The Pied Pipers of Wall Street: How Analysts Sell You Down the River

Benjamin M. Cole

  The Pied Pipers of Wall Street: How Analysts Sell You Down the River  Benjamin M. Cole  Separating fact from fiction on Wall Street. Today's market watchers have increasingly come to rely on the opinions of brokerage firm analysts. But in this startling and revealing new book, Benjamin Cole explains why relying too heavily on what they say often isn't the best course of action. He demonstrates the economics of the brokerage business and shows why and how securities analysts today frequently put the interests of the firm ahead of the interests of regular investors. Many seasoned investors are already leery of the impersonal giants of the Wall Street brokerage business; they're looking for unbiased guidance and trustworthy sources of information for investment decisions. This book gives the reader solid guidance on separating reliable information from salesmanship. Cole offers a riveting, eye-opening view of the workings of Wall Street, challenges the supposed objectivity of analysts, and concludes by providing balanced, objective information sources the investor...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Separating fact from fiction on Wall Street. Today's market watchers have increasingly come to rely on the opinions of brokerage firm analysts. But in this startling and revealing new book, Benjamin Cole explains why relying too heavily on what they say often isn't the best course of action. He demonstrates the economics of the brokerage business and shows why and how securities analysts today frequently put the interests of the firm ahead of the interests of regular investors. Many seasoned investors are already leery of the impersonal giants of the Wall Street brokerage business; they're looking for unbiased guidance and trustworthy sources of information for investment decisions. This book gives the reader solid guidance on separating reliable information from salesmanship. Cole offers a riveting, eye-opening view of the workings of Wall Street, challenges the supposed objectivity of analysts, and concludes by providing balanced, objective information sources the investor......

Tales of Knock Your Socks Off Service: Inspiring Stories of Outstanding Customer Service (Knock Your Socks Off Series)

Kristin Anderson, Ron Zemke

  Tales of Knock Your Socks Off Service: Inspiring Stories of Outstanding Customer Service (Knock Your Socks Off Series)  Kristin Anderson, Ron Zemke  The sixth book in the The sixth book in the "Knock Your Socks Off Service" series tells tales (101 of them) of memorable customer service, customer service heroes, and service providers who have gone "Above and Beyond" for their customers. This delightful book shares shining examples of the "Daily Delights," the "Great Saves," and the "Random Acts of Service Kindness" that make customers remember -- and that bring them back to an organization again and again. With its humor, pragmatic observations, and dozens of stories from "the service zone," anyone at any service level will get a kick out of this book. (And learn some lessons along the way!)...

Improving Time to Profit: Customer Focused Strategies for Marketing and Sales

Kobi James

  Improving Time to Profit: Customer Focused Strategies for Marketing and Sales  Kobi James  There is power when systems and processes are aligned to service the customer. It is through the coherence of strategies and tactics that success becomes inevitable. Just as a laser beam is powerful because of the coherence and singularity of its wavelength, profitability is a result of the coherence of internal processes and systems. The goal of this book is to provide an awareness of the three models that Marketing and Sales use to make not only correct decisions, but also winning decisions.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин There is power when systems and processes are aligned to service the customer. It is through the coherence of strategies and tactics that success becomes inevitable. Just as a laser beam is powerful because of the coherence and singularity of its wavelength, profitability is a result of the coherence of internal processes and systems. The goal of this book is to provide an awareness of the three models that Marketing and Sales use to make not only correct decisions, but also winning decisions....

Successful Real Estate Investing : How to Avoid the 75 Most Costly Mistakes Every Investor Makes

Robert Shemin

  Successful Real Estate Investing : How to Avoid the 75 Most Costly Mistakes Every Investor Makes  Robert Shemin  Successful Real Estate Investing is written specifically for novice investors who want to get started with confidence. It highlights 75 of the most common mistakes investors make and offers specific, real-life strategies for avoiding them. Each mini-chapter covers one mistake and offers pearls of wisdom based both on Robert Shemin?s long experience as an investor and on case studies of investors he has met or assisted along the way. For investors worried about making a particular mistake in any stepof the investment process, this is the only real estate guide that offers quick, expert guidance on avoiding everything that could?but won?t!?go wrong. Successful Real Estate Investing covers these mistakes as well as many more: Forgetting to screen all tenants Not taking in adequate cash flow Missing out on special loan programs Not having the proper insurance Holding onto a rehab or rental house that...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Successful Real Estate Investing is written specifically for novice investors who want to get started with confidence. It highlights 75 of the most common mistakes investors make and offers specific, real-life strategies for avoiding them. Each mini-chapter covers one mistake and offers pearls of wisdom based both on Robert Shemin?s long experience as an investor and on case studies of investors he has met or assisted along the way. For investors worried about making a particular mistake in any stepof the investment process, this is the only real estate guide that offers quick, expert guidance on avoiding everything that could?but won?t!?go wrong. Successful Real Estate Investing covers these mistakes as well as many more: Forgetting to screen all tenants Not taking in adequate cash flow Missing out on special loan programs Not having the proper insurance Holding onto a rehab or rental house that......

Transformative Curriculum Leadership (2nd Edition)

James G. Henderson, Richard D. Hawthorne

  Transformative Curriculum Leadership (2nd Edition)  James G. Henderson, Richard D. Hawthorne  This book will provide concrete guidance on how to engage in systemic reform guided by a progressive educational philosophy. Presents a scaffolding for examining progressive education and for thinking about reflective teaching. Provides a table that contrasts mainstream and transformative education. Provides vivid examples of the challenges of reform work. For educators and school administrators.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This book will provide concrete guidance on how to engage in systemic reform guided by a progressive educational philosophy. Presents a scaffolding for examining progressive education and for thinking about reflective teaching. Provides a table that contrasts mainstream and transformative education. Provides vivid examples of the challenges of reform work. For educators and school administrators....

<<<  Trust Within and Between Organizations: Conceptual Issues and Empirical Applications. ...             Сольфеджио. Рабочая тетрадь. 2 класс. Г. Ф. Калинина >>>

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The Pied Pipers of Wall Street: How Analysts Sell You Down the River. Benjamin M. Cole . Книги.

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