A Year Inside the Beltway: Making Economic Policy in Washington

Sue Headlee

  A Year Inside the Beltway: Making Economic Policy in Washington  Sue Headlee  American domestic and international economic policymaking is a sometimes bewildering mixture of economic expertise and political interests. Headlee elucidates the pivotal debates of the 2000-2001 economic policymaking cycle by walking readers through themajor institutions and introducing the key actors involved. A domestic policy section starts with a chapter on the state of the U.S. economy, followed by chapters on making fiscal policy, monetary policy, and labor policy. Each of these chapters on making policy is illustrated by case studies on Social Security reform, the Federal Reserve as financial crisis manager, and women and the economy. The international policy section starts with a chapter on the state of the global economy, followed by chapters on making trade policy, international monetary and financial policy at the U.S. Treasury, reforming the IMF, and the economic development of China. A useful introduction to the ins and outs of beltway policymaking for students of...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин American domestic and international economic policymaking is a sometimes bewildering mixture of economic expertise and political interests. Headlee elucidates the pivotal debates of the 2000-2001 economic policymaking cycle by walking readers through themajor institutions and introducing the key actors involved. A domestic policy section starts with a chapter on the state of the U.S. economy, followed by chapters on making fiscal policy, monetary policy, and labor policy. Each of these chapters on making policy is illustrated by case studies on Social Security reform, the Federal Reserve as financial crisis manager, and women and the economy. The international policy section starts with a chapter on the state of the global economy, followed by chapters on making trade policy, international monetary and financial policy at the U.S. Treasury, reforming the IMF, and the economic development of China. A useful introduction to the ins and outs of beltway policymaking for students of......

How to Get the Most Out of Business

B. C. Forbes

  How to Get the Most Out of Business  B. C. Forbes  1927. This book, drawn largely from intimate contact with nationally-known men of affairs, offers suggestions on how to get the most out of business. The 1927. This book, drawn largely from intimate contact with nationally-known men of affairs, offers suggestions on how to get the most out of business. The "most" what? What you really want to get. What is that? Money? Yes and No. Happiness? YES! For do not you and I desire money solely because we believe it will increase our happiness? Material success is not true-blue success unless it brings mental success. Too often financial success is pursued at the cost of mental success. An enthusiastic, joyful, vigorous, zestful life is not incompatible with financial success. It makes, rather, for financial success if the right signposts are followed. This book draws attention to these signposts....

Reinventing the Workplace

Russell Cropanzano

  Reinventing the Workplace  Russell Cropanzano  At the beginning of the 1990s over 60 per cent of the working population was in 'white collar' employment and approximately two thirds of this number were direct users of information technology to enhance their working practices. The 'salaried clerk' working in a routine, repetitive nine to five job, has been succeeded by the flexible, independent, innovative 'knowledge worker'. The place of work, its location, use, character, quality and management are changing but can and will the property, management, and design professions reappraise themselves to meet the challenge? Reinventing the Workplace stems from a seminar held at the Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, The University of York, on trends in workplace organization, design and utilization. The book articulates the organizational and technological developments that are influencing the procurement, layout, and management of the workplace, through case studies and reflections on practice by leading...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин At the beginning of the 1990s over 60 per cent of the working population was in 'white collar' employment and approximately two thirds of this number were direct users of information technology to enhance their working practices. The 'salaried clerk' working in a routine, repetitive nine to five job, has been succeeded by the flexible, independent, innovative 'knowledge worker'. The place of work, its location, use, character, quality and management are changing but can and will the property, management, and design professions reappraise themselves to meet the challenge? Reinventing the Workplace stems from a seminar held at the Institute of Advanced Architectural Studies, The University of York, on trends in workplace organization, design and utilization. The book articulates the organizational and technological developments that are influencing the procurement, layout, and management of the workplace, through case studies and reflections on practice by leading......

Understanding American Business Jargon

W. Davis Folsom

  Understanding American Business Jargon  W. Davis Folsom  In the 1990s, the American workplace is undergoing right-sizing, restructuring, downsizing, empowerment, and paradigm shifts! In other words, fewer people are attempting to do more tasks. Business buzzwords help convey ideas, issues, or responses. Business jargon is communication shorthand, but people need to correctly interpret this shorthand, which requires a common understanding. American business people too frequently assume new individuals in their organization and their professional counterparts around the world understand business jargon. This book is a practical reference for students, managers, and international business people trying to comprehend the fast-paced buzzword-laden language used by business people in the United States.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин In the 1990s, the American workplace is undergoing right-sizing, restructuring, downsizing, empowerment, and paradigm shifts! In other words, fewer people are attempting to do more tasks. Business buzzwords help convey ideas, issues, or responses. Business jargon is communication shorthand, but people need to correctly interpret this shorthand, which requires a common understanding. American business people too frequently assume new individuals in their organization and their professional counterparts around the world understand business jargon. This book is a practical reference for students, managers, and international business people trying to comprehend the fast-paced buzzword-laden language used by business people in the United States....

On Becoming a Cosmetology Teacher: A Training Manual for Instructors of Cosmetology

James K. Nighswander, A. Dan Whitley

  On Becoming a Cosmetology Teacher: A Training Manual for Instructors of Cosmetology  James K. Nighswander, A. Dan Whitley  This unique book provides cosmetology teachers and student-teachers with an applied approach to effective teaching, based on the principles of educational psychology and methods of instruction.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин This unique book provides cosmetology teachers and student-teachers with an applied approach to effective teaching, based on the principles of educational psychology and methods of instruction....

<<<  Русско-арабский тематический словарь-разговорник. В. А. Костин             Opera philologica minora (Античная литература. Языкознание). Ю. В. ... >>>

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A Year Inside the Beltway: Making Economic Policy in Washington. Sue Headlee . Книги.

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