Мои визитки

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Разумный мир. Как жить без лишних переживаний (аудиокнига MP3 на 2 CD)

Александр Свияш

  Разумный мир. Как жить без лишних переживаний (аудиокнига MP3 на 2 CD)  Александр Свияш  Аудиокнига.   Познай себя.   Каждому из нас кажется, что наша ситуация уникальна и наши проблемы - не такие, как у других, что они требуют особого подхода, все наши проблемы, а точнее, способы их создания, можно разделить четыре группы, а затем, разобравшись, что же явилось причиной их появления, решить эти проблемы. Так в добрый путь, Аудиокнига. Познай себя. Каждому из нас кажется, что наша ситуация уникальна и наши проблемы - не такие, как у других, что они требуют особого подхода, все наши проблемы, а точнее, способы их создания, можно разделить четыре группы, а затем, разобравшись, что же явилось причиной их появления, решить эти проблемы. Так в добрый путь, "разумный путь"!...

Why Geography Matters: Three Challenges Facing America: Climate Change, the Rise of China, and Global Terrorism

Harm de Blij

  Why Geography Matters: Three Challenges Facing America: Climate Change, the Rise of China, and Global Terrorism  Harm de Blij  Over the next half century, the human population, divided by culture and economics and armed with weapons of mass destruction, will expand to nearly 9 billion people. Abrupt climate change may throw the global system into chaos; China will emerge as a superpower; and Islamic terrorism and insurgency will threaten vital American interests. How can we understand these and other global challenges? Harm de Blij has a simple answer: by improving our understanding of the world's geography. In Why Geography Matters, de Blij demonstrates how geography's perspectives yield unique and penetrating insights into the interconnections that mark our shrinking world. Preparing for climate change, averting a cold war with China, defeating terrorism: all of this requires geographic knowledge. De Blij also makes an urgent call to restore geography to America's educational curriculum. He shows how and why the U.S. has become the world's most geographically illiterate society of consequence, and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Over the next half century, the human population, divided by culture and economics and armed with weapons of mass destruction, will expand to nearly 9 billion people. Abrupt climate change may throw the global system into chaos; China will emerge as a superpower; and Islamic terrorism and insurgency will threaten vital American interests. How can we understand these and other global challenges? Harm de Blij has a simple answer: by improving our understanding of the world's geography. In Why Geography Matters, de Blij demonstrates how geography's perspectives yield unique and penetrating insights into the interconnections that mark our shrinking world. Preparing for climate change, averting a cold war with China, defeating terrorism: all of this requires geographic knowledge. De Blij also makes an urgent call to restore geography to America's educational curriculum. He shows how and why the U.S. has become the world's most geographically illiterate society of consequence, and......

Skilled Visions: Between Apprenticeship And Standards (Easa Series)

  Skilled Visions: Between Apprenticeship And Standards (Easa Series)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

Wild Arms 4: Prima Official Game Guide (Prima Official Game Guide)

Prima Games

  Wild Arms 4: Prima Official Game Guide (Prima Official Game Guide)  Prima Games  ARM Yourself Against Evil A·Labeled 3D maps for every area, listing every item and battle A·Complete appendices listing all items, enemies, and secrets A·Learn how to master the complex HEX battle system with in-depth strategies and tips A·Exclusive pointers on how to beat every puzzle A·Stats for every character, listing their skills, abilities, and weapons, to help you maximize your character's potential A·Training, including how to use the new action elements and detailed overviews, designed to help you master every game element  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ARM Yourself Against Evil A·Labeled 3D maps for every area, listing every item and battle A·Complete appendices listing all items, enemies, and secrets A·Learn how to master the complex HEX battle system with in-depth strategies and tips A·Exclusive pointers on how to beat every puzzle A·Stats for every character, listing their skills, abilities, and weapons, to help you maximize your character's potential A·Training, including how to use the new action elements and detailed overviews, designed to help you master every game element...

<<<  Марш теней. Тэд Уильямс             Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2001: Aquaculture ... >>>

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