Замечательные исторические женщины на Руси

Мордовцев Д. Л.

  Замечательные исторические женщины на Руси  Мордовцев Д. Л.  Русское книгоиздательство.   Книгоиздательство.   Репринтное издание 1911 года. Перед любознательным и снисходительным читателем предстанут незаурядные русские женщины. Это императрица Елизавета Петровна и Екатерина II, княгиня Дашкова и Голицына, княжны Волконская и Тараканова, Храповицкая и Хераскова, Глафира Ржевская и Екатерина Нелидова, Русское книгоиздательство. Книгоиздательство. Репринтное издание 1911 года. Перед любознательным и снисходительным читателем предстанут незаурядные русские женщины. Это императрица Елизавета Петровна и Екатерина II, княгиня Дашкова и Голицына, княжны Волконская и Тараканова, Храповицкая и Хераскова, Глафира Ржевская и Екатерина Нелидова, "Салтычиха"....

Dos and Don'ts in Germany: The Traveler's Guide to Culture

Wilson Learning Corporation, Wilson Learning Corporation

  Dos and Don'ts in Germany: The Traveler's Guide to Culture  Wilson Learning Corporation, Wilson Learning Corporation  The Wilson Learning wonderworks series of culture guides provides travelers with practical and accessible information about important social protocols and business practices for some of the most popular travel destinations. Topics covered include Greetings; Eating, Drinking and Entertaining; Tipping; Gift Giving; Dress; and Conversation Topics. There are tips for e-mail, telephone, and written communications, and meeting etiquette. A brief list of useful phrases and national holidays is also provided. These handy booklets are recommended for those who are planning a business or personal trip; supporting global business via telephone, fax, electronic mail, or videoconferencing; or preparing to work extensively with customers, colleagues, or providers in a country or region.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The Wilson Learning wonderworks series of culture guides provides travelers with practical and accessible information about important social protocols and business practices for some of the most popular travel destinations. Topics covered include Greetings; Eating, Drinking and Entertaining; Tipping; Gift Giving; Dress; and Conversation Topics. There are tips for e-mail, telephone, and written communications, and meeting etiquette. A brief list of useful phrases and national holidays is also provided. These handy booklets are recommended for those who are planning a business or personal trip; supporting global business via telephone, fax, electronic mail, or videoconferencing; or preparing to work extensively with customers, colleagues, or providers in a country or region....

Say It in Six

Ron Hoff

  Say It in Six  Ron Hoff  Andrews McMeel Publishing.   Do your meetings talk too much? Say in Six Minutes What Used to Take You Twenty. Ron Hoff's first book, Andrews McMeel Publishing. Do your meetings talk too much? Say in Six Minutes What Used to Take You Twenty. Ron Hoff's first book, "I Can See You Naked" sold over 500,000 copies. Now, with Say It in Six, he tackles the problem that everybody hates: too much everlasting talk in never-ending meetings. Here are a few of the timely skills you'll gain from Say It in Six: Sell a new idea to a tough board of directors in six minutes or less. Save your job by stating your case in six minutes or less. Steer an "open meeting" to a decision in six minutes or less. Say it in Six is the first really new idea to hit the world of presentations since the Gettysburg Address (time: 2 minutes and 42 seconds). It's fast, visual, and fun, like a winning presentation should be....

Resumes for the Health Care Professional, 2nd Edition

Kim Marino

  Resumes for the Health Care Professional, 2nd Edition  Kim Marino  Over 100 model resumes for doctors, nurses, therapists, technicians, dieticians, and more Cover letter, interview, and job search tips Using the Internet, online job searching and guidelines Create an impressive, winning resumewith the bestselling guide to getting a better job in Americas fastest-growing and fastest-changing profession With new technology, managed care, and other developments, the health care profession today is the scene of astonishing change: new jobs are being created, new skills are needed, and job responsibilities are being redefined and expanded. For almost a decade, Resumes for the Health Care Professional has been the relied-upon resource for professionals in health care. Now it has been newlyupdated to help you take advantage of the opportunities?and prepare for the challenges?of finding the right job in the new competitive health care industry. Featuring a no-nonsense, proven approach, plus valuable inside tips...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Over 100 model resumes for doctors, nurses, therapists, technicians, dieticians, and more Cover letter, interview, and job search tips Using the Internet, online job searching and guidelines Create an impressive, winning resumewith the bestselling guide to getting a better job in Americas fastest-growing and fastest-changing profession With new technology, managed care, and other developments, the health care profession today is the scene of astonishing change: new jobs are being created, new skills are needed, and job responsibilities are being redefined and expanded. For almost a decade, Resumes for the Health Care Professional has been the relied-upon resource for professionals in health care. Now it has been newlyupdated to help you take advantage of the opportunities?and prepare for the challenges?of finding the right job in the new competitive health care industry. Featuring a no-nonsense, proven approach, plus valuable inside tips......

Organizational Behavior: The Person-Organization Fit

Afsaneh Nahavandi, Ali R. Malekzadeh

  Organizational Behavior: The Person-Organization Fit  Afsaneh Nahavandi, Ali R. Malekzadeh  Blending theory and practice with a strong applied, cross-cultural, and self-development focus, this volume shows readers how to manage organizations and the people in them -- as well as their own careers --from a multi-level (micro/macro), integrative, global perspective. A variety of self-assessments, practical advice, cases, and exercises give readers hands-on practice throughout. KEY TOPICS: Covers: The Challenge of Managing People and Organizations; Understanding the Context of Organizations; Culture in Organizations; Understanding and Managing Individual Differences; Understanding People: Social Perception; Managing Performance through Motivation and Outcomes; Building Block of Groups Behavior; Turning Groups into Teams; Leading People; Making Decisions; Using Power and Organizational Politics; Managing Conflict and Negotiation; Communicating and Managing Information; Managing Change; and Personal and Organizational Effectiveness. For managers and team leaders.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Blending theory and practice with a strong applied, cross-cultural, and self-development focus, this volume shows readers how to manage organizations and the people in them -- as well as their own careers --from a multi-level (micro/macro), integrative, global perspective. A variety of self-assessments, practical advice, cases, and exercises give readers hands-on practice throughout. KEY TOPICS: Covers: The Challenge of Managing People and Organizations; Understanding the Context of Organizations; Culture in Organizations; Understanding and Managing Individual Differences; Understanding People: Social Perception; Managing Performance through Motivation and Outcomes; Building Block of Groups Behavior; Turning Groups into Teams; Leading People; Making Decisions; Using Power and Organizational Politics; Managing Conflict and Negotiation; Communicating and Managing Information; Managing Change; and Personal and Organizational Effectiveness. For managers and team leaders....

<<<  Жемчужина. Квартал Тортилья-Флэт. Джон ...             The 'Cannibal' Who Cared. Gordon H Sharp >>>

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Замечательные исторические женщины на Руси. Мордовцев Д. Л. . Книги.

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