Type 1 Diabetes : Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Immunology (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)

  Type 1 Diabetes : Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Immunology (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)  Book DescriptionIn the field of immunology, type 1 diabetes has become one of the major areas of investigation with studies that span from characterization of key molecules to trials for the prevention of the disease. Type 1 Diabetes : Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Immunology communicates both the background and the most recent understanding of this disorder, which will almost certainly be central to elucidating the etiology of autoimmunity, and in particular of organ specific autoimmunity. The book covers immunogenetics, immunopathogenesis, epidemiology, disease prediction and clinical application of current knowledge. Both scientists seeking to understand and prevent type 1 diabetes/autoimmunity as well as physicians caring for families with type 1 diabetes will be interested in this book.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionIn the field of immunology, type 1 diabetes has become one of the major areas of investigation with studies that span from characterization of key molecules to trials for the prevention of the disease. Type 1 Diabetes : Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Immunology communicates both the background and the most recent understanding of this disorder, which will almost certainly be central to elucidating the etiology of autoimmunity, and in particular of organ specific autoimmunity. The book covers immunogenetics, immunopathogenesis, epidemiology, disease prediction and clinical application of current knowledge. Both scientists seeking to understand and prevent type 1 diabetes/autoimmunity as well as physicians caring for families with type 1 diabetes will be interested in this book....

The French Cinema Book

  The French Cinema Book  Book Description The French Cinema Book is an accessible and innovative survey of key topics in French cinema from the 1890s to the twenty-first century. It proposes new insights into familiar areas and sets out a fresh agenda for the study and appreciation of French cinema. The book combines historical context and background information with detailed discussion of casestudies and analysis of films. It also provides guidance for further reading, and additional resources for readers to consider. The French Cinema Book is addressed to all lovers of French cinema, students and teachers, specialists and fans. The book addreses such questions as * Who are the men and women who have made French cinema happen? * What is the business culture in which French cinema evolved? * How has technological change effected artistic and commercial innovation? * What have been the most popular and the most experimental forms? * How has the spectator's experience of filmgoing...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book Description The French Cinema Book is an accessible and innovative survey of key topics in French cinema from the 1890s to the twenty-first century. It proposes new insights into familiar areas and sets out a fresh agenda for the study and appreciation of French cinema. The book combines historical context and background information with detailed discussion of casestudies and analysis of films. It also provides guidance for further reading, and additional resources for readers to consider. The French Cinema Book is addressed to all lovers of French cinema, students and teachers, specialists and fans. The book addreses such questions as * Who are the men and women who have made French cinema happen? * What is the business culture in which French cinema evolved? * How has technological change effected artistic and commercial innovation? * What have been the most popular and the most experimental forms? * How has the spectator's experience of filmgoing......

Scooby-doo Picture Clue #20: The Christmas Cookie Case

  Scooby-doo Picture Clue #20: The Christmas Cookie Case  Scholastic Paperbacks.   The Picture Clue books are based on the traditional Scholastic Paperbacks. The Picture Clue books are based on the traditional "rebus Reader" - using a picture as a tool for learning a word. On the sample spread, you can see where a picture is substituted for a word. This gives a young reader a sense of pride that she is "reading" the story. All pictures and vocabulary are on flashcards at the end of the book.Scooby and the gang are at the North Pole helping Santa get ready for Christmas. Scooby and Shaggy helped bake cookies, but now they're all gone! Who took the cookies? It looks like there's a mystery to solve!...

Producing Your Own CD's: A Handbook

Christian W. Huber

  Producing Your Own CD's: A Handbook  Christian W. Huber  Book DescriptionAn indispensable guide for any musician or music label needing to record and market a professional quality CD. From choosing material and mastering your disc to creating artwork and manufacturing and packaging, every stage of professionalquality CD creation is covered.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Book DescriptionAn indispensable guide for any musician or music label needing to record and market a professional quality CD. From choosing material and mastering your disc to creating artwork and manufacturing and packaging, every stage of professionalquality CD creation is covered....

Курс Delphi для начинающих. Полигон нестандартных задач (+ CD-ROM)

А. А. Ремнев, С. В. Федотова

  Курс Delphi для начинающих. Полигон нестандартных задач (+ CD-ROM)  А. А. Ремнев, С. В. Федотова  Солон-Пресс.   Элективный курс. Профильное обучение.   Книга написана на основе лекционных курсов раздела Солон-Пресс. Элективный курс. Профильное обучение. Книга написана на основе лекционных курсов раздела "Информатика и ИКТ. Алгоритмизация и визуальное программирование", проводимых в рамках проекта "Обучающие сетевые олимпиады" (ОСО-2006). Проект ОСО-2005 является номинантом международного конкурса "ИТ-образование в Рунете". Курс программирования предполагает последовательное изучение материала от простого к сложному. Большая часть материалов книги посвящена разбору и решению практических задач. Все примеры программ, а также дополнительная информация методического плана представлены на компакт-диске пособия. Книга будет полезна широкому кругу читателей - студентам вузов, учащимся лицеев, колледжей, школьникам. Особый интерес она вызовет у преподавателей информатики благодаря строго структурированному системному подходу в изложении материала, а также включению в рассмотрение методологии поисково-деятельностных образовательных технологий проблемного обучения, таких как: исследование, проект или проектно-исследовательская......

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Type 1 Diabetes : Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Immunology (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology). . Книги.

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