Sentimental Materialism: Gender, Commodity Culture, and Nineteenth-Century American Literature (New Americanists)

Lori Merish

  Sentimental Materialism: Gender, Commodity Culture, and Nineteenth-Century American Literature (New Americanists)  Lori Merish  In Sentimental Materialism Lori Merish considers the intricate relationship between consumption and womanhood in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Taking as her starting point a diversity of cultural artifacts?from domestic fiction and philosophical treatises to advice literature and cigars?Merish explores the symbolic functions they served and finds that consumption evolved into a form of personal expressiveness that indicated not only a woman?s wealth and taste but also her race, class, morality, and civic values. The discursive production of this new subjectivity?the feminine consumer?was remarkably influential, helping to shape American capitalism, culture, and nation building. The phenomenon of female consumption was capitalism?s complement to male production: It created what Merish calls the ?Other Protestant Ethic,?a feminine and sentimental counterpart to Max Weber?s ethic of hard work, economic rationality, and...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In Sentimental Materialism Lori Merish considers the intricate relationship between consumption and womanhood in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Taking as her starting point a diversity of cultural artifacts?from domestic fiction and philosophical treatises to advice literature and cigars?Merish explores the symbolic functions they served and finds that consumption evolved into a form of personal expressiveness that indicated not only a woman?s wealth and taste but also her race, class, morality, and civic values. The discursive production of this new subjectivity?the feminine consumer?was remarkably influential, helping to shape American capitalism, culture, and nation building. The phenomenon of female consumption was capitalism?s complement to male production: It created what Merish calls the ?Other Protestant Ethic,?a feminine and sentimental counterpart to Max Weber?s ethic of hard work, economic rationality, and......

Sun Tzu Was a Sissy : How to Conquer Your Enemies, Promote Your Friends, and Wage the Real Art of War

Stanley Bing

  Sun Tzu Was a Sissy : How to Conquer Your Enemies, Promote Your Friends, and Wage the Real Art of War  Stanley Bing  We live in a vicious, highly competitive workplace environment, and things aren?t getting any better. Jobs are few and far between, and people aren?t any nicer now than they were when Ghengis Khan ran around in big furs killing people in unfriendly acquisitions. For thousands of years, people have been reading the writings of the deeply wise, but also extremely dead Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu, who was perhaps the first to look on the waging of war as a strategic art that could be taught to people who wished to be warlords and other kinds of senior managers. In a nutshell, Sun Tzu taught that readiness is all, that knowledge of oneself and the enemy was the foundation of strength and that those who fight best are those who are prepared and wise enough not to fight at all. Unfortunately, in the current day, this approach is pretty much horse hockey, a fact that has not been recognized by the bloated, tree-hugging Sun Tzu industry, which churns out mushy-gushy...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин We live in a vicious, highly competitive workplace environment, and things aren?t getting any better. Jobs are few and far between, and people aren?t any nicer now than they were when Ghengis Khan ran around in big furs killing people in unfriendly acquisitions. For thousands of years, people have been reading the writings of the deeply wise, but also extremely dead Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu, who was perhaps the first to look on the waging of war as a strategic art that could be taught to people who wished to be warlords and other kinds of senior managers. In a nutshell, Sun Tzu taught that readiness is all, that knowledge of oneself and the enemy was the foundation of strength and that those who fight best are those who are prepared and wise enough not to fight at all. Unfortunately, in the current day, this approach is pretty much horse hockey, a fact that has not been recognized by the bloated, tree-hugging Sun Tzu industry, which churns out mushy-gushy......

Браки в Филиппсбурге

Мартин Вальзер

  Браки в Филиппсбурге  Мартин Вальзер  Азбука-классика.   Азбука-классика (pocket-book).   Мартин Вальзер - известный прозаик и драматург. Он появился на литературной сцене Германии во второй половине 1950-х годов и сразу же ярко заявил о себе. Его роман Азбука-классика. Азбука-классика (pocket-book). Мартин Вальзер - известный прозаик и драматург. Он появился на литературной сцене Германии во второй половине 1950-х годов и сразу же ярко заявил о себе. Его роман "Браки в Филиппсбурге" (1957) был отмечен премией Г.Гессе. Уникальный стиль М.Вальзера характеризуется сочувственной иронией и безжалостной точностью. Роман "Браки в Филиппсбурге" - это история карьеры внебрачного сына деревенской служанки, который прокладывает себе дорогу через гостиные и будуары богатых дам....

Creating Powerful Brands

  Creating Powerful Brands  This is the third edition of one of world's most respected and successful books on branding. Written by an internationally acclaimed branding expert and author of From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation , it has been comprehensively revised and updated with a raft of new cases and examples. The book gives the professional and the student a deep understanding of the functioning and management of the modern brand and contains: * Powerful analysis of new areas such as e-branding and e-marketing * A completely new set of advertising and brand images to illustrate key points * A powerful analysis of the key drivers of brand value There can be no doubt that the power of brands in the international marketplace is still growing, and that Creating Powerful Brands , third edition, can explain both why and how they work. * Comprehensive coverage of brand management * Applications orientated, yet grounded on solid theory * Frameworks...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This is the third edition of one of world's most respected and successful books on branding. Written by an internationally acclaimed branding expert and author of From Brand Vision to Brand Evaluation , it has been comprehensively revised and updated with a raft of new cases and examples. The book gives the professional and the student a deep understanding of the functioning and management of the modern brand and contains: * Powerful analysis of new areas such as e-branding and e-marketing * A completely new set of advertising and brand images to illustrate key points * A powerful analysis of the key drivers of brand value There can be no doubt that the power of brands in the international marketplace is still growing, and that Creating Powerful Brands , third edition, can explain both why and how they work. * Comprehensive coverage of brand management * Applications orientated, yet grounded on solid theory * Frameworks......

Technology in Its Place : Successful Technology Infusion in Schools (Jossey-Bass Education Series)

John F. LeBaron, Catherine Collier

  Technology in Its Place : Successful Technology Infusion in Schools (Jossey-Bass Education Series)  John F. LeBaron, Catherine Collier  Technology in Its Place is a practical resource that features diverse approaches for improving teaching and learning through the use of technology. The contributors are a blue-ribbon panel of experts in the field who cover a broad range of topics including information on administration, strategic planning, leadership, curricular integration, and professional development.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Technology in Its Place is a practical resource that features diverse approaches for improving teaching and learning through the use of technology. The contributors are a blue-ribbon panel of experts in the field who cover a broad range of topics including information on administration, strategic planning, leadership, curricular integration, and professional development....

<<<  A Year Inside the Beltway: Making Economic Policy in Washington. ...             Opera philologica minora (Античная литература. Языкознание). Ю. В. ... >>>

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Sentimental Materialism: Gender, Commodity Culture, and Nineteenth-Century American Literature (New Americanists). Lori Merish . Книги.

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