Nuevos Senderos: Reflections on Hispanics and Philanthrophy

Diana Campoamor, William A. Diaz, Henry A.J. Ramos

  Nuevos Senderos: Reflections on Hispanics and Philanthrophy  Diana Campoamor, William A. Diaz, Henry A.J. Ramos  These essays provide historical studies, sociological surveys and analyses of policies and practices in the philantropic community in the United States, Mexico, and Argentina. This collection identifies opportunities for more and better involvement in serving Latinos.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин These essays provide historical studies, sociological surveys and analyses of policies and practices in the philantropic community in the United States, Mexico, and Argentina. This collection identifies opportunities for more and better involvement in serving Latinos....

Growth and Crisis in the Spanish Economy: 1940-93 (Routledge Studies in the European Economy, 1)

Sima Lieberman

  Growth and Crisis in the Spanish Economy: 1940-93 (Routledge Studies in the European Economy, 1)  Sima Lieberman  Growth and Crisis in the Spanish Economy: 1940-93 appraises the turbulent development of the Spanish economy over the last fifty years and places current economic problems in their historical context. Sima Lieberman examines the economic, political and social problems inherited from the Franco era and their evolution into the present.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Growth and Crisis in the Spanish Economy: 1940-93 appraises the turbulent development of the Spanish economy over the last fifty years and places current economic problems in their historical context. Sima Lieberman examines the economic, political and social problems inherited from the Franco era and their evolution into the present....

The No-Nonsense Guide to Globalization (No-Nonsense Guides)

Wayne Ellwood, John McMurtry

  The No-Nonsense Guide to Globalization (No-Nonsense Guides)  Wayne Ellwood, John McMurtry  Globalization: it's a buzzword you can't escape. For some it's the ticket to a democratic world of instant communications and global prosperity. For others it's a money-mad juggernaut, spinning wildly out of control, threatening both cultural and biological diversity. Today the Western consumer model has seeped into every corner of the globe while gaps in wealth, food security and social provision continue to grow. The No-Nonsense Guide to Globalisation traces the journey towards a borderless world. And in the process it shows that the promise of globalization is seductive, powerful, and ultimately hollow. About the No Nonsense Guides : Major issues facing the world today, complex as they are, are further obfuscated?often deliberately?by political and corporate jargon and media spin. By contrast, New Internationalist Magazine has been a leading source of reliable information and clear analysis for the last twenty years. This new Verso series of No...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Globalization: it's a buzzword you can't escape. For some it's the ticket to a democratic world of instant communications and global prosperity. For others it's a money-mad juggernaut, spinning wildly out of control, threatening both cultural and biological diversity. Today the Western consumer model has seeped into every corner of the globe while gaps in wealth, food security and social provision continue to grow. The No-Nonsense Guide to Globalisation traces the journey towards a borderless world. And in the process it shows that the promise of globalization is seductive, powerful, and ultimately hollow. About the No Nonsense Guides : Major issues facing the world today, complex as they are, are further obfuscated?often deliberately?by political and corporate jargon and media spin. By contrast, New Internationalist Magazine has been a leading source of reliable information and clear analysis for the last twenty years. This new Verso series of No......

The Privacy Papers: Managing Technology, Consumer, Employee and Legislative Actions

Rebecca Herold

  The Privacy Papers: Managing Technology, Consumer, Employee and Legislative Actions  Rebecca Herold  Today, more than ever, organizations have to cope with increased concerns regarding privacy issues. These concerns are not limited to consumer fears about how information collected by Web sites will be used or misused. They also involve broader issues, including data collected for direct response marketing, privacy of financial and health records, identity theft, and fraud. Employees are raising questions about acceptable use of phones, e-mail, the Web, and if and when employers can monitor use. Employers find that without policies governing use of these assets, they have no legal basis for action against employees. The Privacy Papers: Managing Technology, Consumer, Employee, and Legislative Actions is a book for C-level executives, IT managers, HR managers, security officers, privacy officers, and legal professionals. It covers all aspects of technology and legislation that enable privacy and also those that place it at risk. This how-to guide presents sample policies for employee...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Today, more than ever, organizations have to cope with increased concerns regarding privacy issues. These concerns are not limited to consumer fears about how information collected by Web sites will be used or misused. They also involve broader issues, including data collected for direct response marketing, privacy of financial and health records, identity theft, and fraud. Employees are raising questions about acceptable use of phones, e-mail, the Web, and if and when employers can monitor use. Employers find that without policies governing use of these assets, they have no legal basis for action against employees. The Privacy Papers: Managing Technology, Consumer, Employee, and Legislative Actions is a book for C-level executives, IT managers, HR managers, security officers, privacy officers, and legal professionals. It covers all aspects of technology and legislation that enable privacy and also those that place it at risk. This how-to guide presents sample policies for employee......


Тоби Литт

  Эксгумация  Тоби Литт  Торнтон и Сагден.   Превосходный психологический триллер одного из наиболее ярких представителей современной британской прозы. Роман, написанный Тоби Литтом в 2000 году, стал бестселлером в Великобритании и многих других странах. Главный герой книги, Конрад, подвергается нападению киллера в момент встречи со своей подругой - моделью Лили в фешенебельном лондонском ресторане. Лили погибает, сам Конрад впадает в кому. Как только силы возвращаются к нему, он, с умением искушенного опытом детектива, начинает собственное расследование. Банальное выражение Торнтон и Сагден. Превосходный психологический триллер одного из наиболее ярких представителей современной британской прозы. Роман, написанный Тоби Литтом в 2000 году, стал бестселлером в Великобритании и многих других странах. Главный герой книги, Конрад, подвергается нападению киллера в момент встречи со своей подругой - моделью Лили в фешенебельном лондонском ресторане. Лили погибает, сам Конрад впадает в кому. Как только силы возвращаются к нему, он, с умением искушенного опытом детектива, начинает собственное расследование. Банальное выражение "грязное белье" не идет ни в какое сравнение с теми пластами кладбищенской грязи, которую раскапывает Конрад. Замечательный и увлекательный сюжет, созданный Тоби Литтом, блистательным представителем современной литературной элиты англоговорящего мира, безусловно не оставит вас равнодушными, и мы надеемся, что его книги займут достойное место в вашей библиотеке....

<<<  Замечательные исторические женщины на Руси. Мордовцев Д. Л.             The 'Cannibal' Who Cared. Gordon H Sharp >>>

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Nuevos Senderos: Reflections on Hispanics and Philanthrophy. Diana Campoamor, William A. Diaz, Henry A.J. Ramos . Книги.

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