Выбери ответ: Из чего состоит предложение? Русский язык. 2 класс. Пособие для учащихся

И. В. Гуркова

  Выбери ответ: Из чего состоит предложение? Русский язык. 2 класс. Пособие для учащихся  И. В. Гуркова  Дрофа.   Выбери ответ.   Книжка-тетрадь Дрофа. Выбери ответ. Книжка-тетрадь "Из чего состоит предложение?" входит в комплект пособий для учащихся под общим названием "Выбери ответ". Цель пособия - помочь школьникам закрепить знания, полученные на уроках русского языка во 2 классе. Интересные и разнообразные задания расширят кругозор детей, помогут организовать их досуг. Издание предназначено учащимся для работы вместе с родителями и самостоятельно. Учителя могут использовать вопросы и задания для различных этапов урока, включать их в викторины, конкурсы, игры....

MTIV: Process, Inspiration and Practice for the New Media Designer

Hillman Curtis

  MTIV: Process, Inspiration and Practice for the New Media Designer  Hillman Curtis  MTIV (Making the Invisible Visible) is an indispensable guide for the new age of media design. This book is about HOW to achieve the results that bring in profits and make you a better designer. This beautifully written and designed book unveils the methods behind Hillman Curtis' phenomenal success as a new media designer. In well-crafted narrative and instructional form, Hillman outlines his systematic approach for working with clients to develop clear, cogent, and creative communication - three MTIV (Making the Invisible Visible) is an indispensable guide for the new age of media design. This book is about HOW to achieve the results that bring in profits and make you a better designer. This beautifully written and designed book unveils the methods behind Hillman Curtis' phenomenal success as a new media designer. In well-crafted narrative and instructional form, Hillman outlines his systematic approach for working with clients to develop clear, cogent, and creative communication - three "musts" for successful design. Through trial and error, Hillman and his company honed a seven-step process for creating concepts, and developing and designing new media. Often overlooked or unknown by designers, the methods in this book are distilled from years of experience and enhanced by Hillman's years as a leader in the design field. Divided into three parts - "Process," "Inspiration," and "Practice" - the book offers a practical methodology for successful artistic and......

The Zope Book

Amos Latteier, Michel Pelletier

  The Zope Book  Amos Latteier, Michel Pelletier  New Riders.   The Zope Book, written by the experts who developed Zope, is a guide to building dynamic Web applications using Zope. Authors Amos Latteier and Michel Pelletier teach you how to utilize Zope to write Web pages, program Web scripts, use databases, managedynamic content, perform collaborative Web development tasks, plus much more. Whether you are new to Zope or are a skilled user, this current and comprehensive reference is designed to introduce you to Zope and its uses and teaches you how it differs fromother Web application servers. From installation and advanced features, such as ZClasses, to using Zope with relational databases, or scripting with Perl and Python, The Zope Book provides the instruction you need.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин New Riders. The Zope Book, written by the experts who developed Zope, is a guide to building dynamic Web applications using Zope. Authors Amos Latteier and Michel Pelletier teach you how to utilize Zope to write Web pages, program Web scripts, use databases, managedynamic content, perform collaborative Web development tasks, plus much more. Whether you are new to Zope or are a skilled user, this current and comprehensive reference is designed to introduce you to Zope and its uses and teaches you how it differs fromother Web application servers. From installation and advanced features, such as ZClasses, to using Zope with relational databases, or scripting with Perl and Python, The Zope Book provides the instruction you need....

Moving to ASP.NET: Web Development with VB .NET

Steve Harris, Rob MacDonald

  Moving to ASP.NET: Web Development with VB .NET  Steve Harris, Rob MacDonald  Moving to ASP.NET: Web Development with VB .NET provides focused and thorough guidance on creating Web applications using ASP.NET, including both Web Form applications and Web Services. Authors Steve Harris and Rob Macdonald have worked extensively with .NET throughout the Beta program, and offer their real-world experience creating and implementing ASP.NET applications. The authors discuss and examine relevant topics, and teach you how to make immediate use of ASP.NET. Topics include Web Forms, server-side and mobile controls, data access and binding, and XML integration. Also covered are .NET architecture and configuration, security, state and session management, scalability design, and Web Services. Extensive examples are featured throughout the book, and are also available on the Web for you to access and download.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Moving to ASP.NET: Web Development with VB .NET provides focused and thorough guidance on creating Web applications using ASP.NET, including both Web Form applications and Web Services. Authors Steve Harris and Rob Macdonald have worked extensively with .NET throughout the Beta program, and offer their real-world experience creating and implementing ASP.NET applications. The authors discuss and examine relevant topics, and teach you how to make immediate use of ASP.NET. Topics include Web Forms, server-side and mobile controls, data access and binding, and XML integration. Also covered are .NET architecture and configuration, security, state and session management, scalability design, and Web Services. Extensive examples are featured throughout the book, and are also available on the Web for you to access and download....

Огюст Монферран

О. А. Чеканова, А. Л. Ротач

  Огюст Монферран  О. А. Чеканова, А. Л. Ротач  Стройиздат.   Мастера архитектуры.   Огюст Монферран.   В книге отражены этапы творческой биографии зодчего, смело решавшего градостроительные и сложные технические задачи. Дан подробный анализ работ Монферрана и оценка их с позиций современного искусствоведения. Особое внимание уделено возведению Исаакиевского собора, Александровской колонны, строительству особняков в Петербурге, его пригородах, а также работе в Нижнем Новгороде. Показана роль Монферрана в создании блестящих интерьеров Зимнего дворца до и после пожара 1837 г.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Стройиздат. Мастера архитектуры. Огюст Монферран. В книге отражены этапы творческой биографии зодчего, смело решавшего градостроительные и сложные технические задачи. Дан подробный анализ работ Монферрана и оценка их с позиций современного искусствоведения. Особое внимание уделено возведению Исаакиевского собора, Александровской колонны, строительству особняков в Петербурге, его пригородах, а также работе в Нижнем Новгороде. Показана роль Монферрана в создании блестящих интерьеров Зимнего дворца до и после пожара 1837 г....

<<<  The Pied Pipers of Wall Street: How Analysts Sell You ...             Сольфеджио. Рабочая тетрадь. 2 класс. Г. Ф. Калинина >>>

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Выбери ответ: Из чего состоит предложение? Русский язык. 2 класс. Пособие для учащихся. И. В. Гуркова . Книги.

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