Keeping Good Company: A Study of Corporate Governance in Five Countries

Jonathan Charkham

  Keeping Good Company: A Study of Corporate Governance in Five Countries  Jonathan Charkham  Corporate governance, the role played by the board of directors, has changed dramatically in recent years, as boards become more assertive in their watchdog function. In Keeping Good Company, Jonathan Charkham--whom The Financial Times of London recentlydubbed Corporate governance, the role played by the board of directors, has changed dramatically in recent years, as boards become more assertive in their watchdog function. In Keeping Good Company, Jonathan Charkham--whom The Financial Times of London recentlydubbed "Mr. Corporate Governance"--provides an insightful comparative study of corporate governance in five major industrial powers: Japan, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Charkham points out that the best systems seem to be collegial in style, and that contrary to the saying that the best committees are committees of one, group management is actually the most efficient way of running a large and complex operation. This book brilliantly demonstrates that a sound framework for the exercise of corporate power is an economic necessity. It will be essential reading for all top executives, especially those working for multinational corporations....

Niche Marketing for Writers, Speakers, and Entrepreneurs: How to Make Yourself Indispensable, Slightly Immortal, and Lifelong Rich in 18 Months!

Gordon Burgett

  Niche Marketing for Writers, Speakers, and Entrepreneurs: How to Make Yourself Indispensable, Slightly Immortal, and Lifelong Rich in 18 Months!  Gordon Burgett  How to Make Yourself Indispensable, Slightly Immortal, and Lifelong Rich in 18 Months! On the surface it looks simple: writers write something, speakers speak something, they fit it into a niche market, everybody's happy, and the doer gets rich! Alas, niche marketing is a process, not a panacea: it's a thought pattern carried to completion. A path that can lead to financial, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual fulfillment all at the same time. Gordon Burgett's purpose in his book is to put you on that path in one easy step ready so you can become the creator of your own wealth and ruler of your own reign, wanted and sought while you help build a better world! Some of the concept comes form two of his earlier books, Empire-Building By Writing And Speaking and Publishing To Niche Markets, where How to Make Yourself Indispensable, Slightly Immortal, and Lifelong Rich in 18 Months! On the surface it looks simple: writers write something, speakers speak something, they fit it into a niche market, everybody's happy, and the doer gets rich! Alas, niche marketing is a process, not a panacea: it's a thought pattern carried to completion. A path that can lead to financial, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual fulfillment all at the same time. Gordon Burgett's purpose in his book is to put you on that path in one easy step ready so you can become the creator of your own wealth and ruler of your own reign, wanted and sought while you help build a better world! Some of the concept comes form two of his earlier books, Empire-Building By Writing And Speaking and Publishing To Niche Markets, where "core development," "topic-spoking," and TCE are first seen. Unique to these pages is the definition and development of niche marketing itself and how it......

Real People Working in Government (On the Job Series)

Blythe Camenson

  Real People Working in Government (On the Job Series)  Blythe Camenson  On The Job Series (Real People Working in…) Dozens of firsthand interviews with real-world practitioners are combined with the latest statistics on the hottest career areas. The result is a reader-friendly series that's ideal for those who want s clear picture of the challenges and rewards to be found in each job. Lively icons and graphics make it easy to find essential information at a glance. DETAILED CAREER INFORMATION Allows job-seekers to make informed choices and learn in-depth information about a specific career—from salary levels to job statistics to necessary education. JOB OVERVIEWS Give readers a detailed look at particular jobs available in respective fields. USER-FRIENDLY DESIGN Encourages readers to pinpoint the sections most useful to them and then read on to find out more.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин On The Job Series (Real People Working in…) Dozens of firsthand interviews with real-world practitioners are combined with the latest statistics on the hottest career areas. The result is a reader-friendly series that's ideal for those who want s clear picture of the challenges and rewards to be found in each job. Lively icons and graphics make it easy to find essential information at a glance. DETAILED CAREER INFORMATION Allows job-seekers to make informed choices and learn in-depth information about a specific career—from salary levels to job statistics to necessary education. JOB OVERVIEWS Give readers a detailed look at particular jobs available in respective fields. USER-FRIENDLY DESIGN Encourages readers to pinpoint the sections most useful to them and then read on to find out more....

Newnes Guide to Digital TV

  Newnes Guide to Digital TV  The second edition has been updated with all the key developments of the past three years, and includes new and expanded sections on digital video interfaces, DSP, DVD, video servers, automation systems, HDTV, 8-VSB modulation and the ATSC system. Richard Brice has worked as a senior design engineer in several of Europe's top broadcast equipment companies and has his own music production company. * A uniquely concise and readable guide to the technology of digital television * New edition includes more information on HDTV (high definition) and ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committe) - the body that drew up the standards for Digital Television in the U.S. * Written by an engineer for engineers, technicians and technical staff  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The second edition has been updated with all the key developments of the past three years, and includes new and expanded sections on digital video interfaces, DSP, DVD, video servers, automation systems, HDTV, 8-VSB modulation and the ATSC system. Richard Brice has worked as a senior design engineer in several of Europe's top broadcast equipment companies and has his own music production company. * A uniquely concise and readable guide to the technology of digital television * New edition includes more information on HDTV (high definition) and ATSC (Advanced Television Systems Committe) - the body that drew up the standards for Digital Television in the U.S. * Written by an engineer for engineers, technicians and technical staff...

Engines that Move Markets: Technology Investing from Railroads to the Internet and Beyond

Alasdair Nairn

  Engines that Move Markets: Technology Investing from Railroads to the Internet and Beyond  Alasdair Nairn  "An intriguing study of the psychology and market dynamics underlying technology-based stock market manias." ?Barry Riley, Financial Times "Engines That Move Markets is an insightful study into the history of technology and the lessons it has taught us. This book reveals in detail how technology has changed our economy, our markets, our society and the world we live in. Sandy Nairn has combined his talents as a scholar, analyst and investor to guide us through the past and help us understand where the future has yet to lead us." ?Thomas L. Hansberger, CFA, President & CEO Hansberger Global Investors, Inc. FIND THE MOST LUCRATIVE MARKETS OF THE FUTURE BY LOOKING TO THE PAST Some of the biggest technologicalinnovations in the world have followed similar market and social patterns?skepticism is replaced by enthusiasm; venture capital is supplied; many companies are started and their stocks rise. But as the technology is developed and......

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Keeping Good Company: A Study of Corporate Governance in Five Countries. Jonathan Charkham . Книги.

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