Ярослав Гашек. Собрание сочинений в 6 томах. том 6

Ярослав Гашек

  Ярослав Гашек. Собрание сочинений в 6 томах. том 6  Ярослав Гашек  Художественная литература. Москва.   Ярослав Гашек.Собрание сочинений в шести томах.   Ярослав Гашек. Собрание сочинений в 6 томах. том 6.   Издание 1985года. Сохранность хорошая. В шестой том вошли вторая, третья и четвертая (незаконченная) части прославленного романа Я.Гашека Художественная литература. Москва. Ярослав Гашек.Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Ярослав Гашек. Собрание сочинений в 6 томах. том 6. Издание 1985года. Сохранность хорошая. В шестой том вошли вторая, третья и четвертая (незаконченная) части прославленного романа Я.Гашека "Похождения бравого солдата Швейка во время мировой войны" (1921-1923)....

Investments and Taxes: A Practical Guide for Financial Advisors

Seth Hammer

  Investments and Taxes: A Practical Guide for Financial Advisors  Seth Hammer  Designed for financial advisors, Investments and Taxes describes the tax issues associated with different investment vehicles and explains how an advisor can maximize a client's after-tax returns. Specific topics covered in the book include: -- Tax strategies with stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, annuities, and derivatives -- Using charitable contributions, college funding, retirement funding, and estate planning to lower taxes. -- Asset allocation and taxation -- Balancing tax-deferred and taxable accounts  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Designed for financial advisors, Investments and Taxes describes the tax issues associated with different investment vehicles and explains how an advisor can maximize a client's after-tax returns. Specific topics covered in the book include: -- Tax strategies with stocks, bonds, real estate, mutual funds, annuities, and derivatives -- Using charitable contributions, college funding, retirement funding, and estate planning to lower taxes. -- Asset allocation and taxation -- Balancing tax-deferred and taxable accounts...

Zambelli: The First Family of Fireworks : A Story of Global Success

Gianni DeVincent Hayes

  Zambelli: The First Family of Fireworks : A Story of Global Success  Gianni DeVincent Hayes  The story of the Zambelli family, the world's largest manufacturer and exhibitor of fireworks, unfolds in this biography about an Italian family that came to America in search of a better life and, through hard work and determination, achieved extraordinary success in the pyrotechnic industry. The Zambellis have been in charge of some of the largest and most prestigious firework displays and have contributed to more than 100 years of Fourth of July celebrations. The moving stories behind the family and their business are intertwined with information about how and where fireworks are made, what goes on behind the scenes at a fireworks show, and what bigger and brighter fireworks will ignite the future.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин The story of the Zambelli family, the world's largest manufacturer and exhibitor of fireworks, unfolds in this biography about an Italian family that came to America in search of a better life and, through hard work and determination, achieved extraordinary success in the pyrotechnic industry. The Zambellis have been in charge of some of the largest and most prestigious firework displays and have contributed to more than 100 years of Fourth of July celebrations. The moving stories behind the family and their business are intertwined with information about how and where fireworks are made, what goes on behind the scenes at a fireworks show, and what bigger and brighter fireworks will ignite the future....

Good Sense Counselor Training Workshop Participant's Guide & Manual

Dick Towner

  Good Sense Counselor Training Workshop Participant's Guide & Manual  Dick Towner  Grace. Joy. Freedom. This is a field tested, proven resource for changing hearts and lives in the area of finances.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Grace. Joy. Freedom. This is a field tested, proven resource for changing hearts and lives in the area of finances....

Why Companies Fail: Strategies for Detecting, Avoiding, and Profiting from Bankruptcy

Harlan D. Platt

  Why Companies Fail: Strategies for Detecting, Avoiding, and Profiting from Bankruptcy  Harlan D. Platt  Beard Books.   A business fails every hour of every day in the United States. Why? What kinds of problems have these businesses run into? And what steps can corporate executives and managers take to avoid the same fate for their own companies? Why Companies Fail answers these questions and more, in a straightforward presentation of the causes of business failure and the strategies for steering a troubled company away from the threat of bankruptcy and liquidation. Author Harlan D.Platt identifies five major financial traps that can lead to failure, and illustrates each trap with actual cases of well-known companies, including Wickes, W.T.Grant, and Braniff. Dr. Platt offers distressed companies hope, too, with examples of asset, liability, and corporate maneuvers that can help guide failing businesses to firmer ground.  книги, книжный магазин, интернет-магазин Beard Books. A business fails every hour of every day in the United States. Why? What kinds of problems have these businesses run into? And what steps can corporate executives and managers take to avoid the same fate for their own companies? Why Companies Fail answers these questions and more, in a straightforward presentation of the causes of business failure and the strategies for steering a troubled company away from the threat of bankruptcy and liquidation. Author Harlan D.Platt identifies five major financial traps that can lead to failure, and illustrates each trap with actual cases of well-known companies, including Wickes, W.T.Grant, and Braniff. Dr. Platt offers distressed companies hope, too, with examples of asset, liability, and corporate maneuvers that can help guide failing businesses to firmer ground....

<<<  Проблемы источниковедения и историографии. Материалы II научных чтений памяти ...             The Associates: Four Capitalists Who Created California (Enterprise). ... >>>

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Ярослав Гашек. Собрание сочинений в 6 томах. том 6. Ярослав Гашек . Книги.

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