Ultimate Book of Business Forms

Michael Spadaccini

  Ultimate Book of Business Forms  Michael Spadaccini  Tired of reinventing everyday business documents? Now there's an easier way. From hiring the right people, to selling your products or services, 199 up-to-date business forms help you administer activities accurately and consistently. Such written agreements prevent misunderstandings and reduce potential liabilities, while saving you time and money. These highly effective forms are all available on CD-ROM, ready to adapt specifically to your business. Applicable across many industries and easily customizable to the particular needs of your business, these are tools and forms to: Select the best employees Achieve 100% safe inventory Get paid for your products and services Control business operations to generate a profit Streamline and control purchasing Maintain consistent personnel policies and records Minimize liability when terminating employees Standardize business operations Generate financial records Increase...  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Tired of reinventing everyday business documents? Now there's an easier way. From hiring the right people, to selling your products or services, 199 up-to-date business forms help you administer activities accurately and consistently. Such written agreements prevent misunderstandings and reduce potential liabilities, while saving you time and money. These highly effective forms are all available on CD-ROM, ready to adapt specifically to your business. Applicable across many industries and easily customizable to the particular needs of your business, these are tools and forms to: Select the best employees Achieve 100% safe inventory Get paid for your products and services Control business operations to generate a profit Streamline and control purchasing Maintain consistent personnel policies and records Minimize liability when terminating employees Standardize business operations Generate financial records Increase......

Advances in Network and Distributed Systems Security

Bart De Decker, Frank Piessens, Jan Smits, Els Van Herreweghen, Els Van Herreweghen

  Advances in Network and Distributed Systems Security  Bart De Decker, Frank Piessens, Jan Smits, Els Van Herreweghen, Els Van Herreweghen  The more our society relies on electronic forms of communication, the more the security of these communication networks is essential for its well-functioning. As a consequence, research on methods and techniques to improve network security is extremely important. Topics in this volume include the latest developments in: + Security protocols; + Secure software engineering; + Mobile agent security; + E-commerce security; + Security for distributed computing. Advances in Network and Distributed Systems Security contains the proceedings of the First International Working Conference on Network Security (I-NetSec 01), which was sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), and held in Leuven, Belgium inNovember 2001. This volume will be essential for researchers and practitioners working in this fascinating and fast-evolving field.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The more our society relies on electronic forms of communication, the more the security of these communication networks is essential for its well-functioning. As a consequence, research on methods and techniques to improve network security is extremely important. Topics in this volume include the latest developments in: + Security protocols; + Secure software engineering; + Mobile agent security; + E-commerce security; + Security for distributed computing. Advances in Network and Distributed Systems Security contains the proceedings of the First International Working Conference on Network Security (I-NetSec 01), which was sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), and held in Leuven, Belgium inNovember 2001. This volume will be essential for researchers and practitioners working in this fascinating and fast-evolving field....

Genetic Programming : An Introduction : On the Automatic Evolution of Computer Programs and Its Applications

Wolfgang Banzhaf, Peter Nordin, Robert E. Keller, Frank D. Francone

  Genetic Programming : An Introduction : On the Automatic Evolution of Computer Programs and Its Applications  Wolfgang Banzhaf, Peter Nordin, Robert E. Keller, Frank D. Francone  Since the early 1990s, genetic programming (GP)—a discipline whose goal is to enable the automatic generation of computer programs—has emerged as one of the most promising paradigms for fast, productive software development. GP combines biological metaphors gleaned from Darwin's theory of evolution with computer-science approaches drawn from the field of machine learning to create programs that are capable of adapting or recreating themselves for open-ended tasks. This unique introduction to GP provides a detailed overview of the subject and its antecedents, with extensive references to the published and online literature. In addition to explaining the fundamental theory and important algorithms, the text includes practical discussions covering a wealth of potential applications and real-world implementation techniques. Software professionals needing to understand and apply GP concepts will find this book an invaluable practical and theoretical guide.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Since the early 1990s, genetic programming (GP)—a discipline whose goal is to enable the automatic generation of computer programs—has emerged as one of the most promising paradigms for fast, productive software development. GP combines biological metaphors gleaned from Darwin's theory of evolution with computer-science approaches drawn from the field of machine learning to create programs that are capable of adapting or recreating themselves for open-ended tasks. This unique introduction to GP provides a detailed overview of the subject and its antecedents, with extensive references to the published and online literature. In addition to explaining the fundamental theory and important algorithms, the text includes practical discussions covering a wealth of potential applications and real-world implementation techniques. Software professionals needing to understand and apply GP concepts will find this book an invaluable practical and theoretical guide....

Generation Икс

Дуглас Коупленд

  Generation Икс  Дуглас Коупленд  АСТ, Ермак.   Альтернатива.   АСТ, Ермак. Альтернатива. "Мы живем незаметной жизнью на периферии; мы стали маргиналами - и существует масса вещей, в которых мы решили не участвовать. Мы хотели тишины - и обрели эту тишину. Мы приехали сюда, покрытые ранами и болячками, с кишками, закрученными в узлы, и уже думали, что когда-нибудь нам удастся опорожнить кишечник. Наши организмы, пропитанные запахом копировальных машин, детского крема и гербовой бумаги, взбунтовались из-за бесконечного стресса, рожденного бессмысленной работой, которую мы выполняли неохотно и за которую нас никто не благодарил. Нами владели силы, вынуждавшие нас глотать успокоительное и считать, что поход в магазин - это уже творчество, а взятых видеофильмов достаточно для счастья. Но теперь, когда мы поселились здесь, в пустыне, все стало много, много лучше"....

Windows XP. Краткие инструкции для новичков

М. С. Рамзаев

  Windows XP. Краткие инструкции для новичков  М. С. Рамзаев  Аквариум-Принт, Дом печати - Вятка.   Компьютер для начинающих.   Windows XP отличается от более ранних версий практически во всем. Эта операционная система позволяет запускать большее количество программ одновременно, при этом программы работают с максимальной скоростью. Windows ХР надежна и устойчива, достигнут, максимально возможный уровень совместимости с другими программами. Средства ХР позволяют значительно упростить работу на компьютере. Эта книга поможет начинающему пользователю освоить последнюю операционную систему Microsoft, а тем, кто знаком с предыдущими версиями Windows, расскажет о новых возможностях Windows ХР.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Аквариум-Принт, Дом печати - Вятка. Компьютер для начинающих. Windows XP отличается от более ранних версий практически во всем. Эта операционная система позволяет запускать большее количество программ одновременно, при этом программы работают с максимальной скоростью. Windows ХР надежна и устойчива, достигнут, максимально возможный уровень совместимости с другими программами. Средства ХР позволяют значительно упростить работу на компьютере. Эта книга поможет начинающему пользователю освоить последнюю операционную систему Microsoft, а тем, кто знаком с предыдущими версиями Windows, расскажет о новых возможностях Windows ХР....

<<<  Keeping Good Company: A Study of Corporate Governance in Five Countries. ...             Opera philologica minora (Античная литература. Языкознание). Ю. В. ... >>>

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Ultimate Book of Business Forms. Michael Spadaccini . Книги.

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