
Сергей Зверев

  Антидиверсанты  Сергей Зверев  Эксмо.   Спецназ ВДВ.   Руководство российской разведки получило информацию о том, что на секретном полигоне должна появиться диверсионная группа США. Американцы намерены добыть там некие компоненты для испытаний своего нового сверхмощного оружия. Эксмо. Спецназ ВДВ. Руководство российской разведки получило информацию о том, что на секретном полигоне должна появиться диверсионная группа США. Американцы намерены добыть там некие компоненты для испытаний своего нового сверхмощного оружия. "Встречать" незваных гостей отправился отряд спецназа ВДВ под командованием майора Митина. Воевать с превосходящими силами противника тяжело даже на своей территории, но загнать его в заранее устроенную ловушку намного проще. Хотя это только кажется, что проще......

Thunderbolts, Vol. 2: Caged Angels

Warren Ellis

  Thunderbolts, Vol. 2: Caged Angels  Warren Ellis  Marvel Comics.   The Thunderbolts' wild ride continues as Thunderbolts Mountain is being used as temporary incarceration for captured superhuman combatants. With so many super-powered people in one place, how can things possibly go wrong? Plus: Songbird. Moonstone. The two longest-serving members of the Thunderbolts, but that's practically all they have in common. Songbird has vowed not to let Moonstone corrupt her team, while Moonstone schemes to kill Songbird in the field. Follow the pair of heroes as they head inexorably toward confrontation - on a collision course that may tear the Thunderbolts apart! And finally, the Thunderbolts work for the American government - but the Radioactive Man and the Swordsman are foreign citizens. When a mission goes against the interests of their home countries, where will their loyalties lie with their team, their homeland...or themselves? Collects Thunderbolts #116-121.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Marvel Comics. The Thunderbolts' wild ride continues as Thunderbolts Mountain is being used as temporary incarceration for captured superhuman combatants. With so many super-powered people in one place, how can things possibly go wrong? Plus: Songbird. Moonstone. The two longest-serving members of the Thunderbolts, but that's practically all they have in common. Songbird has vowed not to let Moonstone corrupt her team, while Moonstone schemes to kill Songbird in the field. Follow the pair of heroes as they head inexorably toward confrontation - on a collision course that may tear the Thunderbolts apart! And finally, the Thunderbolts work for the American government - but the Radioactive Man and the Swordsman are foreign citizens. When a mission goes against the interests of their home countries, where will their loyalties lie with their team, their homeland...or themselves? Collects Thunderbolts #116-121....

Azerbaijan Business Intelligence Report (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Azerbaijan Business Intelligence Report (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Azerbaijan Business Intelligence Report  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Azerbaijan Business Intelligence Report...

Central African Republic Investment and Business Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)

Ibp Usa

  Central African Republic Investment and Business Guide (World Strategic and Business Information Library)  Ibp Usa  Central African Republic Investment and Business Guide  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Central African Republic Investment and Business Guide...

Web Design Index 8 (Agile Rabbit Editions)

  Web Design Index 8 (Agile Rabbit Editions)  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин ...

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Антидиверсанты. Сергей Зверев . Книги.

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