsweek magazine, Book Description More than any other world leader in recent times, George W. Bush is a man of faith…a conservative Christian who has brought the power of prayer and the search for God's will into the Oval Office. His faith has proven to be a bedrock of strength and resolve during two of the most tumultuous years in our nation's history. According to Newsweek magazine, "This presidency is the most resolutely faith based in modern times. An enterprise founded, supported and guided by trustin the temporal and spiritual power of God." David Aikman, skilled journalist and former senior correspondent for TIME magazine, pens this dramatic and gripping account of Bush's journey to faith. Based on interviews and behind-the-scenes stories, you'll learn how… His life changed after a conversation with Billy Graham on the beach at Kennebunkport He walked away from alcoholism toward a new destiny The events following 9/11 caused many to......

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The Cubist Painters (Documents of Twentieth-Century Art). Guillaume Apollinaire . Книги.

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