In the Wake: A Novel

Per Petterson

  In the Wake: A Novel  Per Petterson  Per Petterson’s masterful American debut novel is the story of a man whose life stands still after a terrible accident. Spanning an intense period of only a few weeks, In the Wake features 43 year-old Arvid, a writer who lost his parents and younger brothers in a ferry accident some years before. It is especially against his repressed memories--of his father and mother, and of his still-living brother--that Arvid must regard and define his own life. As Arvid struggles with memories, existential questions, and a deep sense of the world’s injustice, he remains overwhelmed by grief, and guilt at having survived. Work on his novel stalls as he moves through life in a cold haze. But while Arvid’s only human contact is with his Kurdish neighbor and with a woman whom he glimpses in a flat across the road, it is this routine contact that begins to slowly remind him of the world---of the beauty and humor we can find in the mundane. As he...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Per Petterson’s masterful American debut novel is the story of a man whose life stands still after a terrible accident. Spanning an intense period of only a few weeks, In the Wake features 43 year-old Arvid, a writer who lost his parents and younger brothers in a ferry accident some years before. It is especially against his repressed memories--of his father and mother, and of his still-living brother--that Arvid must regard and define his own life. As Arvid struggles with memories, existential questions, and a deep sense of the world’s injustice, he remains overwhelmed by grief, and guilt at having survived. Work on his novel stalls as he moves through life in a cold haze. But while Arvid’s only human contact is with his Kurdish neighbor and with a woman whom he glimpses in a flat across the road, it is this routine contact that begins to slowly remind him of the world---of the beauty and humor we can find in the mundane. As he......

Secrets of Chess Training: School of Future Chess Champions

Mark Dvoretsky, Arthur Yusupov

  Secrets of Chess Training: School of Future Chess Champions  Mark Dvoretsky, Arthur Yusupov  Olms Education.   -  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Olms Education. -...

Научно-практический комментарий к Земельному кодексу Российской Федерации с постатейными материалами и судебной практикой

Под редакцией С. А. Боголюбова

  Научно-практический комментарий к Земельному кодексу Российской Федерации с постатейными материалами и судебной практикой  Под редакцией С. А. Боголюбова  Юрайт-Издат.   Профессиональные комментарии.   В настоящем постатейном комментарии к Земельному кодексу Российской Федерации приводятся не только полный текст Кодекса и Федерального закона Юрайт-Издат. Профессиональные комментарии. В настоящем постатейном комментарии к Земельному кодексу Российской Федерации приводятся не только полный текст Кодекса и Федерального закона "О введении в действие Земельного кодекса Российской Федерации", но и извлечения из федеральных законов и подзаконных актов, относящихся к земельному законодательству, а также материалы судебной практики. Особое внимание уделяется правам физических и юридических лиц (собственников, владельцев, пользователей, арендаторов) на земельные участки, преемственности всех землеобладателей в настоящее время, новым нормам Земельного кодекса. Описан порядок учета и регистрации земельных участков, обеспечения стабильности пользования и владения недвижимостью на земле, рассмотрены пределы вмешательства государства, обязанности в области охраны и использования земель. Настоящий комментарий уникален тем, что в нем содержится обзор и анализ судебно-арбитражной практики, складывающейся в связи с применением Земельного кодекса Российской Федерации.......

Innovations Intermediate: Teacher's Book

  Innovations Intermediate: Teacher's Book  Hugh Dellar, Andrew Walkley, Darryl Hocking  Hugh Dellar, Andrew Walkley, Darryl Hocking  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Hugh Dellar, Andrew Walkley, Darryl Hocking...

A Cochrane Pocketbook: Pregnancy and Childbirth (Wiley Cochrane)

G. Justus, James P. Neilson, Zarko Alfirevic, Caroline A. Crowther, Lelia Duley, Metin Gulmezoglu, G

  A Cochrane Pocketbook: Pregnancy and Childbirth (Wiley Cochrane)  G. Justus, James P. Neilson, Zarko Alfirevic, Caroline A. Crowther, Lelia Duley, Metin Gulmezoglu, G  Pregnancy and Childbirth presents the best evidence for the care of pregnant women to doctors, midwives, students and parents. The logical sequence of chapters and the index give quick access to the abstracts of over four hundred Cochrane systematic revi The book serves both as a stand-alone reference, and as a companion to locating full reviews on the Cochrane Library. The Cochrane Library is published by John Wiley on behalf of The Cochrane Collaboration.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Pregnancy and Childbirth presents the best evidence for the care of pregnant women to doctors, midwives, students and parents. The logical sequence of chapters and the index give quick access to the abstracts of over four hundred Cochrane systematic revi The book serves both as a stand-alone reference, and as a companion to locating full reviews on the Cochrane Library. The Cochrane Library is published by John Wiley on behalf of The Cochrane Collaboration.

<<<  Mannheim Steamroller Christmas: The Season for Joy. Chip Davis             Yearbook of Fishery Statistics 2001: Aquaculture ... >>>

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In the Wake: A Novel. Per Petterson . Книги.

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